Chapter 18: So Confused

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The theology exam went well, more or less. Jin was certain she would get at least a 90%. She was also certain that Vernon would not get more than 70%. At least 30% of the questions were not answered in her notes, and that was probably the only source of study material he had studied.

It was strange, but Jin kept thinking about him as she wrote the exam. Would he get this question right? Would he remember that part of her notes? Would he be confused with this question? Would he know what that word meant? When she saw that some of the questions she had asked him herself were in the exam, she would think: he got this one right probably, and she would strangely feel happy about it. She didn't know why though. It's not she really cared whether or not he did well.

It was quite distracting to think about him during the exam, but thankfully, the exam was easy so the distraction did not really affect her performance much. It slowed her down a bit, but it did not hinder her too much.

When the exam was finished, and she and Wonwoo were discussing the questions, Vernon approached her to give her back her notes.

"Thanks for letting me burrow this, Frostbite," Vernon told her.

She was tempted to ask him how it went for him; she was actually very curious to know. She didn't though, because she knew that Wonwoo would ask questions about what would seem like a friendly relationship between her and Vernon. She just took her notebook as Vernon winked at her and left.

"Why did you give him your notes?" Wonwoo asked Jin.

"He needed help, so I just gave them to him," Jin shrugged.

"So he didn't force it from you or anything?"

Jin shook her head, "no, he didn't. Don't worry."

"You're too nice to him," Wonwoo narrowed his eyes, "he's such a jerk to you and you're too nice. I need to teach you how to be meaner."

"I can be mean," Jin said.

Wonwoo laughed, "Ha! No you can't. It's against your nature."

"I can be mean," Jin repeated.

"Be mean to me then," Wonwoo asked and stopped walking and faced her.

Jin accepted the challenge, and turned to say something mean. When she made eye contact with Wonwoo, she couldn't even think of anything to say. And everything she did think of saying was too mean.

"Told ya," Wonwoo said, poking Jin's forehead playfully, "you can't."

"I could have, if you were Vernon," Jin responded in her own defense, "I just like you too much to be mean to you."

Jin was too preoccupied with her conversation with Wonwoo to notice someone appear from behind her.

"Hey Jin!" Mingyu's voice said. Wonwoo stiffened immediately.

Jin turned to face Mingyu: "hi Mingyu," Jin greeted, bowing to him slightly. She then remembered that Wonwoo was with her, and that Wonwoo had not yet met him, and that Wonwoo really liked him.

She felt nervous for Wonwoo all of the sudden.

"Did you just come from an exam?" Mingyu asked her. He didn't even glance at Wonwoo.

Jin nodded, "yes. It was my last exam, thank God!"

"Lucky! I have two more," Mingyu pouted.

"Fighting!" Jin encouraged.


"By the way," Jin said quickly, "this is my friend Wonwoo." She gestured towards Wonwoo. Wonwoo, who looked so nervous and on edge, bowed quickly in Mingyu's direction.

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