Chapter 5: Tuesday, 6 Days

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Tuesday, 6 Days

Mr. Sato sent me home early after I told him I was sick, I told him just before he was about to tell Emo and I off.

Because earlier in the day I had told him I wasn't feeling so good, he believed me. I must of looked pretty pale too or something, because it wasn't too hard to convince him. Truth be told I was feeling pretty nauseous. My head was spinning at a million miles per second.

So lets map out the freaky things these past two days.

-Message/music on iPod.

-Jam container.



Well isn't that all neat and organised, two things per day. Unless there's another freak around the corner of my street. Or freakier yet, in my bedroom.

I'm probably gonna jinx myself now, idiot.

Finding out who Pat was and why he is stalking me, is one of my newest priorities. Along with having a little chat with Sam. And asking Emo why he went chameleon on me.

What I really need right now is something for this headache and a nice relaxing early night. No stuff the early night, I wanna watch T.V. and gorge myself on fatty foods.

I slot my key into the door and jiggled it. This stupid lock jammed about as often as I breathed. I abandoned the lock and started pushing at the door. Well I'm stuffed. This thing is as stiff as hell.

Circling the house I searched for an open window, and then I saw it. The second floor window was open. Way above my head.

"Well, that helps." I muttered to myself. I tried kicking the house wall. Word of advice, kicking a wall doesn't achieve much, other than giving you a stuffed toe. I could call my parents and tell them to come home and let me in, but that would defeat all and any chance I had of pigging out with the T.V.

Yelping I clutched my foot, hopping to regain balance. I muttered some very exciting and colourful words that would send Layla to tears.

Stomping back around to the front door I stared at it angrily. It was times like this that I wished my house didn't have a door.

I proceeded to kick the door lightly, maybe I'd get someone's attention from inside. Oh, yeah wait no one's home yet.

"Unlock or die you stupid door!" I hissed at the stubborn piece of wood. Then, like magic, it opened. Ever since I could remember, this door squeaked upon opening. I didn't hear a sound.

"Hey!...Anyone home?"

No one was behind the door, then hypothetically, no one opened it, so... why was it open? Creepy. Well, at least its another thing to add to my list. Maybe there will be another creep in my room after all.

I cautiously stepped into my house and started inspecting the door why-no how, did it open? Was I missing something here? Probably. Most definitely.

The weathered floorboards creaked eerily as it grudgingly accepted the new pressure. I made my squeaky way to the stairs , climbing slowly and quietly.


No reply. Duh, no one was supposed to be home right now! I shook my head and reached for my white door. It opened creakily. I really need to get some more of that WD40 grease thing on this. Stuff my door,I needed to get WD40 on almost everything in my house. Walking over to my bed I threw my bag on it and headed to my desk.

I back tracked quickly and slammed my door shut. I wasn't as keen as I was before to go sit down stairs in the lounge room. The lounge room with lots of hiding spots where what ever opened the door could hide.

I shook my head and powered up my laptop. I then checked my emails. Not that many people had my email, so I knew there wouldn't be a lot to read. It was mainly just my mum, dad and Sam who had my email.

I had five new emails. One from my mum, one from the principal of St. Louise, one from Sam and two from a mystery sender. Not the mystery sender who sent the 'Grace has ~7~ days' thingy. Who, now that I think about it, that was probably Emo. I should really confront that guy about his issues. This however was just a new emailer.

I opened my mums first, remembering the little 'talk' she gave me about ignoring her emails.

From: To:

Hi Gracie!

It's mum! We are all going to meet some of your daddy's colleagues at the Sand Bar restaurant tonight, so get ready! Dress nicely, remember there's no kiddy playground!

My mum seriously still thinks I look forward to restaurant playgrounds. I am 17. I replied with,

Yes Mum.

I clicked the next email, which was from the principal.

From: @To:


St. Louise has a request that we are informed of where all of our students are at all times. We are aware that Mr. Sato sent you home, but would just like to inform you that you may not leave school without permission and may not miss school without a note from your Parents/Guardians.

From Mr. Dayp

Head Principal of St. Louise high school.

No replies there, besides, this system doesn't really work any way. Only half of the students at St. Louise actually arrive every morning. Next email was from Sam.

From: To:

Hi Grace. Email me when u get home.

I replied with,

Can't b bothered replying.

Then I moved onto the two mysterious new ones. Probably a spamming company wanting me to try their new board rash cream or something.

From: To:

Hi Grace, its Pat. Nice 2 meet u, u probably hav alot of questions. Email me when u get home.

The second thing he wrote was:

Sam and i really need 2 talk 2 u.

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