Chapter 20: Confirmation

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Lately, Jin and Sena had not been talking much. Maybe it was only because midterms had kept Jin busy, but Sena was also reveling a lot in her popularity.

And Sena had been distant, probably too busy with her other more popular friends. Sena and Jin had only met during lunch occasionally, and when Sena was in their room. Even then, Sena would only go to her room to sleep or change or shower- nothing else. She rarely spent time in the dorm, not nearly as much as Jin did.

One day, Sena went out with a couple of friends to a party celebrating the end of mid-terms. The whole campus was invited, and it was a big deal apparently. A lot almost everyone was going, but Jin hated parties and so she decided to stay home.

Apparently, Seokmin was also staying home because he didn't feel like going. He asked Jin over for an "apology hangout," as he called it.

He still seemed very sorry about the whole ordeal with Mingyu, and still always texted her apologies. She would tell him to stop apologizing, that she was over it, but he never stopped.

When she got ready that time, she didn't spend any more time than usual. The last thing she needed was to run into Vernon, who would ruthlessly tease her for trying to look good for Seokmin. She dreaded running into Vernon a lot actually, but she figured he was probably at the party, and so she would not see him.

Ever since that move he pulled after he revealed his theology grade, she could not longer shake off the thought that she had been kissed by him. He probably would laugh at her if he found out how much of a big deal it was for her. To him it probably was one of the hundreds he gave out freely like five times a day.

Thankfully though, she did not run into him when she went to Seokmin's dorm room. She was able to get in without seeing him.

"You're staying until like 3:00 AM," Seokmin warned as soon as she was let in.


"Because research shows that people get over conflicts by spending extended periods of time together. And so the more time we spend together, the more we'll be good."

"We are good," Jin said for the hundredth time, "seriously I forgave you ages ago."

"I want to be extra good," Seokmin told her, "so you're staying until 3:00 AM, got it?"

"Would Jun approve?" Jin asked. She knew that if she had a roommate who brought in friends until 3AM, she would be severely annoyed.

"He went back to China after his last mid-term and he'll be back in like two days," Seokmin explained, "So we have to room all to ourselves." He looked straight at Jin and raised his eyebrows after he said it, clearly cracking a joke that made Jin blush frantically.

"You'll be bored of me by then, you'll see," Jin responded.

"I won't," Seokmin told her, "I actually have a lot to tell you."

After the two of them made themselves comfortable, Jin asked him the question to which she was almost dreading the answer: "will you confess to Sena?"

Seokmin held eye contact with Jin, "what do you think?"

"I think you should," Jin encouraged.

Seokmin nodded, "we'll see," he responded, "what about you? Do you want to confess to whoever you like?"


"So you do like someone?"

"No," Jin responded quickly. She didn't understand why he was pushing this from her so much, why he was tripping her up to know. Seokmin noticed he might be pushing too far, and quickly withdrew and apologized for being too intrusive.

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