Reno Sinclair: Savior

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Your pov:
You were walking to the bar seventh heaven to pick up a certain drunk red haired Turk. It was around midnight and Tifa had called you asking if you could take him home since rude was no where to be found. So now here you were trudging through a downpour of rain in only your pajamas which consisted of a tank top and gym shorts. Sighing you wipe some rain from your eyes and walk through the door to Tifa's bar the bell jingling as you did so. It had closed a little while ago but Reno was so hammered he couldn't even get out of his chair without falling over and throwing up. "Tifa!" You call out from the door way. "In here (F/N)!" She yelled from the upstairs. She runs down the stairs carrying a towel and walks over to you. "Sorry to call for you in this weather but I couldn't take Reno home myself I have to stay here with Marlene and Denzel" she tells me handing over the towel. "It's fine" you say placing the towel on your head and dragging it through your soaked (H/C). After drying yourself off a little you head upstairs wth Tifa to see the red haired drunk passed out in the floor beside a couch. "Reno" you groan and walk over to the drunk and steadily heave him over your shoulder grunting under the weight. "Thanks again (F/N) I owe you one" Tifa said helping you down stairs. "No problem Tifa" you grunt and shift Reno a little since you lost your grip on him. Heading to the door you say "what kinda Turk would I be if I couldn't handle something as simple as this" glancing back at Tifa with a smile before heading back out into the rain. Narrowing your eyes you begin to jog to your apartment since it was closer than Reno's and the weather was getting worse.

Time skip - brought to you by Reno's sense of humor~

You closed your apartment's door with your foot still having the Turk over your shoulder. Grunting you carefully make your way to your couch trying not to slip since you both were soaking wet and the rain water was dripping onto your hardwood floors. Once in front of your couch you heave the red head over your shoulder and onto the couch. Not even caring if he ruined it with rain water. Sighing you grab the blanket off the back of the couch and sling it over the passed out red head before you walk over to your bathroom and strip yourself of your wet clothes and turning the shower on hopping in washing away the aches and pains of lifting a large drunk Turk to your place which took you 20 minutes in that downpour.

Reno's pov:

'Ugh.... Why does my head hurt so bad?' 'Why does my body feel so heavy and sluggish?' I thought bringing a hand up to my head and carefully sit up a blanket sliding off as I felt my clothes cling to me soaked while feeling as if I were going to vomit any minute. Opening my eyes carefully I feel my senses begin to strengthen and take a look around. This wasn't my apartment..... Suddenly hearing a door open and close down the hallway beside me I turn my head over to see (F/N) in a towel hair dripping wet. Blushing I cough and lean over feeling like I was about to vomit. "Reno!" I hear the (H/C) beauty rush towards me something In hand. I feel a hand places on my shoulder and look up to be meet with eyes that somehow always manage to make me stop my actions and gaze into them all day. I began to find myself getting lost in the (E/C) of her eyes. Glancing down slightly I blush even worse when I see her towel beginning to slip. Looking away I ask "how did I end up here?" Placing a hand to my head again flinching when I felt it pound in pain. I hear her sigh and hear something placed In front of me. It was a trash can. "You got drunk at Tifa's bar and she called saying you needed help home but since it was storming so bad I brought you to my place" she said walking back into the bathroom. Looking over I wait for her to come back out hopefully still in the towel. After a few minutes she comes out wearing a long black t-shirt that went down to her mid thigh with a bottle of pills in hand. She walked over and handed them to me. "I'll get you some water to take with them" she told me before walking to her kitchen to get a glass of water. Making sure she didn't notice I bent my head down to see her legs a little better and blushes a bit when I saw (F/C) panties underneath her shirt. I smirk a little and lean back up opening the bottle and dumping out a few pills before closing the bottle. (F/N) came out of the kitchen a glass of water in hand and a small smile. Handing it to me I mutter a small thank you as I felt my head pound again and took the pills before handing back the empty glass to the beautiful woman in front of me. She sure was something..... "So why did Tifa call you and not rude?" I ask trying to strike up a conversation with the girl I managed to fall for. Shrugging she said "she actually did but he didn't answer so I was the alternative." Right after She said that a Big Bang came from outside making (F/N) jump. Chuckling I asked "your not scared of a storm are ya?" She just glares and shakes her head no making me smirk. The pain killers were taking affect and I was feeling a whole lot better. "Ah come on~ lighten up its ok to admit your scared of something~" I say cheekily to the girl beside me. She just pouts and looks away muttering curse words under her breath. "Got a colorful vocabulary there don't ya" I chuckle. "Whatever" she mutters before another bang goes off making her jump again but this time with a squeak. I laugh a little harder. That was just plain freaking adorable.

Your pov:

You glare at Reno as he laughed at you. You were hoping his hang over would last a little longer but you guess luck wasn't on your side. The fact your crush was laughing at you about your fear didn't make it any better. And after you helped his ass here when no One else did. "Shut up" you growl standing up making your way to your bedroom. "Come on don't be like that!" Reno shouted to you before getting up and following you. Eye twitching you ignore him and walk into your room making your way to your bed. Mentally scolding yourself for showing weakness in front of the one you loved. The fact he was a player to didn't help you at all. All those times he flirted with you, hugged you, was probably just some big scheme to get into your panties. You lay down on your bed and place a pillow onto your head trying to keep in the tears that threatened to fall. The fact you knew he will never love you for you hurt...... More than going on dangerous missions and getting beat to death by the enemy.... You feel the tears begin to fall and clutch the pillow over your head harder when you hear Reno enter the room. "(F/N)" Reno calls but you don't move. You just sniffle and bury your face into your bed even more trying to escape the awkward moment. You hear his footsteps approach the bed and stop before the pillow is suddenly yanked from your grasp making you look up in anger yelling "hey!" Reno just looks down at you. The smirk on his face disappears when he sees your tears. Frowning his eyebrows furrow and he ask "what's wrong?" Gritting your teeth you look away and bring a hand up trying to wipe away the tears when a hand grabs your wrist. Looking up alarmed you see Reno looking at you his usually bright eyes dull. He brings up his other hand and uses his thumb to wipe away the tears. Not having the guts to look him in the eye you look down making him clutch your wrist harder making you flinch. "Reno" you mutter trying to take your wrist away from his grasp but he keep a tight hold on you. "Do you love me?" He asked all of a sudden. You gasp and with wide eyes look up at him. He looks at you with sad eyes and ask again. "Do you love me?" His voice stern this time. Looking down you try to avoid the question but he grabs your chin forcing you to look up at the red head. "Answer the question (F/N)" he says looking at you eyes burning with anger. Biting your lip you nod hesitantly tears beginning to blur your vision. You didn't want him to find out. You knew he didn't feel the same you knew he was only playing yet you somehow fell for the playboy. It hurt.... It hurt knowing he'll never be yours.... Reno lets go of your face and wrist and you back away ashamed and allow the tears to fall more freely as you pulled your knees up to your chest burying your face in them as you cried. You feel the bed shift beside you but you don't look up you just keep crying. "(F/N)" Reno calls but you refuse to look up. "(F/N)" he calls again but still you don't look up you just keep your face buried into your knees. "(F/N)! Look at me!" Reno yells at you making you look up at him tears falling. He grabs your chin and forces your face to his and before you knew it he slammed his lips onto yours. Your eyes widen the tears falling more freely now. Why..... Why was he toying with you?! He knew your feelings yet he still acted this way! But..... His kiss..... It felt so passionate and full of.... Of love...... But did he.... Did he really love you? Reno pulls away and leans his forehead against yours. "R-Reno....." You call hesitantly eyes still wide and full of tears. He opens his eyes and looks at yours eyes dulling once he saw the state you were in. Lip quivering you ask "d-d-do you love me?..... Or is it all a g-game?" Tears continuing to fall. His eyes widen but soften and he brings his hands up wiping away your tears with his callused hands. "Yes.... Yes I love you, I always have, I always admired how strong you were, how you were able to smile in desperate situations, how your eyes always lit up when we talked about new missions or hanging out at a bar..... So don't..... Don't think it's all a game..... It never was some sick twisted game I love you and that's that, don't think I don't love you because I do, I really do....." Reno says tears starting to fill his eyes. He pulls you into a hug sobbing into your shoulder. Crying you bring up your arms and wrap them around him tightly..... You weren't ever going to let go..... Knowing he was yours and that he did love you brought tears of joy to your eyes..... Smiling you close your eyes letting the tears fall onto the red haired Turks clothing whispering "thank you...... My savior" referring to all the times he saved you on missions but also..... Also accepting who you were and leading you through the dark back into the light.

A/n: sorry you had to wait so long had writers block and wasn't sure what to write~ hope ya liked it. Please comment and vote! I don't own final fantasy or any of its characters. Bye~

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