Chapter 3: Accidents and Arguments

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    This is a pic of Nicky^^

Sunday came and went by fast. I wasn't able to get my diary back. It didn't have only my deepest secrets and some songs I attempted to write. It had my mom's songs that she wrote. She was a beautiful singer and she taught me well. On my tenth birthday things changed. She and my dad were coming home with my cake. But a truck t-boned them and they died in the accident. So now I live with my grandparents at their bakery and over all my life isn't terrible. I just miss my parents a lot. That's why I'm going to work hard for them and get my diary back from that annoying moron, Duke! I know intimidating right?
    "Alright, Gramma and Gramps! I'm heading out for school!" I call as I walk down the stairs to the bakery. I kiss Gramma and Gramps goodbye as they do the same. I've thrown on black leggings, my converse, and my lacrosse jacket. In the left top corner of the jacket is two lacrosse sticks crossing each other with Clayton written above them. On the back is my last name printed big. Our mascot are the Knights so we have a knight helmet on the back with two lacrosse sticks running behind him crossing each other. Me and my co-captain, Nicky, came up with the design.
    "Take care, sweetheart!" Gramma calls out.
    Gramps throws me the keys to the Jeep. "Are you getting Nicky?" he asked smiling. I nodded and hummed a yes. "Alrighty then, take care and good luck on your English test!"
    "Don't worry! I got this in the bag!" I said as I gave a thumbs up. I left the bakery and walked up the driveway to the Jeep. As I walked up I saw Duke getting into his car. "G'morning, Duke! Are you ready to give me back my diary?" I asked with a pleading smile.
    "Nope not yet," he replied. I groaned. "But if I were you I would check my Facebook post. You're gonna like it!" he said winking at me. This can't be good... "You need a ride to school? I'm picking up Alex and Matt if you want to join us."
    Is he being...nice? "No thanks. I'm picking up my friend from her hou-"
    "I honestly don't care," Duke interrupted me. Jerk... "I wasn't even going to take you if you wanted a ride."
    "Yeah right," I said as I rolled my eyes. "Don't act like you don't want me," I joked. He laughed and went into his car.
    "See ya at school, Cruz," Duke said calling me by my last name. He drove out of the drive way and gave me the finger. Attractive...that's a way to win a girls heart.
    I drove to Nic's house listening to AC/DC. I pulled up in front of her house and she came out right on que. "Wassup, dude?" Nicky asked as she got in the car. "Ready for this English test?" she asked as she buckled her seatbelt.
    "Oh yeah! I'm gonna ace this test like every other test!" I said grabbing my steering wheel again with a hard grasp. "And I'm not going to let those idiots distract me.'' I pulled the stick out of park and into drive. We moved away from her house and continued on our way to school. I explained to her what happened with my diary and she started freaking out and began to plan revenge.
"That ass! He's so rude and he barely knows you," Nicky said crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat.
"Yeah. Hey do you think you can check his Facebook post for me please? He said he posted something on it and that I would like it," I said remembering him telling me he posted something. I was so hoping it was not one of my embarrassing songs.
"Sure, let me just pull it up," she said punching in her passcode into her phone. She opens up the app and begins to scroll through it and stops with a shocked face. I pull up in front of the school to see what he posted. "I don't think you're gonna like this, dude."
    I signal for her to give me her phone so I could see. Her face is not so promising so I'm a little worried. "What did he post?" I ask already regretting asking for her phone. As I look at the picture I restrain myself from yelling. "Breath in...breath out." Nicky gives me a worried looked. The picture is my song that I wrote when I was probably fifteen trying to write my first love song. I look at the comment: Awe desperate fifteen year old Valentina looking for true love *heart emojis inserted* The comments are making fun of the song as I read them. My ears are burning with anger and embarrassment. I curse under my breath. I put a smile on and hand Nic back her phone. "Let's get going!"
    "Uh...alright," Nicky says worried about my current mental state now. We enter school and walk to our lockers that are right next to each other. I grab my books and slide my back down against the closed locker door until my butt reaches the ground. Just when I thought my life was getting normal again Duke had to come in and spin upside down again for me. "Val, you alright kid?" Nicky asked concerned.
    I let out a sigh and look to my right to see her crouching down next to me. She's dyed her highlights purple this times. She has a black flannel, black pants, converse sneakers, and a Black Butler shirt. Is there a day when this girl doesn't wear an anime shirt? "Yeah, I'm good. I'm just hoping no one says anything. Or those four idiots don't come near me,'' I said as Nicky helped me up.
    "What goes on, Val?" I heard a voice say. It was the four morons that ruined my life. Well two out of the four to be precise. Matt and Alex.
    "Speak of the devil," Nicky said. I laugh at her joke towards them. Nicky and I lean against our lockers while I clutch my books to my chest.
    "Wow, that really hurts," Matt said clenching his heart jokingly. Nicky rolls her eyes at him.
    "Well well well. Who do we have hear?" Alex asked. He walks up to Nicky and puts his arm against the locker so that he's hovering over her. I back away to stand next to Matt. I actually want to see how Nicky reacts.
    I think Matt is actually getting excited. He leans on one leg and crosses his arms. "Oh this should be good," Matt said with excitement in his voice. I smile and roll my eyes.
    "Okay, listen here," Nicky said looking down at the ground. She glares at him with an icy glare now. "I don't like you one bit. And I barely know you and I still don't like you. Shouldn't that say something? Now if I were you I would get away from me before I shout to the school you're sexually assaulting me," Nicky said changing her glare to a smile. "Okay?"
    Alex was refusing to move his arm. "Oh come on. You know you-"
    "Help! He's trying to-"
    "Okay! Okay! Okay!" Alex said quickly putting his hand over Nicky's mouth. "Nothing to see here folks!" Alex shouts as he gets stares from some students in the hallway. Alex removes his hand and backs away with hands up in the air to surrender. "You win!"
    "I always do!" Nicky said walking towards me with a face of victory. Nicky: 1. Alex: 0. I high five Nicky as she walks back.
    "Wow," Matt says in shock. "I think this is the first time Alex has been shut down by a girl!" Matt takes its into thought and then laughs at Alex. He walks to Alex and pats him on the shoulder. "There there, pal! You can't always get the pretty and smart ones. I think you can only get the pretty and dumb ones," Matt jokes. Alex elbows him in annoyance and we laugh. Maybe these two aren't half bad. But they're still morons.
    "So, where's your leader? I would like my diary back," I said walking a little closer to them with Nicky following.
    "Duke's holding a football meeting with Drake since he's the captain and Drake is co-captain," Alex answered.
    "Wait, shouldn't you two be at the meeting since you guys are on the football team?" Nicky asked. Oh yeah that's right. Duke is the captain of the football team now. Football season started and I guess Drake convinced the team to have him be team captain since he's played football for a long time according to his grandfather.
"We didn't want to go. Besides its just the team meeting their new captain," Matt said with a shrug of the shoulder.
    "Well, what time is captain Duke going to be out of his meeting?" I asked growing impatient. I grabbed my lacrosse stick from the top of the lockers and lean on it.
    "Not until first period," Matt answered. Great now I have to wait until trigonometry to get my diary back. I'll have my lacrosse stick to back me up in case of anything. Homeroom bell goes off and everyone starts shoving through each other to get in. For the four of us it's not a struggle since we're right next to our homeroom and we are in the same homeroom due to our last names: Valentina Cruz, Nicky Benson, Alex Charles, and Matt Buller. We enter homeroom and sit in our seats. After announcements and the pledge, we all begin talking. I start sketching out a new drawing in my sketch pad until first period. The two morons kept poking me to see what I was drawing but I think Nicky scared them off with her glare. First period bell went off and it was time for trig.
The four of us walk to our trig class and took our seats. I lean my lacrosse stick behind my seat against the wall and notice something. There's an empty seat behind me now. Nicky sits next to me while Alex sits behind Nicky and Matt sits next to Alex. So who's sitting next to Alex now? And who's sitting behind me. Drake normally sits next to Nicky and she's cool with that since he doesn't talk to her that much. Drake is a quite one. Please don't tell me who I think is going to sit here.
Mr. Wheeler comes into the class room. He's a young man who's probably in his late twenties. He came in last year. He has messy brown curly hair and he's probably taller than Duke, and Duke is tall. "G'morning guys! Before I take attendance I just wanted to introduce our new student since I am your first period class." I straighten myself up in my chair prepared for him to come in. "Please welcome your new classmate, Mr. Duke Taylor." The girls start going googley eyes for him and start making those weird girl laughs when they see someone cute. The boys start to whoop. Guessing because he's from the football team. "Settle down guys. Duke you can take a seat right behind Val," Mr. Wheeler says pointing to me.
Duke looks at me and smirks. "Alrighty then!" Duke struts over and takes a seat. I stare at Mr. Wheeler pleading for help but all he does is laugh at my reaction. I thought you were suppose to be the cool teacher and help me! "Hey shorts stuff, what's going on?" Duke asked. Mr. Wheeler begins to take attendance.
"Please don't call me that ever again," I said turning around to him. "I want my diary back. That's what's going on. And I want my song off of your page ASAP!" I demand. He smirks at me and shakes his head.
Nicky turns around to join the conversation along with the boys. Duke begins to spin my lacrosse stick around. "Sorry, no can do," Duke says. I narrow my eyes at him.
"C'mon, dude," Nicky beings. "Give the poor girl her diary back!" Alex snickers behind her. She rolls her eyes.
"You need to earn your respect from Duke first before you get what you want," Matt told us.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Valentina Cruz?" Mr. Wheeler asked taking attendance.
"Here!" I wave. "Now, tell me what you're talking about."
"You need to get on Duke's good side," Drake explained. "When he thinks you've te his expectations, you get what you want." As I was about to say something Mr. Wheeler starts class.
"Alrighty guys! Let's continue with yesterday's problem that we didn't start," Mr. Wheeler said. We open our notebooks and being writing down the problem as he writes down the problem on the board: 2. Calculate sin^2(-π/12).
I begin to write it down. I write the problem out and I'm pretty pleased with my answer. "Okay, who's going to come up to the board and write the solution on the board?" Mr. Wheeler asked as he fixes his neck tie. I raise my hand but then feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Duke raising his hand. I try to raise it higher and so does Duke. Both of us are basically out of our seats hands still raised. "Uh...ladies first!" Mr. Wheeler decides quickly.
I grab my notebook and stick my tongue out at Duke. I write the problem and the solution on the board. I finish and walk back to my seat. Mr. Wheeler studies the board and nods. "Correct, Valentina!" He writes another problem on the board: Express 30º in radians. Express 3π/4 radians in terms of degrees. "Okay, Duke. Let's see what your skills are like."
"With pleasure," Duke says as he sticks his tongue out at me like what I did to him before. I scribble down the answer in my notebook as Duke writes the answer on the board. I keep looking up and down at the board and back to my notebook. He's right? I look again. He's right! Duke struts back to his desk and Alex holds a hand out to give him a high five.
Mr. Wheeler admires the board. "Correct, Duke! Looks like you guys got some competition between each other. Keep it up!" Mr. Wheeler continues on with the lesson.
I turn my head around to face Duke. "What do you have planned?" I asked annoyed.
"Chica, I got a lot up my sleeve. Stay alert and be ready for whatever comes your way," Duke says with a grin. Oh he's looking for a beating.
Lunch comes and I'm sitting with Nicky at our table. I look over her shoulder to see the four morons walking over. "Geez, can I get a break from those four?" I asked moaning.
"Hey girls! What's going on?" Duke asked. They sit at our table and place their lunches down.
"Is it cool if we sit here?" Matt asked.
"Yeah, go ahead," I answer helplessly. I have given up and it's only the first day with Duke at the same school as me. We took our English test right before lunch. It was on Hamlet. I think I did a good job. It was really easy. Well, in my opinion along with Nicky and the boys.
We talk for a while and get to know a little more about each other. They're still morons from they're description. They kept on bothering me to see my drawing until I gave up. They were shocked and complemented me but turned it into a joke. Typical. Then Duke brought up Ouran High School Host Club. He explained the episode to the boys and now they want to watch it.
Feedback came over the intercom. "Can the captain of the football and lacrosse team please come to my office?" Principal Howard asked. 
"Alright, let's get going," Duke said.
"Yeah yeah," I said as we push our fries to the center of the table. Nicky and the boys look at each other and start eating them. Duke and I walk up together and down the hall to Principal Howard's office. He's not intimating. Well in my opinion. Probably because I try to get on his good side a lot.
I knock on the door frame to see Mr. Howard look up form his paperwork. "Good afternoon, Mr. Howard. You wanted to see us?" I asked.
"Wassup?" Duke asked as his greeting. I dead panned.
"Hello Val and Duke. I believe that the two of you have practiced scheduled for your team today,'' he began. He raised an eyebrow but had a small worried smile on his face. This can't be good.
"Yes, sir," I answered. "My coach, Coach Laura, asked me to tell the girls to have practice on the football field." I looked at Duke with a smirk of victory.
"Sir, my coach, Coach Tim, asked me to schedule our football practice today on the field," Duke said now looking at me like he just won something.
"Principal Howard, my girls and I have a big game coming up this week on Friday. We need the football field to practice. The gym is already being occupied by volleyball," I said showing him the schedule. He took it from my hand and he was pleased with how I scheduled everything.
"Sir, along with the girls lacrosse team having a game this Friday, we too have a game this Friday against one of our biggest rivals. My co-captain printed out the schedule," Duke said handing Principal Howard the schedule. He gave the same reaction he gave to my schedule.
Principal Howard handed us our schedules back and held his hands together. "Okay, I see that having a game is a problem and that you both need to practice." We nodded. "What if you guys could split the field. I see that you guys are scheduled for the same time today."
I looked at Duke and Duke looked at me. "It's not a bad idea," I began. "Besides, lacrosse is ending practice early today so you guys will get to go full field for however long you need. My practice ends at 5:30."
"Fine, whatever you say," Duke said rolling his eyes. If he rolls them one more time I'm going to knock them out of his head. "Thank you, sir. Have a nice day," we said in unison. We left the office and went back to lunch.
"Get this straight, Duke," I began. "I don't know what kind of games your playing here but I don't like them one bit!" I said as we continued our walk.
He grinned at me. "Well, that makes it better for me! Like I told you before, I got a lot up my sleeves. So be prepared." Oh you're on!    
It's 3:30 and both teams are on the field. Both coaches agreed peacefully about splitting the field and how football will get to go full field when we end early. The four morons keep snickering at me. I reply to them with a cold glare. "C'mon, Val, don't let them get to you," Nicky said laughing a little. "They're a bunch of pretty boys with no life." I gave her a smile and nodded. "Alright then, let's start practice, captain!''
"Alright, girls! Get your mouth guards and goggles on and grab your stick and a ball! Let's do partner passing," I ordered. The girls started hustling around grabbing a ball and a partner. Nicky has been my partner for lacrosse since freshmen year and we are both forwards on the field. After shuttle lines and one handed passings, we played a scrimmage. I had the ball and I was passing it to a girl named Emily. "Em!" I shout as I throw it.
"I got it!" She ran backwards to get in a good range for the ball. She was running right towards one of the boy's football that they left on the ground.
"Emily, watch out!" Nicky shouted. It was too late. Emily got the ball but tripped over the football and landed on her shoulder really hard. We heard her scream in pain. "Everyone, drop your sticks!" Nicky ordered. "Get a drink. Rachel! Get Emily's drink and Maureen get an ice pack for her!"
"Wow, look at co-captain Nicky taking charge," I joked as we ran over to Emily. She smiled at my compliment.
Coach crouched down besides Emily. "Emily, are you okay?" Coach Laura asked. Coach Laura was a young lady in her twenties with blonde hair. She had tan skin and she was medium height. "Let me help you up." Rachel and Maureen handed me and Nicky the water and ice pack.
"Coach!" Coach Tim yelled as he, Duke, and Drake ran over. "Is she alright?"
"She tripped on one of your stray footballs and landed hard on her shoulder," Coach Laura answered.
Coach Tim picked up the football and glared at Duke and Drake. He shoved the football into Duke. Duke and Drake had scared faces on. "You two! I don't know who left the ball there and I don't want to know! Have the boys run five laps full field! Now!" he shouted. Coach Tim was really scary. He was a tall man who was broad. He had blonde hair but he's lost some on the top of his head.
"Right, coach!" The boys said in unison.
"They don't need to do that," Coach Laura said. "It wasn't their fault. It's too hot out, at least have them do two or three so they don't pass out with all of that equipment on!" Laura said. Laura use to be a nurse before she became a coach and gym teacher.
"Three laps, full field, boys!" Tim yelled. We tried to help Emily up. Laura grabbed her by her bad shoulder which set off an alarm in Emily. Emily screeched in pain. We called her mom to have her come get Emily to take her to the Emergency Room. Both teams ended practice earlier than expected. Laura and Tim wanted to go to the ER with Emily and her mom to make sure she was alright. 
Nicky and I walked to the Jeep to see the four morons getting into Duke's car. "So, you want to give me my diary now since you probably broke our player's shoulder?" I asked.
Duke scoffed. "Please, it was her own fault for not paying attention and tripping over the ball." Duke opened his car door.
"Excuse me but it was your team's ball left on our side of the field so it is your fault! And as captain you should be taking responsibility," I said with anger growing in my voice.
"Whatever," Duke said rolling his eyes.
I gave him an angry expression. "Excuse me I don't like to be spoken to like that," I said getting pissed.
Nicky and the other three morons stepped back a little.
"Oh, I'm sorry I don't give flying shit about how you want to be spoken to," Duke said rolling his eyes.
I threw my stuff to the ground and attempted to lunge at him. Nicky and Drake grabbed me immediately from ripping Duke's face to shreds. "Let go of me!" I yelled as I squirmed in Nicky and Drake's grip. "Valentina Cruz will not be spoken to that way!"
"Duke, just say sorry. You know that was a little rude of you, right?" Drake asked as he helped Nicky hold me. I kicked him in his leg. "Ow, dammit woman!" Drake whined.
"Rule number one," Nicky began. "Never hold onto her for that long," Nicky said as the two of them let me go. I grabbed my stuff off the floor and stared at Duke waiting for my apology.
Duke groaned. "Fine, I'm sorry," Duke began. I was about to smile and accept his apology until, "I'm sorry that you can't control your anger," Duke said referring to my actions before.
Before I could kill him Alex and Duke pushed him towards the car. I shot Duke the middle finger which in return, I received the finger. The four of them got in the car and drove off. He's going to die soon. I dropped Nicky off at her house. I got home pretty quickly. As I got out of my car, I saw Duke sitting on his porch having a beer. Attractive. He saw me and gave me a small wave. I rolled my eyes. I'm not going to be a wuss and ignore him. I can't ignore him for the rest of my life since he's my next door neighbor now. I walked over to his porch and stood by the stairs. "The old man said I should say sorry to you. He also made me go out and get something for clumsy," he said referring to Emily. I starred at him. He didn't make eye contact with me.
"Awe how nice," I said jokingly. I looked to the side contemplating on if I should say sorry or not. I am the better person so I guess I should say sorry. "Sorry for starting a riot in the parking lot and almost killing you," I said sounding a little guilty.
Duke looked at me a little shock and then went back to a relaxed face. "It's cool," he said. "You want one?" Duke asked referring to the beer.
"No thanks, I'm not a drinker," I replied. There's no way in hell I would drink at the age of sixteen. Drinking age is twenty one. Well at least to me. Some places here in Delaware allow you to drink at the age of eighteen.
"Your lost," he said continuing to drink the beer. "Have a good night, chica."
"Have a good night, moron," I said growing impatient. "I'm locking my window tonight so I don't have you in my room again."
"Awe, but what if I want to watch Ouran High School Host Club, again?" Duke ask jokingly with puppy eyes.
"Maybe next time," I joked as I walked away. I'm now have mix feelings on him if he's cool or a jerk. But he's still a moron in my eyes. I've heard that he picks up girls and does...stuff with them. I'm not going to let him get to me. Not today.

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