Cloud Strife: A Sorrowful Soldier

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Your pov:

You were making your way to Tifa's bar, seventh heaven. Usually you come to visit Denzel and Marlene every week end. You walk through the door, bell ringing as you do, and look over to see Tifa on the phone. Staying by the door I wait for her to finish her conversation. "Cloud! Come home already....." Tifa says into the phone. Sighing you head back outside deciding to come back later when she was done scolding cloud. You walk Down the streets of Midgar thinking of how you and cloud used to be the best of friends.... How he promised to stay by your side no matter what happened.... But he didn't keep that promise...... One day everything changed.... He changed.... He began to give you cold looks and ignore you when you tried to speak to him.....shortly after your parents were killed leaving you even more lonely..... You're snapped from your thoughts and flashbacks when you feel something wet hit your face.... Looking towards the sky you see the sky had begun to cry.... As if it felt your pain and was shedding tears for you.... Smiling lightly you continue to look towards the heavens loving the feel of the rain on your skin. "Well well well.... What's a pretty lady like you doing out here?" An unfamiliar voice calls from behind you. Turning around alarmed you see a man with shoulder length silver hair in a leather outfit staring at you with a hidden look in his... Eyes.... Those eyes.... Those painfully familiar eyes.... Ones you used to look towards to for guidance.... Sephiroths.... Taking a step back someone grabs you from behind pinning your arms to your sides. Shocked you look behind you to see a large muscular man smirking at your fearful expression. He had the same eyes and hair color as the one that's In front of you only cut shorter and cropped. Squirming in his grasp you try to free yourself and make a run for it but he just laughs and gets a tighter hold on you making you gasp when you feel your airways squeezed. He loosens his grip making you gasp heavily finally able to breath. Looking up you look back to the one in front of you to see him smiling innocently but his eyes told a different story. "Kadaj....." A new voice calls out driving your attention to another male who looked like the others but had the longest hair of the three but he held a calm demeanor. Walking forward slightly he asks "when will big brother get here with mother?" Laughing Kadaj says "oh! He'll be here shortly! Because we have the thing he treasures most." Looking at you, eyes glinting with mischief. Gulping you look to the ground shaking slightly as Kadaj began to walk towards you silently..... You felt your Heart beat faster and faster in fear as he grew closer..... Suddenly you feel someone grab your chin and force you to look up at them. Kadaj smiles at you and leans forward so your foreheads were touching. Looking him in the eye fearfully you manage to whisper "why.....?" Chuckling Kadaj leans over slightly and whispers into your ear "because.... You're the key for getting big brother here faster....." You look down to the ground once he leans away and think silently to yourself "key.... Big brother.....?"


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Cloud's pov:
I sigh as I pull up beside seventh heaven on Fenrir. Stopping I hop off and make my way inside silently. Opening the door the bell rings slightly and Tifa comes out the back to see it was me. Making eye contact I see anger and worry in her eyes. "Cloud...." She mutters. "I'm here.... What do you want?" I ask quietly. Sighing she says "for you to stay home...." Looking away I spot a clock on a nearby wall and see the time. "(F/N) comes by at this time doesn't she?" I ask not looking at Tifa. "Yeah......" I hear Tifa say walking over to me. Stopping beside me she murmurs worried "she's never late....." Suddenly I feel the geostigma on my left arm act up causing me to gasp. Clutching my arm I slouch slightly not hearing Tifa's worried yells. I start to see visions.... One of (F/N) walking down the streets.... Another of Kadaj and his gang riding into Midgar.... And the final one.... Was of Kadaj leaning his forehead against (F/N) her eyes filled with fear as she was held in a tight grip by Loz..... Snapping back into reality I run out of the bar ad onto Fenrir racing away ignoring Tifa's calls. I ignore the pain caused by the geostigma and continue forward.... I've gotta save her.... All those times I ignored her.... Looked at her coldly... It was only because I was to much of a coward to tell her how I had begun to feel around her.... Growling slightly I turn right onto the street where they had her.... My love.... Looking forward I see her unconscious in Loz's arms bridal style. Glaring I slow to a stop and climb off of Fenrir walking forward and stand in front of Kadaj as he looks at me evilly. "So big brother..... You came to save her did you?" Kadaj laughs looking at (F/N) lust in his eyes. Glaring harder I say coldly "let her go.... She hasn't done anything...." Kadaj turns back to look at me and smirking says "not just yet.... I can see why you adore her so much.... She is a beautiful woman....." Growling I say "let.... Her.... Go...." Chuckling Kadaj says "we'll give her back if you give us back mother!" "I don't have her!" I yell reaching for my buster sword. "Well.... That's to bad.... Guess you didn't want to save her...." Kadaj says lifting his hand slightly giving Loz a signal. Laughing he throws (F/N) over the edge of the bridge we were on. Eyes widening I rush forward to be stopped by Yazoo and Loz. Looking at (F/N) I see her falling to the ground faster and faster..... Not caring if I got hit I jumped over the two off the bridge and towards (F/N) as she grew closer and closer to the ground. Grabbing her hand I pull her up and turn so I was underneath her as we fell to the ground. I held her tightly to my chest and look up to see Kadaj looking down at me face holding a smirk. Glancing down at (F/N) I see her eyes starting to flutter open.

Your pov:

You feel your eyes flutter open to see cloud underneath you as you grew closer and closer to the ground. Gasping you do something you haven't done since the battle with Sephiroth..... You release your pure white angel wings.... You see cloud look at you with shock as you grab his hands and with great struggle flap your wings harder to prevent you both from meeting your death by hitting the ground. Glancing up slightly you see those brothers looking down at you now shock and slight fear. Floating down you drop cloud onto his feet and fall to your knees wings aching greatly since you haven't used them in so long. You look up to see cloud kneeling down beside you placing an arm around your waist helping you stand. "Thank you..... Cloud...." You whisper not making eye contact with the one you love deeply but doesn't love you back. "Why thank me.... I haven't been there for you in so long.... And all because I couldn't tell what my feelings for you were......" Cloud whispers looking at you. You look up slowly to meet his mako infused eyes looking at you sorrowfully. "A-and what were t-those f-f-feelings?" You stutter blushing slightly as he started to lean closer. "This" cloud mutters eye closing before placing his warm soft lips onto yours. Eyes widening you slowly close your eyes and begin to kiss back putting as much passion as you could into the kiss to show how much you loved him. You feel cloud tilt his head slightly deepening the kiss even more. Suddenly you feel his tongue lick your bottom lip causing you to squeal and pull back blushing furiously. He just smirks and says "let's get you home you need some rest after your.... Eventful day." Smiling slightly you give him a kiss on the cheek and say "whatever you say my sorrowful soldier!" Giggling. Cloud glares at you slightly but smirks and picks you up bridal style making you shriek in surprise. Chuckling cloud whispers in your ear huskily "you shouldn't have said that." And begins to walk to your house you preparing for what was to come.

A/n: well hope you liked this chapter it's my first ever one shot so if it was shitty I deeply apologize. If you would like to request a character please due and I shall write~

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