Chapter 19: Necklace and Mistletoe

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    It's December already? November flew by fast. November was a month full of Matt and I applying for NYU, babysitting Kerry and being tortured by Duke, working at the bakery, being tortured by the four morons, Thanksgiving, and ending the season of football and lacrosse until the spring time. I have track now so I'm still being active.
    "Rudolph, the Red Nose Reindeer! Had a very shiny nose!" Kerry sung as we watched Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. It was that time of the month when channel 7 starts playing Christmas movies. I still watch them when I get the chance. When I was younger it was a tradition with my parents to watch a movie whenever it was playing. My grandparents tried to carry it out but once I got into high school I didn't have anymore time to stay up late watching Christmas films.
    "Then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say," Kerry continued. It was 7:30 p.m. and I was spending my Friday night watching Kerry while her grandparents went away for the weekend and Duke went to Alex's house. I was asked to start decorating the house with Kerry, but Kerry insists that I wait for Duke to get home. "Val! What do you want for Christmas?" Kerry asked as she sat next to me.
    What did I want? Probably the new Seventeen album. Or some Seventeen merchandise. Oh, for Duke to give me back my damn diary! "I'm not sure yet," I said smiling to Kerry. I put a blanket over me and her. "What do you want for Christmas?" I asked being curious. I'm going to probably get her something. I need to get Gramma and Gramps something. I'm going to probably have to get Duke and the other three morons something. And I have to definitely get Nicky something.
    Kerry cocked her head to the left. And then to the right putting a finger to her chin. She shot her head straight once she thought of something. "For a new Barbie doll and for Mommy and Daddy to come home!" Kerry said excitedly. To come home? Did Duke live here and I just never knew it? I know I shouldn't ask Duke what happened but because I told him about my past I'm going to probably ask him. Soon though...
    "Kerry, Val? You guys here?" I heard Duke asked as he walked through the door. He was covered in tiny snowflakes. It started snowing this morning and it hasn't stopped. Fingers crossed that the school will close down for a couple of days.
    "Duke!" Kerry shouted as she slid off the couch. She ran to him and jumped into his arms and gave Duke a kiss on the cheek. Duke gave her a kiss back and placed her down. "Duke! What do you want for Christmas?" Kerry asked excitedly.
    Duke hung his jacket up and thought about it. I got my lazy butt off the couch and walked over. "Hmm, I want a new football since Pops ran over my old one," Duke answered.
    "Okay!" Kerry said. She ran out of the hallway and upstairs.
    "Sorry, I thought I would get home earlier but there was traffic by Alex's," Duke said apologizing for his tardiness.
    I nodded and smiled. "It's alright. Kerry's been wanting to decorate the house but she waned to wait for you," I said walking into the living room with Duke trailing behind me.
    "Aw, are you sure you haven't been waiting to spend some time with me?" Duke asked winking at me.
    "Yeah, I'm sure," I said unamused.
    He shrugged his shoulders. We turned out attentions towards the staircase to see Kerry jumping down the stairs. She was in the most adorable outfit. She was wearing a Santa Clause hat with black sunglasses and onesies with gingerbread men on them. When she got to the floor she put one hand on her hip and the other in the air. "W-who's ready to get t-their Christmas o-on?" Kerry asked trying to sound sassy.
    "Where did you hear that from?" I asked laughing at how adorable she is.
    "From Drake!" Kerry said. "He told me to say this to you when we decorate the house," Kerry said in her adorable voice. That is something Drake would tell Duke's little sister to say.
    We decorated the house and the tree. After doing that and watching The Grinch, we got Kerry into bed and plopped down on the couch. "So, do you have anything in mind you want for Christmas?" Duke asked. Is he planning on getting me something? I sort of don't want anything from him because knowing him, Duke will get me something strange. "Not that I would get you anything," Duke said.
    I shrugged. "Like I would want anything from you," I said putting my legs on his lap.
    He slapped my thigh. "Excuse me do I look like a leg rest?" Duke asked laughing at how much pain I'm in. Damn, my legs are still stinging. "So what do you want?"
    "I want a bunch of K-Pop merchandise," I said smiling and dreaming about all of the Seventeen merchandise. I mean if I could get Vernon then I don't want anything else. That guy is like a Korean version of Leonardo Decaprio. He's from New York and speaks fluent English and Korean and he's a rapper.
    "Okay, how about something American," Duke said. All Nicky and I talk about is K-Pop around those morons. It annoys them. But, Alex is willing to listen to get closer to Nicky.
    I opened up Safari on my iPhone and searched up this really pretty necklace. It has my birthstone which is an amethyst. My birthday is February 5th. "I've been wanting this necklace for the longest time," I said handing him the phone. He took my phone and stared at it. He gave me the phone back and stayed silent. "What do you want for Christmas?" I asked. "Not that I'm going to get you anything," I said using his words that he said to me.
    Duke rolled his eyes. "Probably some new sports equipment," Duke said shrugging. Well, I've got an idea for him now.
    It was a week before Christmas and Nicky and I decided to wait last minute to go Christmas shopping. We went into town to get some gifts. We got the guys a gift and I got Nicky a gift. Nicky, the guys, and I chipped in to get my grandparents a new coffee maker. It's that really nice Keurig machine. But, it's expensive. "So, what are you doing for Christmas?" Nicky asked. Right when she asked that our phones went off at the same time. It was a group chat from Duke:
Duke: Hey, guys! I know none of us have family in Delaware...
    Wow, way to jump to conclusions. Well, he's right. My family either lives in New York, Scotland, Serbia, or Australia. Nicky's family lives in Japan. Matt's family doesn't celebrate Christmas as a big thing. Drake's parents have their friends over. And Alex doesn't really celebrate since his parents aren't home that much.
Duke: So, do you guys wanna come over for Christmas? Your parents or grandparents can come, too...
Drake: Don't worry, I'll be there. If I need to stay in the same house as my parents and their drunk friends I'm going to wind up staying in my room for the night XD
Alex: Yeah, sounds cool! My mom is going to a family friend's house with Mikey and Tracy so I'll come.
Matt: If it means getting away from Kotori, I'll come...
    I looked at Nicky to see if she was interested. She shrugged her shoulders.
Nicky: I don't do anything on Christmas but I'll talk to my parents.
Val: I'm sure my grandparents will be cool with it!
    Well, I know where I'll be spending my Christmas. "So, you went over to Duke's last night?" Nicky asked as we walked to my car.
    "Yeah, I had to watch Kerry. He came home and then I had to help them decorate for Christmas," I said as I got into my car.
    Nicky smirked at me. "Did you guys do anything else?" She asked smirking. "Like, kiss since I heard you lost the bet?" She started laughing and I lightly whacked her on the arm.
    "No, he said he's going to make the move," I said.
    She kept blushing at me. "Dude, you and Duke are perfect for each other!" She said getting all giggly.
    I rolled my eyes and started driving. "What makes you say that? What do we have in common with each other that we are meant for each other?" Do I like Duke? No. He's a moron who stole my diary and annoys me 24/7.
    "Well, let's see," she said. "You both like sports. You like classic rock. He's starting to like anime. And I know you have the hots for him," Nicky said laughing.
    "Nicky!" I whined. What if I do like him? I can't. He's a bad boy. He doesn't like me. I'm sure he's using me. But, I don't want to find out that he is.
    It was Christmas morning. Gramps, Gramma, and I opened each others gifts and went to church for the Christmas Mass. We then went to the diner for breakfast. They told me that they weren't going to go to Duke's house for Christmas but wanted me to go.
    Nicky came over and got ready with me. "So, did your parents like your gift?" I asked as I curled my hair.
    Nicky laughed. "Sure, we'll go with that," Nicky said. Oh boy.
    "What did you get them?" I asked her.
    Nicky finished curling her hair. This time she had red high lights. They really popped since she had black hair. "I got my dad some new work ties and shirts. He liked them. I got my mom a new coffee maker. 'Nicky, why would you spend your money on this? When am I going to use it? I don't even drink coffee that much!' is the response I got from my mom," Nicky said.
    "Awe, I'm sorry Nicky," I said. She spent all of that money and her mom doesn't even like it. I guess that's typical of her mom.
    "Eh, my dad said he'll take it to work so I'm not that upset," Nicky said shrugging it off. For my outfit I had on black leggings, black boots, and a white sweater with a red infinity scarf. Nicky surprisingly didn't have an anime shirt on today. She had on black leggings, black boots, a red shirt, and a white cardigan.
    We went downstairs and left the bakery with the guys gifts and headed for Duke's house. I saw the door opened a little so I opened it. I was greeted by Drake and Matt. "Ladies!" Matt said opening the door for us. "How's it going?"
    "Hey, Matt. Merry Christmas!" I said as I handed him his gift. Nicky handed her's to him, too.
    Matt tooked them. "Wow, you guys didn't have to do that," Matt said giving us a hug.
    Drake cleared his throat. "Um, am I not as important as that doofus?" Drake said joking around.
    Nicky laughed. "Yeah, we just don't like you as much," I said joking around.
    "Merry Christmas, Drake," Nicky said as she and I handed him our gifts.
    "Thanks, girls," Drake said as he hugged us.
    Matt and Drake opened their gifts. "Val, you got me a new violin case?" Matt said really happy. "And you got me a box of cookies, Nicky?" Matt said admiring the box of chocolate chip cookies in front of him.
    I nodded and smiled at him. "Well, yeah. You were complaining about how your old case is falling apart," I said grinning.
    "Yeah, yeah, I got everyone a box of cookies. Don't get too excited about it," Nicky said shrugging.
    "Well, now I know what Nicky got me," Drake said as he opened my gift. "Woah, a new soccer ball!" Drake said. Drake is the captain of the soccer ball team. His other one got run over by Alex's car. "Thanks, girls!" Drake and Matt said in unison.
    "So, are we allowed inside or are we just going to stand here all night?" Nicky asked getting tired of standing in the same spot.
    "Yeah, Duke and Alex are in the living room," Matt said. He motioned for us to follow him. There were a lot of people in the house. I recognized a couple from the football team and there was a lot of family here. And of course girls from school. "Duke, Val and Nic are here," Matt said. I looked at the couch to see Alex on his phone and Duke kissing another whore of his. Oh and who was this girl that he was kissing? Madison. Is he hoping someone dies tonight? Alex got up and walked over to us. "Val, Nicky, Merry Christmas!" Alex said handing us two small bags.
    We exchanged our gifts and opened them. Alex got me and Nicky the same thing which was fine. It had a bunch of Bath&Body stuff in it. "Was it a little weird being seen in the store buying female products?" Nicky asked.
    "No, because I had Tracy and her friends buy them for me," Alex said with a grin.
    "Can't believe we forgot to give you our gifts," Drake said as he and Matt walked back in with two cards in each hand. I opened mine up to see that Drake got me a gift card to Starbucks and Matt got me a gift card to the sports store, Modell's. Nicky got the same thing from them.
    "Thanks, guys!" I said smiling. I turned around to look at Duke kissing Madison.
    I think Alex saw my reaction. He walked over to Madison and Duke. He whacked Duke in the back of his head. Duke whacked Alex back. "Dude, Nicky and Val are here! Kiss her later," Alex said walking back to us.
    Duke left Madison and walked over to us. "Merry Christmas," I said a little moody as I handed Duke his gift along with Nicky. My gift was in a big bag. "Woah, a new duffle bag!" Duke said. He opened it to find a pack of six Gatorades, a DVD set of Ouran High School Host Club and a new football. "Thanks, Val! This is awesome!" Duke said admiring the bag and grinning.
    "Yeah, don't mention it," I said smirking.
    He opened Nicky's gift up. Nicky got him an AC/DC album. "Thanks, Nicky! You're awesome!"
    Nicky patted her shoulder. "Yeah, I get that a lot!"
    Duke handed Nicky a bag. "You'll get your's later," Duke said to me. What?
    Nicky opened the bag to find a Soul Eater Black Star action figure. "Thanks, Duke! Now I have the last character to my action figure collection."
    I gave Duke a concerning look. "I'm a little afraid to find out what you got me," I said giving a worrying look. I looked at the other three morons who also looked worried. Okay, so they're not in on this gift. We spent the night talking and eating and meeting his family. Alex and Nicky were talking about K-Pop. Alex kept winking at me and giving me a thumbs up. Good for Alex! Maybe Nicky won't be a single pringle forever. Me on the other hand, I'm going to be in my old age listening to Beyoncé's Single Ladies eating pizza and naming my cats after the host club from OHSHC.
"Hey, Valentina," a soft voice greeted me. I turned around to see Fiona standing behind me. She's a little taller than me. And I'm really short. Like 4'11. Yeah, my mom was really tiny. Fiona had her hair down, straightened. She was wearing a black skirt, black tights, boots, and a white shirt with a green scarf. I've been making small talk with her ever since the roof accident.
"Fiona! How's it going?" I asked smiling up at her. She blushed a little but she was still smiling.
"I'm good! How about you? Did you that Madison is here?" Fiona asked with a worried face. Fiona quit the cheerleading team to join Delaware's travel cheerleading team and join the softball team for Clayton High.
I gave Fiona a disgusted look. "Oh yeah...I saw her alright. She was having a make out session with Duke," I said rolling my eyes. Jealous much, Val? Why did Duke invite her when he know Drake and I aren't on the best of terms with Madison? She most likely invited herself like she normally does. "Has she been giving you any trouble?" I asked curious if Madison was being a major bit high to Fiona.
Fiona shrugged but smiled. "Yeah, she's still on my case. But now as bad as I thought. All she does is call me names or give me weird looks. I saw her before and she gave me the middle-finger," Fiona said chuckling a little. "What about you?"
Has Madison really been bothering me? "I try to keep my distance. Only class I have with her is health ed. I get disgusted looks then and now but she's not that bothersome towards me as much anymore." We laugh and then turn our attention to see Matt walking over to us.
"How's it going, pretty ladies?" Matt asked with a smirk.
I saw Fiona blushing a little. "U-uh, hi, Matt!" Fiona blurted out. "I'm going to go use the bathroom, Val. Bye!" Fiona said quickly leaving us. Oh, does someone have a special something for a certain Matt?
"What was that about?" Matt asked rubbing the back of his neck. "Did I say something?"
I laughed. "Dude, she has a little crush on you," I explained to him as easy as I could.
Matt raised his eyebrows and smirked. "Oh, really?" Matt laughed. "That's good to know!"
I giggled at him. "Have you seen Duke around?" I asked. I haven't spoken to him at all tonight except when I gave him his gift.
Matt shook his head. "No, sorry. He may be outside in the back yard," Matt suggested. "C'mon, let's go look," Matt said motioning his head for me to follow. We weaved through all of the guest in the house trying to not bump into anyone. We finally made it to the back door. Matt opened it and took a step outside. When we stepped outside it was freezing. My breathing was getting a little heavy. It was a combination of wrestling through people and the cold air. When ever I exhaled I saw my breath come out of my mouth. "Where could he be?" Matt said as we walked down the deck stairs. We looked to the left to see Duke pinned against a tree by Madison and the two of them kissing each other. He seemed to be enjoying it."Duke!" Matt called pissed off. Matt, Alex, and Drake hate Madison. They always have. Even before the incident.
Duke released himself from Madison and looked at the two of us. I looked up at Matt who looked pissed. I looked back at Duke. I don't know what I was feeling. Anger? Sadness? Jealousy? Love? Love? Love? No I can't love him. I can't like him. I trusted him. I told him about my past. He told me that I could trust him. But how could I when I see things like this?
Duke stared right at me. I stared at Duke. Confused. Sad. Angry. Hurt. "Val, I-" Duke started but got cut off.
"Ha!" Madison started laughing cutting Duke off. I turned my attention towards her ugly mug. Instead of having a confused, said, angry, hurt look I gave Madison an angry and sad looked. "Look how pathetic you look!" Madison pointing a finger at me with amusement on her face. "You really thought that just because Duke came to save you from the roof top you think he hates me?" Madison continued to laugh. "No one hates me!"
    "Well, that's a lie," I heard a soft voice say. Fiona? Matt and I turned around to see Drake, Alex, Nicky, and Fiona. Fiona looked terrified after she said that. Madison had a shock expression on her face. "No one likes you anymore, Madison. You don't see me hanging around you anymore. You don't see these guys hanging out with you. You're-you're-you're just a whore!" Fiona said. We all looked at her with a shocked face. I don't think I would ever expect those words to come out of her mouth. She's so innocent. I guess we all come out of our shells.
    Madison rolled her eyes at Fiona. She scoffed. "Like I care. Where are you in life now, Fiona? Hiding in your room trying to fit in still?" Madison asked like she just insulted Fiona.
    "No, I'm actually on Delaware's elite travel cheerleading team. And I'm at the top of the pyramid," Fiona fought back. Madison made sure Fiona was always at the bottom of the pyramid in cheerleading practices. How about them apples, Madison?
    Madison rolled her eyes and shrugged, crossing her arms over her large chest. "Like I care." Madison narrowed her eyes at me. "At least I have real friends, Val," Madison said. "These guys are only your friends because you're Duke's neighbor and you babysit his sister. They wouldn't be hanging out with you if it wasn't for Duke talking to you. And you think Duke's your friend? That's funny. Duke's only friends with you because your grandfathers are good friends."
    I felt hurt. I knew what she was saying a lie. I feel like these guys are my friends. I don't know what they think of me though. I looked at Duke who was staring at Madison's back. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Drake staring at Madison. Drake had a face on they made it clear that he wasn't messing around. "You're right, we're not Val's friends," Drake said. What? I felt tears coming up.
    Alex walked up with a smirk. "We're her best friends and her only friends that she needs," Alex said smirking. That sounded like a power puff line. 'We're her best friends.' I've finally found people that will accept me for who I am and won't leave me. These guys are defending me right now.
    "Whatever," Madison said rolling her eyes. Roll them one more time and I'll knock 'em out of your eye sockets. "Let's go, Duke," Madison walking away. Duke stayed in his same exact spot. "Duke, don't you want some fun?" Madison asked.
    Duke eyed her and then looked at me and the guys. Please come over here Duke! "Close your eyes, all of you," Duke said.
    We all stared at him with confused and unamused looks. "Dude, are you okay?" Matt asked concerned.
    "Close your eyes," Duke said. "Whoever I'm standing next to is who I'll go with," Duke said not messing around. I did as he said and closed my eyes with the others. If Duke comes over here I won't give up trying to get closer to him. If he goes off with Madison I'll give up and pretend I don't know him. If he comes over here I won't give up. If he doesn't I'll give up. Come over here and I won't give up. Don't come over here and I give up. Please come over here! "So how about we go inside?" Duke's warm, minty breath whispered into my ears. I flinched as he spoke. I opened my eyes slowly to see Duke smirking at me. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. I won't give up. Duke turned around and looked at Madison. "You need to leave, Madison."
    Madison stared at us with anger in her face. "Whatever." And with that Madison left.
    "You really thought I wasn't your friend?" Duke asked still smirking at me. Well, I don't know. I saw you kissing the girl that beat me up and locked me on the roof in the rain. "Do you really think I was the one that made the move on her? Let's think her logically, Valentina," Duke said winking at me. No he wouldn't go behind my back. He wouldn't save me and then kiss the bitch that hurt me. Duke's my Superman.
    I shook my head. "No, sorry," I said blushing.
    "We're gonna go inside," Alex said walking away with the others.
    Duke grabbed my hand. "Come here, I'll show you why she was kissing me," Duke said as he walked me over to the tree where they were kissing. We stood in the spot that they were kissing. "Look up," Duke said. I looked up and saw something hanging from the tree branch. You have to be kidding me? A mistletoe? "I was over here by myself. She came outside a little drunk and I guess she saw it."
    "I'm sorry, Duke. I didn't mean to overreact like that. I was hurt when I saw you guys kissing because I thought I trusted you," I said looking away.
    Duke still hasn't let go of my hand. "You can always trust me...Valentina," Duke said smirking at me. Gah, his smirk is irresistible. Duke reached into his back pocket and took out a black box. "Here you go, dork. Merry Christmas!" Duke handed me the black box and let go of my hand.
    I smiled at it but then frowned. "What's going to pop out or explode in my face when I open this?" I asked being suspicious.
    "Just open the damn box," Duke said.
    I looked at him with pursed lips. I looked down at the box. I opened the top of the box slowly, flinching a little bit incase something did explode in my face. When I opened it completely I thought I was going to cry a little. It was the necklace that I showed him last week. It was beautiful. "Duke," is all I said. I was speechless. I didn't think Duke was nice enough to get me something like this. Instead of saying 'thank you' I bombarded him with a hug. He was taken back a little bit but then hugged me back. "Thank you," I whispered.
    "No problem, chica," Duke said. We let go of each other. Duke looked up at the tree branch again. He looked down at me with a smirk. "So, we're under the mistletoe. You wanna kiss under the mistletoe?" Duke asked trying to be cool.
    I laughed. "Sure, once you scrubbed off all of the slut off of you," I said referring to Duke kissing Madison. "I'm not having my lips touch those lips once they are disinfected," I said scrunching my nose.
    Duke made kissy lips at me. "You know you want them," Duke said grinning.
    "Sure, in your dreams," I said. Duke started walking over towards me with his kissy lips. I started walking away but he grabbed me from behind and started tickling me. I was laughing uncontrollably. He grabbed the box from hand and took the necklace out. He put it around my neck. His warm hands touched my neck and it sent a shiver down my spine.
    I looked up at Duke and smiled. "Thanks, moron," I said. He smirked at me and walked inside. I followed him inside. The rest of the night was spent with the guys, Nicky, and Fiona. I have found a good group of friends. And I hope I don't lose them. They treat me well and they understand me. I'm happy I took Mr. Franklin's cake order and met Duke.

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