Chapter 20: Pranks and Shorts

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    "How do you watch this show without cringing, Nicky?" Drake asked Nicky. We were all in my room watching Tokyo Ghoul. Nicky wanted to show the guys this anime so bad that she begged me to have them come over on Friday. She said that she just wanted to see the, scared. Alex is hiding under a blanket at the moment because the scene that is playing is Jason ripping Kaneki's toes off and making them come back. Yeah, we're on the last episode already.
    Alex, Drake, and I didn't want to watch it that much. Alex is afraid of things like this. Drake just finds the show disturbing. I just personally don't like the show. I only watched season one. And tonight Nicky is making us watch both seasons. Duke wanted to watch it because he likes horror. Matt is having a blast at making fun of Alex and how scared he is. And Nicky is like Duke: she likes horror and blood. There's a lot of blood in this show.
    The episodes ended with Kaneki killing Jason. And that was the end of season one. "That. Was. Awesome!" Duke and Matt said in unison high fiving Nicky. Alex was still under his covers as Drake and I went to our phones to look at pictures that wouldn't terrify us. I looked up cute puppies.
    "Is it over? Tell me it's over!" Alex pleaded as he was still hiding under the covers.
    "It's over, Al," Drake said pulling the blanket off of him.
    "Can we watch the next season?" Nicky asked excited to show them the next season.
    Alex grabbed the Wii U pad out of Nicky's hand and sat on it. The Wii U has an internet browser on it so that's what I use to watch my anime shows. "No more!" Alex said still scared.
    "I don't want to touch that Wii U pad anymore," I said referring to Alex putting it under his butt. I'm going to have to disinfect it now. Drake and I put our phones down and Alex took the Wii U pad out from under his butt. "Can someone help me bring down the garbage?" I asked referring to the pizza boxes and soda bottles.
    "Yeah, I'll help," Nicky said getting up from her seat.
    "Sure," Drake said collecting all of the pizza boxes.
    Alex picked up the Wii U pad. "I'll bring this downstairs and clean it off for you, Val," Alex said getting out of his seat.
    As were about to leave the room I stopped and turned around to Matt and Duke who were still sitting down on their phones. I narrowed my eyes at them. "The two of you morons better not touch anything," I said giving them an icy glare.
    Duke laughed and smirked at me. "I keep no promises, chica," Duke said flashing a wink at me. I kept my eyes narrowed at him. Duke frowned. "I won't touch anything."
    As we cleaned all of the dishes, the Wii U pad, and through out the garbage the four of us were talking. "Thank god there's no school tomorrow," Nicky said sighing.
    "This week felt like it could go on forever!" Alex said over exaggerating. This week was full of AP history test and quizzes, English reports, trigonometry test, and physics homework. I thought this week was never going to end.
    "C'mon, we should go back upstairs. I don't trust those two in the same room together. Especially, a girls room," Drake said walking away from the kitchen.
    "Yeah, why did we leave them up their?" I asked as I followed Drake upstairs. We opened the door to see the two of them on their phones in their same seat. I looked around my room to make sure they didn't do anything. "What did you guys touch?" I asked.
    "We didn't do anything," Matt said looking up from his phone.
    Duke smirked at me. "Matt, may have taken look at your underwear drawer," Duke said laughing.
    My face went red. I shot a glance at Matt who looked terrified. "Dude, that was all you!" Matt said trying to save his life. I grabbed two of pillows and whacked the two of them with them. Did I say how much I hate these morons? Well, if I didn't, I hate them. A lot.
    It was 11:00 pm by the time they all left. I got myself ready for bed. Now I'll get to sleep in tomorrow and just be lazy. I wished. Nope, I have to work the bakery tomorrow with the guys. Great...
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My phone alarm was going off. "Ugh!" I groaned as I rolled over to face my bed table. I picked my phone up. Shit! It's 6:30! And it's Monday! I always have my alarm set for 6:00! I'm going to be late for school! I jumped out of my bed. I didn't have time to shower so I just threw my hair into a ponytail and just used a lot of deodorant and perfume. I threw on leggings, my converse, and my Seventeen crew neck sweatshirt. I grabbed my book bag and phone and ran downstairs to see Gramma and Gramps sitting in the kitchen. Calmly drinking their coffee. "Bye guys!" I said as I kissed them on their cheeks.
    "Val, where are you going?" My Gramma called out to me worried.
    "I'm late!" I said as I grabbed a breakfast bar from the pantry.
    "Late for what?" Gramps asked confused and concerned.
    I grabbed the keys off of the kitchen counter. "Bye!" I shouted as I ran out the door to my Jeep. I ran into the driveway to see Duke's motorcycle still there. And his grandfather's car still there. Is he at school already? No time for thinking about him! You have to get your ass to school, now!
    I pulled into the school parking lot to see Nicky, Alex, and Drake getting out of their cars fast. I pulled in next to Nicky's GMC and parked. I got out of the car and grabbed my bag. "Val! Let's go we're going to be late!" Nicky said rushing me.
    I started walking but then stopped. I turned back to the parking lot to see that there were no cars besides ours. Huh? "Guys!" I called after them.
    "Val! What are you doing?" Drake asked with attitude.
    I looked at my phone. It read: Monday, January 24th, 7:40. Monday? I stared at my lock screen and then saw my lock screen picture. It was a pic of Duke and Matt sticking out their tongues with their middle fingers up. "Guys, take a look at your lock screen," I said pissed off. "When we left our phones in my room last night to bring the garbage downstairs they must've gotten into our phones and change our alarm clocks," I explained annoyed.
    I watched the three of them stare at their phones in confusion. And then they saw the picture of Duke and Matt as their lock screen picture. You can sense a bad aura once the three of them saw the picture of the two morons. "Someone is dying today," Nicky said.
    "They're gonna die just like how Jason died by Kaneki," Drake said making a Tokyo Ghoul reference.
    Alex gave him a worried look. "Can we not be that brutal?" Alex asked still terrified from the anime we watched last night.
    "Well, I want to get back at them somehow!" Nicky said pissed. "No one wakes me up that early and makes me think it's a school day without paying paying the consequences!"
    "Yeah, but would we do?" Drake asked.
    I tried to think of something. "You guys wanna take a trip to the sports department?" I asked. They gave me a concerned look. "We should get some nice gifts for those two since they're joining the track team," I said.
    "Alright! Let's go! I can get myself some track equipment while we're there," Alex said. The four morons decided that they would join the track team for the winter since football is over.
    We pulled into the parking lot of Modell's and got out of our cars. When we went in we immediately ran to the running equipment. I knew exactly what to get them. Our shopping spree went well. I got myself a bunch of nice running gear. I can't wait to start practicing at the indoor track.
    It was Monday morning and Nicky, Alex, Drake, and I were waiting by our lockers to yell at the other two morons. I didn't get anything from my locker and I should put my track stuff in my locker but, I'm still annoyed at how they woke me up so fricking early! "Good morning, sunshines," Duke said as he and Matt walked over to our oh so smiling faces. Hint: sarcasm. "Have a rough morning on Saturday?" Duke asked.
    "Yeah, not cool dude! You don't know how close I was to driving over to your house and strangling you in your sleep," Nicky with fire in her eyes. Scary.    
    "Why the hell did you even do that?" Alex asked annoyed.
    Matt laughed. "Because we're funny guys," Matt said like it was an obvious answer.
    "Who told you that lie?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
    Duke and Matt rolled their eyes. "Did you guys go to your lockers yet?" Duke asked.
    The four of us exchanged confused looks. "No, not yet," Drake answered.
    "We were going to now," I said holding up my track bag. We walked over to our lockers. Alex and Drake's were a little farther down from us but not too far. I had a top locker and Nicky's was right under mine. Alex had a top locker and Drake was right under his. As I opened the locker door a little bit a white ping pong ball fell out. "What?" When did I play ping pong. I opened it more and more of them fell out. My whole locker was full of ping pong balls. So were the others. "What the hell is this?" I asked shocked.
    Matt and Duke were too busy laughing to answer. Alex and Drake opened theirs to have ping pong balls falling out. Nicky and Drake moved away from their lockers so that the ping pong balls coming from my locker and Alex's locker didn't fall on their heads. We had students staring at us wondering what was happening. "How'd you get into our lockers!" I asked as I dogged the rest of the ping pong balls out of my locker.
    "I already knew Alex's and Drake's locker combination," Duke started. "I just went to Mrs. O'Leary's office and asked her for your combinations. I told her that you forgot something in your lockers and you asked me to retrieve them for you. Stupidly enough she just gave me your locker combinations," Duke said with a big grin. We stared at them with dead serious faces that had a mixture of shock and annoyance in it.
    "Smell ya later," Matt said as he and Duke walked away.
    "What just happened?" Drake asked confused.
    "I'm not sure. But, all I know is that ping pong balls just came out of our lockers," Alex said confused.
    We looked at Nicky who looked like she was ready to kill them.
    "Cruz! Charles!" A male voice called my and Alex's last name. The four of us turned around to see Mr. Howard standing their with rage all over his face to see ping pong balls all around the floors. Standing next to him was Mrs. O'Leary. Mr. Howard took a couple of steps forward and then slipped on the ping png balls right on his butt. What we just witnessed was really funny. I clasped my hands over my mouth to stifle my laugh. Alex bit his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing. Nicky and Drake just looked the other way. "My office! Now!" Mr. Howard demanded.
    We explained to Mr. Howard what happened. Mrs. O'Leary got into a little bit of trouble. We were in the clear though. Our punishment was to just clean up the ping pong balls and give them to the ping pong team to use. What the four of us have up our sleeves is going to make those two morons embarrassed in front of all the people at the indoor track.
"How do I look, Nicky?" I ask Nicky as I come out of the bathroom stall in my track outfit. I wore black Adidas shorts, white Nike running shoes, and a gray tank that says 'Sleep. Eat. Run.'
Nicky stared at me in ah. "So kawaii (cute in Japanese)." I giggled at her. "Do I look alright?" Nicky asked. She had on Nike spandex, a running t-shirt, and her black Nike running shoes.
"You look so good!" I said complementing Nicky. She chuckled. Today's color in her hair is a vibrant pink. She's been so giddy ever since she and Alex started talking about K-Pop. "C'mon, Al and Drake are waiting for us outside with Duke and Matt," I said grabbing my bag and walking out of the bathroom. When we walked out Matt and Duke were still in their street clothes. Alex and Drake were in their running clothing. Alex was wearing black running shorts that were just a little above his knees. He had on a gray running shirt and gray running shoes. Drake had on white running shorts that were exactly above his knees and a black running shirt along with white running shoes. They both had sweatpants on at the moment so that Duke and Matt couldn't see what kind of shorts they were wearing."Looking good, boys," I complemented.
"Thank you, same to you ladies," Alex said complementing us back.
Nicky's smiled drop once she looked at Duke and Matt who were still in their street clothes. "How come you two dorks are changed yet? Practice starts in ten," Nicky said.
Duke groaned. "I'm not wearing those shorts!" Duke complained. Hell yeah you are Duke.
"They're going to reveal a lot," Matt said a little self-conscious.
I rolled my eyes. "All of the boys on the track team wear these shorts. Even Alex and Drake are wearing them," I lied convincingly.
    Matt looked at Drake and Alex. "Take off your pants and prove it," Matt said seriously.
    "Dude, I'm not taking my pants off here in the lobby. You'll see when you come onto the track," Drake said a little creeped out by the way Matt told him to take off his pants.
    "Just go get changed," I said pushing them into the bathroom. I turned around and looked at Nicky, Drake, and Alex. "And let us go get ready for the show," I said smirking.
    "Ah, I love when you have an evil look on your face," Nicky said with a soft smile on her face. We went onto the track and waited on the bleachers for the guys to come.     "So, what events do you girls do?" Alex asked.
    "I do the 400 meter relay, 200 meter dash, and the pole jump," I said pretty impressed with myself. My best is the 200 meter dash.
    "Mine is the 400 meter relay, 100 meter dash, and long jump," Nicky said.
    "Are you guys fast?" Drake asked.
    I shrugged. "I think I'm pretty good. Not as good as the seniors though," I admitted.
    Alex laughed. I swear if he uses that line that he used on me at Duke's house when I first met him, I'm going to hurt him. "So you're fast. I wonder how you would be in my ro-"
    "Shut it, Charles!" I said before he could say anymore. Drake and Alex laughed at me. I felt my cheeks heating up. Damn them!   
    "Look, here they come!" Nicky said facing the entrance door. This must've been the most beautiful thing I have seen in my entire life. Everyone on the track team turned their attention towards Duke and Matt who came in wearing shorts that were really short for them and they looked tight in some places. Let me say though: damn do they have good leg muscle or what! Stop being a creep, Val! They had on gray t-shirts. Duke's shorts were a very light blue and Matt's were a bright yellow. Oh man! This was a good way of getting revenge. Everyone was trying to hold in their laughs.
    "So, you lied to us," Duke said unamused.
    "And you changed our alarm clocks and got us in trouble with Mr. Howard," Drake said fighting back.
    Matt looked down at the ground. "So, I'm guessing this was you're way of revenge right?" Matt asked.
    The four of us looked at each other. "Yep!" Alex answered. "And it was a pretty good revenge planned by the one and only Valentina Cruz!" Alex said placing his hands on my shoulders.
    I gave them a grin. "How does karma feel boys? Feels like a bitch right?" I asked with a smirk and a wink.
    "Please tell us that you have an extra pair of shorts for us?" Duke asked with a pleading look.    Nicky and I held up a bag each with shorts in them. "If you say sorry we'll give them back," Nicky said.
    Matt and Duke exchanged looks with each other and rolled their eyes. "Sorry," they mumbled.
    I held my hand to my ear. "Sorry, I couldn't quite hear that," I said even though I heard them perfectly fine.
    "Sorry," they whined. Apology accepted.
    When I got home I immediately jumped into the shower I felt so gross. Practice wasn't so bad today. Just tiring. After I showered I threw on my black shorts, a skirts bra for now, and a white t-shirt. Before I put it on I examined myself in the mirror. I stared at my sides. You could see my ribs basically popping out. I traced my fingers over my bony rib cage. So much for trying to eat more food. I looked over at my dresser to see that Gramma put a bottle of water and my pills on my dresser. The pills are for my bone cancer. I still haven't told Duke about that. I have a doctors appointment soon to see what's going to happen with me. I threw the pills into my mouth and took a sip of water, swallowing the pill. "Well, don't you have a sexy body," a voice said across from my window. I looked at the reflection of my mirror to see Duke by his window staring at me.
I turned around to face him in only my shorts and sports bra. I threw my shirt on quickly and walked over to the window with red cheeks. Thank god I was wearing a bra. "What do you want you pervert?" I asked embarrassed.
    "Nothing, I was about to close my curtains but then I saw you staring at your body in the mirror," Duke answer. I pursed my lips to the side. "Did you force yourself to be skinny?" Duke asked. He must've saw me tracing my finger over my ribs.
    I raised my eyebrows. "N-no! I'm not like those girls," I answered. Duke placed his elbow on his windowsill and held his chin in the palm of his hand. I sat down on my bench that was right next window. "It's just a problem I have. I eat a lot but it seems as if I can't get anymore fat on me. Doctors say it has to do with my bone cancer," I explained to him.
Duke nodded. "What were those pills you took before?" Duke asked referring to my pills I took for my bone cancer.
"Those were for my bone cancer," I answered. Maybe now would be a good time to ask him about his past. "So, Duke, I told you about my past. Do you think you can tell me about yo-" I was cut off by a phone ringing.
Duke looked away from his window and walked away fro a second. "Hello? What do you want? She's most likely sleeping. Why the hell would I ask them to do that?" Duke asked getting pissed off. Maybe today is not a good day. "It's your fault. Serve the time or don't do the crime. But that's too late for you. Thanks for the new nickname you douche," Duke said laughing with anger. Yeah today's definitely not the day. Duke ended the call and tossed his phone onto his bed. Duke walked back to the window. "Sorry about that. What were you saying?" Duke asked referring to me almost asking him about his past.
I decided to play it dumb. I looked up at my ceiling. "Oh, I don't remember. I'll ask when I remember," I lied. "See you tomorrow at school," I said trying to cut the conversation short.
"G'night, chica," Duke said as he winked at me and closed his window and curtains. Perverted monkey. I did the same and plopped down on my bed. What's up with Duke? There's something I don't know about him. The guys probably know. But they won't tell me. Whatever it was, Duke wasn't happy about it.

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