6. I Hate Waiting

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Ethan had changed his outfit and he didn't lose time in showing it off.

He had already been seated, waiting for everyone to arrive. He stood and spread his arms when everyone had. Smiling like he hadn't just attended his mother's funeral. "Thank you, everyone. I am certain my mother would have been gratified to see you all come by for one last farewell." He inclined his head toward me. He wanted me to stand. I pretended I hadn't seen him.

I know. I know. When it came to him I was a child. I hated myself for it. I should be more mature, face it head-on. However, my feelings towards this situation were strong and I could never find myself thinking through my reactions when I detested it so much. It happened and once they were done, I couldn't take them back. Maybe deep down, I hoped my actions would lead him to reject me once and for all and this whole nightmare would be over.

He didn't understand this though and reached for my hand, pulling me so I would stand by him. I glared daggers but stood regardless. I was a Prince. I had to. He smiled, looking at me like he was head over heels in love. It was loathsome knowing he knew nothing about me and he only looked at me that way because he was putting on a show for the other nobility. For a second, I wondered if I did marry him in the end, would he ever really love me? Would I come to love him? But I pushed it away before that train of thought led elsewhere. I couldn't be bothered with it. If I knew one thing, it was that Ethan wasn't my happy ending. Not that I had any idea who was.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce my fiance, Prince Nico di Angelo from Inferos." Everyone clapped at Ethan's words. I couldn't do anything but wait until they were done.

He didn't let go of my hand until we took our seats again and I pulled it out of his grasp. The rest of the dinner went on with no new developments. We dined on delectable dishes but I couldn't eat slow enough to savor the food. I tried to be quick so I could exit and escape to my chambers. I told them I was absolutely drained and I needed to sleep. Ethan knew what I was doing but he was unable to call me out on it before the nobility. I managed with only a minor setback. They all stood to congratulate me and wish me goodnight.

I thought I'd stay up and maybe talk a bit with Reyna but I must have been more exhausted than I believed. As soon as I hit the mattress, I fell into a blissfully dreamless sleep.


Dinner the night before was torture. And yet there was another thing to take care of on this day.

Today was the coronation.

This meant Ethan was too busy preparing for it to bother me until the actual ceremony later this evening. The ceremony was to start at sundown. When the sun's rays hit the throne room's mosaic windows just right and illuminated the room with rainbows. The sun had only just risen and I accompanied it. I didn't want to get out of bed. Jason hadn't left yet, which meant my letter wasn't yet in the hands of Will. It wouldn't be until, at the very least, three days from now. Five at the most. Then still, I would have to await his answer.

"Nico." Reyna knocked on her door as she stood in the doorway with the door open, looking into my room. "Would you like me to bring your breakfast up?"

"How did you know I was awake?" I sat up, rubbing my face.

"I heard you talking to yourself." She stepped into the room.

"I was talking aloud?" I sincerely hoped I hadn't done that before. I voiced my fear.

Reyna smiled, "Sometimes when I come back from instructing the Knights, you're talking to your current book."

Oh. At least I wasn't usually saying personal things out loud. "Good to know."



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