Genesis Rhapsodos: A protective poet

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You were walking down the street reading LOVELESS.... that you borrowed from Genesis..... ok you kinda stole it while he was taking a shower so he would have noticed his most prized possession was gone any moment know. Looking up slightly you see that you had walked into the bad side of the city. "oh....shit" you whisper turning around quickly with intentions to head back into the safe side but..... you were FREAKING LOST!!!!! "GAH! I'm so stupid!!!" you shriek looking around for anything that seemed familiar in the slightest. "well well well....." you hear someone slur from behind you. turning around quickly, (h/c) hair flying, to see a group of men holding beer bottles start to surround you. you grasp the book LOVELESS tightly to your chest in fear..... you weren't strong.... there was no way you could hold off these guys if they came at you all together...... "hehehehe wah ya doin all da way out her' lil' lady?" the largest of the group asked stumbling forward to me. taking a step back you try to make an escape from the men but the soberest of the group grabs your arms pinning them to your side making you drop LOVELESS and stand still as their leader approached you. looking down you see they made you drop LOVELESS into a puddle. you feel tears begin to enter your eyes as you look to the book.... that was Genesis's most.... prized possession.... you feel the lustful stares of all the drunken men before you.... shivering you look up angrily as tears begin to fall. the men just laugh at you and the leader grabs your face in his large callused hands making you look him in the eye. your look of anger fades into fear as he leans forward. shutting your eyes tightly scared of what these men were going to do to you when you hear a familiar voice.... the voice of someone you have loved for so long... the very same one you tease all the time by taking his favorite book..... "release her at once if you do not wish for a horrible end" Genesis says walking from the shadows of a nearby alleyway face as cold as stone. he glances at you but you don't have the courage to look at him.... this was all your fault... you took his book, didn't pay attention to where you were going and got lost, got surrounded by lustful drunks and ruined his favorite book...... how would he think of you after this.....?


I was in my bathroom in my room in the SHINRA building taking a hot shower after training... though my mind was else where.... I was thinking about a certain (h/c) haired beauty.... she was truly a goddess sent to us from the heavens.... she could make me smile at the slightest thing.... I had always wondered my heart would beat faster when she was near.... why my stomach seemed to do flips when she smiled at me... why my cheeks would redden when she teased me about always having my face in my book LOVELESS.... I asked Sephiroth about this and he smirked and told me why.... I had fallen for (F/N).... I smile slightly when I think about that.... I love (F/N).... that was a month ago and I've been thinking of a way to tell her my feelings but I've come up blank every time..... Zack told me to write her a poem since I read them so much.... maybe I will..... I feel the water begin to cool so I climb out and wrapping a towel around my waist I head into my room getting dressed when I notice LOVELESS wasn't on my bedside stand.... (F/N)..... sighing I shake my head and head out asking people if they had seen the girl I love.... but they all said no..... 'where could you be (F/N)? 'I think to myself worried about the missing girl not even angry she took my book.... she was more important.... I checked all over the city even her apartment but didn't find her.... I was walking through some alleyways through the bad part of the city when I hear someone laughing followed by a splash. looking over I see a group of men had cornered (F/N)..... my (F/N)..... my eyes turn cold when I see this.... the largest of the group grabs her face and starts to lean in as another holds her still.... looking closer I see.... tears.... she..... she was.... crying....growling I say coldly "release her at once unless you wish for a horrible end." and I make my way out of the alleyway. I glance at (F/N) trying to catch her gaze but she looks to the ground shielding her beautiful (e/c) eyes from me..... why wouldn't she look at me? I look down to see she was looking at.... it was my book LOVELESS..... in a puddle.... catching a glimpse of her eyes I saw regret and fear in her eyes..... "wha ya gonna do if I don'" the leader slurs angrily to me releasing my darling (F/N)'s face. I turn my gaze to him face wiped of any previous emotion. "I'll just simply kill you.... you shouldn't be touching something that isn't yours" I say coldly my gaze hardening. "HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! like a wimp like you could take down boss!" the one restraining (F/N) says laughing loudly as his friends laugh along with. I see (F/N) struggle in his grasp but he just scowls and throws her to the ground. my eyes widen when I see her head hit the street hard as I hear a crack. looking down I see her eyes closed blood flowing freely from her head staining her (h/c) hair crimson. the drunks freak out at the sight and try to run but I wouldn't let them..... they hurt.... my precious.... (F/N)! looking at them I sent a deadly glare before pulling out my sword.... they will pay for what they have done........


you were surrounded by darkness..... 'where am I ?'you think to yourself as you open your eyes groaning from the pain in your head. looking around with hazy eyes you see a figure with red hair walking towards you. blinking you clutch your head to feel a cloth wrapped around it. "(F/N)" a painfully familiar voice says sitting down next to you and the bed you woke up on. taking your hands away from your head you look up to see Genesis looking down at you with worry. you look down trying to avoid his intense gaze.... "(F/N)" Genesis says again trying to catch your eyes. you don't look at him you keep looking at the floor with shame.... you feel Genesis grab your chin making you look him in the eye. "you had me worried (F/N)" Genesis says placing his forehead onto yours. you look down slightly not answering. Genesis sighs and lets go of your face but doesn't pull away. "Genesis....." you say hesitantly looking into his warm eyes. he hums letting you know he heard you. "a-are you.... mad at me?" you ask tears slightly filling your eyes. you were scared he would say yes and yell at you for being stupid.... but.... he didn't.... he pulled you into a strong hug holding you tightly to his tone muscled chest making you blush. "why would I be mad at a goddess?" he asked placing his head into the crook of your neck his warm breath making you shiver. "g-g-goddess?" you whisper. Genesis hums and whispers into your ear "such a beauty the goddess holds.... taking my breath away with just a simple glimmer in her shining (e/c) eyes as they look at me.... brighter than the stars themselves never once becoming dull no matter what fate shall hold.... she makes my heart quicken and melt at her beautiful smile..... such a true beauty this goddess before me is...." you feel your heart quicken and a smile break across your face. Genesis pulls away looking at you with eyes filled with love. "do you...really mean it?" you ask him a blush spreading across your face. smirking Genesis says "maybe this will tell you if its true or not" before leaning forward his eyes slowly closing.... he places his soft cool lips onto yours and you felt your heart stop... you stare at him with wide eyes and as he began to pull away you place a hand onto his neck pulling him back into the kiss as your eyes close. Genesis grabs your chin tilting your head slightly deepening the sweet passionate kiss. you slowly place your other hand into his surprisingly soft hair and give a slight tug making him groan in the kiss. you feel him smirk into the kiss as his hands slide down to your waist pulling you closer as his tongue grazes your bottom lip. you blush and hesitantly open your mouth his tongue soon entering searching its new territory. after a few minutes he pulls back slowly panting as a thin line of saliva still connected you two. smiling he raises his hand up wiping it from your mouth first then his. you just look at him dazed panting with a large blush on your face. "your mine now so if anyone bothers you tell me" he says leaning down onto the bed pulling you with him so you were laying on top of him head laying across his chest. smiling you whisper "ok.... my protective poet." giggling at the end. Genesis just grunts and says "shut up and go to sleep."


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