13. You Found Me

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"You are all idiots! How is it that you still have not found him? It's one against half a hundred of you." Ethan was not happy. He had returned to the castle a immediately after Nico had fled from him when he was so close; after hearing that a group of his knights were hot on the heels of Nico di Angelo and his annoying blond companion. His knightly prisoner had not given any information either. But now a week later and nothing. He was furious. He should have had his prince by now. But these fools were incapable of finding him.

The Captain kneeled before him, "We are sorry Your Majesty. We will continue trying."

"No." By now, he could be far. They would not find him if they unknowingly chased him through the kingdoms. Especially when other Kings and Queens had started taking notice and were not happy about Ethan's knights traipsing through like nothing. "You will send scouts. Collect information. He will not keep moving forever. He will settle down. And when he does, we will be ready."


I had been walking for three days when I at last had become too tired to continue. On the first day, nothing much happened. I did, however come across a nice clearing where I decided to lay and stare at the sky. I contemplated my feelings for Will and what that meant. I hoped maybe in the future I could have a chance with him but then I remembered even without Ethan chasing after me, he would still have a duchy to take care of and I didn't think I could ever return to being the Prince of Inferos. I then wondered if my father had any clue of what was going on and if he would send a search party for me too. In the end, I came to the conclusion that Will and I were simply not meant to be and my father was much to busy to care about my whereabouts so he would not come looking for me too.

On the second day, someone attempted to rob me and then kidnap me, like robbing me wasn't enough of a nuisance. I was a mile or two away from a town when a man and a woman blocked my path. The woman drew a sword and the man a dagger.

Her eyes narrowed when she saw me, "You look like the guy that King is looking for."

I didn't say anything.

The man spoke next, "I guess we won't just be taking your money. We'll be taking you too. King Ethan is offering a large sum of money for you."

My vision clouded in anger. Not only was he chasing after me but now he had random people looking for me too. I would not let myself be taken.

I waited until they came at me to draw my own sword. As I ducked out of the way, I pulled it out in time to clash with the woman. When the man tried to come at me from behind, I kicked the woman's legs out from her and snatched her sword as she fell. Then I turned and met the man. At the sight of the two swords, he stopped.

"Not too keen on fighting me now, are we?"

His eyes flicked behind me. The woman was standing. I turned and swiftly dropped her again. This time, she hit her head and didn't stand again. The man shouted. More so angry that I sabotaged his plans than angry because someone he cared for was laying unmoving on the ground. I knelt to feel her pulse. Still there. She was fine. I turned my attention back to the man. In his place was his dagger and he was running down the road. I huffed angrily, put my sword away, threw the woman's into a bush and continued on my way.

The third day held no such excitement and by sundown I had reached Somnium. By nighttime I was so tired, that I had stayed in the first place I had come across. I slept the night and had intended on leaving the next morning as soon as the sun had come up but I was so tired, I slept through until dark. When I awoke, I was very angry with myself. Just because Will was no longer traveling with me did not mean Ethan was no longer after me. I wasted time sleeping when I could have continued on my long journey. But soon, I had calmed. Being angry about it would not solve my problem. The best I could do now was go on.

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