17. Reunion

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The morning after falling asleep with Will in Ethan's dungeons, I told Will everything. Once I finished, I did not let him get a word in because what in all the hells was he doing there? I needed an explanation.

"I was worried? Why else would I have gone after you? You left me behind with Thalia and I didn't know what to think. After running for months away from this crazy king, you were suddenly back in his clutches. Without any warning to me. I needed to know what was going on." I couldn't see him in the dark but it didn't matter. It could have been as bright as day for the pain was as evident in his voice as anything else. I wanted to help soothe that pain. But could I? If I told him, would he agree to my plan? Or would he run away and regret everything we ever did together? I felt a pang in my chest at the last thought. "Tell me, Nico. Why is it you left me to come back to him?" He sounded like he was accusing me. Now I was the one who didn't know what to think.

"Will..." I hesitated. What if? I couldn't get the what-ifs out of my brain for a second as I thought about whether or not I should tell him. "I don't think it's best to tell you right now."

"Why not?"

"There are too many things to consider at the moment. And putting the burden on you of what I'm thinking could be too much..."

Will was still holding my hands through the bars and when I said that, he squeezed. "Nothing you say could be too much. Nico, I love you and whatever you say will not drive me away from you. Let me help."

My hands started sweating in Will's. Could I let him? Should I? If I told him, here would be no going back. The words would be out in the open and we would have to deal with what I have been planning and thinking of. Additionally, what I was planning might not come to pass, if I could figure out another way. So would it really be necessary to tell him what I was planning? And with who? Although I guess in the end, whether I told him or not would affect him. He was here after all. And it was all Ethan's fault. But what if it did happen?

So I took a deep breath. Because if it did happen, he might appreciate the fact that he had a head's up. And Ethan's death would not come as a gruesome surprise. And even though it was dark, I closed my eyes and squeezed his hands as if my life depended on it. As I told him and explained what was going on, I only hoped he wouldn't think me a murderer. At least, not yet. When I was done, I kept my eyes closed. I couldn't see but keeping them closed brought a sense of security. It helped me kid myself into thinking that even if his reaction was a bad one, in my head it was okay.

His hand took a firmer grip on mine. "I understand why you are doing this."

My eyes shot open in surprise. It did not sound like he hated me. Yet. "You ━"

"That does not mean I'm okay with it. There has to be another way. Such a gruesome solution doesn't seem right to me."

"I know, I agree. But Will...if it comes down to it. I cannot hesitate. Ethan was ready to come for your life and I cannot allow him the pleasure of peace in the battle he brought to us."


Will was interrupted by the clang of the dungeon doors opening an the sudden flash of light before they closed again. Echoing footsteps accompanied by a slinking shadow came closer to us and while I knew there was a very big chance that the person coming toward us was Ethan, I refused to let go of Will's hand. There was no knowing when I would have the luxury of feeling its warmth again. Will squeezed back, and it filled me with assurance. I was glad I was not the only one who did not want to leave him behind. Luckily, when the person finally appeared in front of us, it was one of Ethan's knights. They were not a complete one-up but they were better than Ethan.

He looked straight ahead as he spoke, "The King requests your presence."

"You can let him know I will be there when my business with William is done."

"He requests that you go to him immediately."

"And you can relay my message to him just as you did his. Now be gone."

"King's orders. You must━"

"Well Ethan is not your only king now, is he? I mustn't do anything. You, on the other hand, must do as your King asks."

He was silent as he mulled over his options. Then he bowed. "Your Majesty." And he was on his way.

When we were once again surrounded by darkness and the echo of the metal door closing was long gone, I let out a breath and loosened my hold on Will's hand. Neither of us said anything. I didn't want to leave him here. This was my fault. I had led him here. Why did I let him come with me when I escaped? And when I allowed him to, why did I try to leave on my own? Who could be so stupid? It worked for a while, yes. But I knew Will. I had known he would look for me. Why did I do it? It helped no one and only distracted us from what our main purpose was. Did I do it to see if I was right? To test whether he would really come after me? Or was I only a coward for not wanting to face my feelings?

But ruining things once was not enough for me. Oh no, I had to run off to Ethan without letting Will know of my plans. That time knowing for sure that he would come after me. And I still did it. I couldn't even have told him my plan. And now here he was. Locked up in a dungeon. Starved and beaten because of my stupidity and cowardice. I knew that as soon as I left him behind again. My remorse over my actions could very much eat me alive. Will did not deserve this. I regretted everything I had done to push him away but unfortunately, right now I could not let that drag me down, I did not have the time. I would have push past it if I ever wanted to get him out of there and do everything in my power to make it up to him.

It felt like a short eternity as we sat on the cold hard ground of Ethan's dungeon, silent and in deep thought, though I knew it was no longer than a few minutes. Eventually, I had to let go of his hand and make my way to Ethan. I didn't have the heart to say goodbye to Will, no after everything. Somehow, he knew and I was grateful he didn't ask it of me and didn't say anything either. I brought his hand up to my lips and placed a kiss. A promise that I would get him out of here as soon as possible. And then I left the dungeon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2019 ⏰

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