20. Three's A Party

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Charlie's P.O.V

"Hey, Lauren. How's the prep going" I asked over the phone. Lauren, Aimee, Meghan, Mikaela, my mom, y/m/n and Holly were currently planning a surprise baby shower party thing for y/n. I got the task of keeping her busy whilst she waited for Lauren to take her for a 'sister shopping spree'. "Um, yeah I'm on my way now Charlie.. I'll be there in less than 3 minutes" she answered frustrated, "yeah, sure okay" I replied scratching the back of my neck. As I hung up I felt a petite hand snake into mine "who was that Chaz" y/n asked "oh just Laur-" my voice haulted when my eyes caught onto what she was wearing "dang princess" she giggled at my remark. The doorbell rang just as I was about to lean down and kiss her plump lips. I carefully untangled our fingers and opened the door for Lauren, "hey charlie. Y/n are you rea- you look so gorgeous and how has Tia gotten this big, has it been that long already." She gasped walking in "aha, I don't know laurl time flies" y/n chuckled "well talking about flying, you best be off... Uhh shawn will be here with the lads a-any moment now" I interjected, Lauren gave me an 'really? nice cover up' look before I placed my hand on their backs pushing them out "oh okay then bye I'll see you later" y/n said hastily kissing my cheek before I shut the door. Now I just had to beat them to the venue booked.

Your P.O.V

"Wow, Charlie must be in a rush to see the boys" I said turning to Lauren as she pulled out of our driveway "Heh yeah" she said, her eyes flickering back and forth to the time. We got to the mall and Lauren completely missed the turn "uhm, Laurl?" I chuckled lightly and gave her an odd look she just carried on as if I hadn't said anything. After a while of silence we came across a pretty nifty looking building, to be honest it kinda looked familiar. She drove around to the front and that's where I saw the big mint green sign 'table table'. I was awestruck "oh.. My God, laurl this is amazing, this place is still going?!" I exclaimed covering my mouth as she parked. "I know right! I thought it shut down but me and mom accidentally drove by it the other day" I could feel the tears threatening to fall. "I still have very vivid memories here, we might as well have lived there the amount of days we spent here. Everyone must've known us" I responded wiping the budding tears and giggling. We walked in arms over each others shoulders.


I stopped in my tracks to find all my girl friends Charlie's and my mom standing with gifts in their hands. I could feel the waterworks beginning to flow again. Just as I began walking to hug everyone a pair of arms found their way around my waist and onto my tummy. I whipped my head round to see Charlie, by now the tears were freely falling. "Ohmygosh guys this is so beautiful, you all didn't have to go through so much trouble you know. Ugh I just love it SO much!" I said regaining my speech.


By now my baby shower was in full flow and everything was going smoothly. Charlie actually did end up going out with the lads for real because I thought it wasn't fair on him to be forced to listen to all our girly gossips. I'm still a bit overwhelmed by all of it, I just wouldn't have ever expected this in a million years. Only now my stomach was starting to slightly contract at the sides and my head was getting woozy. "Hey y/n/n.." I heard a faint voice say "y/n/n? Y/n. You okay, you seem lost" Mikaela questioned cutting my thoughts off "Huh? Um yeah, yeah I'm fine" I smiled meekly. I went to get a drink in the kitchen area where my mom was and I could feel dampness between my legs and not the good kind. I waved at my mom and went to get the lemonade bottle when a whole load of liquid dropped out of me, it literally felt like a sack being ripped inside me. My legs gave way and I instantly collapsed on the floor, along with the lemonade bottle, rolling away

"MOM?! Mom I think my water's broke! I'm not meant to give birth for 2 more months! Please get hel-... I need Cha-rlie. G-ett Ch- I need CHARL-IE" I said struggling to control my breathing pace. "I ne-ed Ch-charlie" was all I could get out as tears started choking me. The last thing I remember before blacking out was Debra and my mom at my sides soothing me "calm down y/n, stay with us please, it's all okay the ambulance are on their way." No I need Charlie.

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