Chapter 10: The Beginning

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Seokmin had stopped trying to set Jin up with someone, but they remained close. Seokmin texted Jin regularly, sending her picture of Vernon flicking his hair and pretending to swoon over it. Their inside jokes persisted. They regularly met without Wonwoo and Sena, just to talk.

Although they maintained their closeness, Seokmin didn't show it when Sena was around. He didn't really joke around with Jin, even when Vernon walked right past them and flicked his hair. Jin understood that this was damage control. She didn't mind that Seokmin did not pay attention to her when Sena was around, because she knew it was an act to show Sena that there was nothing going one between the two of them.

When Seokmin and Jin met, they also made sure to do so without Sena knowing. Their meetings were quite clandestine in that regard, going to some random coffee shop Sena would never run into. When Jin went to Seokmin's dorm, she would always look around to make sure Sena did not spot her. Seokmin made sure that Jun was not around either, because Jun and Sena had become friends.

Seokmin and Jin did not really talk about this plan to pretend not to be close in front of Sena. They just kind of knew it was happening, they both understood it without talking about it. It was this kind of special bond they had where they understood one another's intentions without ever talking about them.

Sena was completely oblivious to the kind of relationship Seokmin and Jin had. She didn't know they texted so much, or that they met alone, or that she was the only reason they were keeping it secret. Actually, she was starting to be convinced that there really wasn't anything going on between them, and that Jin did not like Seokmin at all.

But Jin did like him, more and more every day. The more she learned about him, the more she wanted him. The more he paid attention to her, the more she wished he would get over Sena.

He did not get over Sena. Jin could see that he still wanted her, and that he was waiting for an opportunity to win her over. He told Jin that he was thinking of directly confessing to her, and Jin encouraged him (much to the pain in her chest).

Sena was asked out a couple of times by plenty of guys, but she rejected them all. She told Jin about them.

"Why did you reject them?" Jin asked, "don't you want to date?"

"Yes, I do. But I'm waiting for someone in particular..."


"I'll tell you later, promise," Sena said.

Jin had a feeling that it was Seokmin that Sena was waiting for. Somehow, Jin was actually sure that it was. When she told Seokmin about this conversation, he was so delighted.

A few weeks passed. Jin developed more little crushes. Apart from the eight guys she already had on there, four others made their way into that list.

The first was Joshua, a really good-looking American. He plays guitar at university events, and he's so polite to everyone around him. Jin was once running late to class with a lot of books in her hand, and he noticed this and rushed to open the door for her. Jin was really touched, and, like any girl when a cute guy with a kind smile that plays guitar goes out of his way to open the door for her, she fell for him. He was a phase for Jin for a good two weeks.

The other one that made his way onto the list is someone who calls himself Woozi. This one is so multi-talented, able to compose great songs. He's also short and cute, and just impossible to not love. Jin instantly fell for him when she met him at a college event

The other one was named Lee Chan. He was majoring in dance, apparently on scholarship because of his talent. She ran into him while walking around the university building, lost in the arts department. She wandered into the dance room, and she saw him dance. Instantly, she knew she had a crush on him. This crush was amplified when he kindly escorted her through the arts department to where she wanted to go.

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