15. The End

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"Nico." I heard him sigh my name and he pulled me closer. Will's chest was perfectly pressed against my back. I felt more rested than I had in a while.

"Are you awake?" I asked softly just in case he was merely speaking in is sleep.

"Not yet, my love," he mumbled.

I chuckled, "Yet you speak."

"Sleep talk, darling."

At his use of the word darling, a memory of Ethan calling me so surfaced and I mentally recoiled from the thought. I wished for Will to call me darling more often so that memory could forever be buried in greater memories of Will's deep voice in the morning.

I rolled over in bed to face him. His arms loosened long enough for me to make the turn. I reached up to cup his face in my hands. His eyes opened a fraction. "If we were not trying to get as far as we possibly could from Vindectae, I could lay in this bed with you forever but we are and I want to go further."

"I thought you wanted to be in Venatrix?"

"I did, but they found us not too far from here, they are bound to come looking here."

"Are you certain?"

I nodded, "I do not want to risk capture another time."

"Then, as you wish."

I sighed and removed my hands from his face. "I'm getting up now." His arms left my sides and I rose from the bed. I heard his sigh when I did and rustling as he followed suit. Without his warmth I felt cold but nothing putting my clothes on could not fix.

When we were both dressed, we turned to face each other. Will was blushing and there was a small smile gracing his rosy lips. At his blush, a vision of the night before brought a rush of heat to my own cheeks. With the blush on my cheeks and the memory on my mind, I could no longer look at him. Instead, I focused on anything else but him. I began gathering my things. However, he was not having it. Will rounded the bed and took my hand. I had no choice but to look at him.

He squeezed my hand, "Last night. Did you-do you think we should not━"

It was obvious he was trying to hide it, but there was worry pooling in his eyes. I quickly denied his assumption. "No! No, Will, it was fine. Everything is fine." I stopped. "Not everything but last night was good. I just have never done anything...like that."

"Oh." If it were possible, his cheeks reddened, making his freckles glow. "I see." He cleared his throat, "Well. I have never done that either so you are not alone."

His words surprised me. My embarrassment faded. He? The man I swore was a god, at the very least, the son of one, had never been intimate with anyone else? I blinked. "You?"

Will frowned, "Yes. Should I have?"

"I mean. William, you are incredibly sexy. I don't understand."

He smiled. "Why thank you. But do I seem like one to do that sort of thing all the time?"

"That was not what I meant. Someone like you must have had past lovers."

Will shook his head, "You must have not caught the part where I have been in love with you my entire life. Besides," he shrugged, "Even if I had not been, I was far too busy to do anything with anyone."

"And yet you took the time to travel to Inferos and see my introduction."

With his free hand, he reached up to caress my face. "Because I love you Nico di Angelo."

I had a sudden urge to kiss him and let go of his hand so I could wrap my arms around him.

"Your highness! Your grace" A girl burst through the doors and interrupted the moment.

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