Chapter 11: The Final List

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Jin was writing in her diary a lot nowadays. She just had so many welling frustrations that she needed her diary for.

A few days had passed since her forgotten birthday; Sena still did not notice and Jin still did not tell anyone. And so Jin just spent most of her time alone writing in her diary and lamenting her lack of every good thing that Sena had.

Sena was not the only problem. Jin also had a few problems with that Vernon. He always glared at her when she walked past him in college, making her feel so exposed and jittery. Jin wished he would just leave her alone; she had enough problems as it was.

One day, she was eating lunch with Sena, Seokmin and Jin, and Vernon randomly sat beside her. He put his elbows on the table and rested his chin in his hands and stared at her. She felt so uncomfortable with him staring at her that she couldn't eat. Wonwoo, having been in that class when Jin trashed him, understood what was going on.

"Go away Vernon," Wonwoo told him.

"I'm getting to know my enemy," Vernon responded, getting closer to Jin and glaring at her harder.

"You're making her uncomfortable," Wonwoo frowned.

"That's the point."

Wonwoo stood up from his chair, threateningly glaring at Vernon as if he was going to do something about it, to which Vernon reacted quickly, standing up and leaving them.

"Honestly, he's the worst," Wonwoo rolled his eyes and sat back down. Jin thanked him.

"What the hell is going on?" Sena asked, confused. Jin had not told her about what happened with Vernon. She hadn't told Sena much of anything lately actually.

"Jin won him in an argument in class a few days ago. Now he's just being annoying to her in an attempt to salvage his broken pride or something," Wonwoo answered rolling his eyes.

Seokmin frowned, "do you want me to beat him up for you?" he asked Jin. It didn't feel like a joke; it felt like a genuine offer. Jin was actually kind of flattered by it.

"No, I'm okay. He'll stop eventually," Jin responded.

"If he doesn't let me know," Seokmin said and Jin nodded.

When Jin was finished with classes for that day, she decided to stay in the library to get some work done. She was also not feeling up to going back to the dorm because Sena was bringing a friend over, and Jin was not very comfortable being in her room if there's a stranger in it.

After working for a long time, she got bored and opened the next empty page in her diary.

Dear Diary,

List of boys I have a crush on:

Lee Chan
Vernon (although I hate admitting it)


When she finished writing the entry, she laughed at herself. She liked a lot of guys. It was embarrassing how many guys she liked. It's a good thing that this list will only ever be for her eyes in the end.

She finished work, and decided to go back to her dorm. She prayed that Sena's friend was gone by then; she didn't want to go through with all the formal introductions. She just wanted to collapse in bed and sleep.

Thankfully for her, neither Sena nor her friend were around.

Jin took a shower, got dressed in pajamas and laid in her bed for a while. She decided to write something in her diary before going to bed, just to wrap up the day and sleep with peace of mind.

She looked over to the table at her bedside, where her diary was supposed to be.

Her heart stopped when she realized that it was not there.

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