Chapter 12

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We reach the police station. Finally. That journey was the second worst journey I've ever had, the first being when i was abducted. As we walk up to the doors, I start to feel panicked. What if they don't believe me? What if they think I'm crazy? No, I tell myself. They won't think I'm crazy, I'm Richelle Jackson, and I have an incredible story.

It felt like an interrogation, the whole 'questioning'. Whenever I couldn't remember a detail, or I was embarrassed to say something, I would hear the police tut under their breath at me. Noah wasn't with me, but he kept his promise, he was right outside the door, I kept seeing him pacing.

"Richelle, you said the day you were abducted, your best friend was ill, so he couldn't pick you up. Don't you think that's a bit of a coincidence?"
What was he talking about? I had just told him about my years of torture and he was talking about Noah?
"Sorry, I'm not sure I understand."
"Was there any point you saw your abductor unmasked?"
"No, why?"
I was more confused than ever now.
"I'm saying, Miss Jackson, that your so called 'best friend' might just be your attacker."
Shock. That's the first thing I feel. Anger started bubbling up inside me then.
"Again, don't you think it was a bit of a coincidence that Noah still lived in the same village as you when you were young? And it just happened to be so close to where you were being held captive."
I blacked out about there.

As I awoke, I didn't immediately open my eyes. I heard a voice that I immediately recognised was speaking to me.
"Richelle? Oh my god, what happened officer?"
"Well, we think we caused her distress after something we said, but rest assured, it was a false alarm."
"What did you tell her?"
"We have to explore all possible options of who her kidnapper was, and at that moment we were discussing it could be y-"
Damn it, I wanted to hear Noah get all defensive, he's so cute when he is defensive. I guess my acting skills have gone down a lot since I literally couldn't even pretend to be asleep!
"I'm here, are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine, a little bit too scared to be repeating everything i guess, can we go back-"
I was about to say home, but I realised that it wasn't my home, it was Noah and Amanda's. Sadness crept over me when we headed back to the car.

Hey guys! Are you all feeling hormonal today?! Me too! I hope y'all liked this chapter! My darling sister Evie wrote it! Thanks bye! Evie wrote all of this, including this Author's note....

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