Chapter 4

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A/N: Robin's a bit OOC but I still hope you like it!

Zoro's POV
"Please~ Zoro~! Let me meet him, please~!" Robin practically whined about Law. Why's she so desperate for that know-it-all smartass? I'm right here- Oh shut up Roronoa.

"Ask him, I'm not Law." I said coldly and turned back to my locker. She was getting so out of character because of Law. (A/N: Zoro thinks so too! XD)

"Help me?" She asked with puppy dog eyes. Ugh, how dare she? Now, how could I say no to that?

"Tch." Was all I responded. She'll probably get the point.

"Yay! Thank you, my grumpy swordsman!" Robin suddenly hugged me from behind. "Now we've got to go to classes." She let go, and suddenly I felt like there's something missing. "Don't be late okay? I don't want you going to detention again." She said before she walked away.

Ah there it is. She was the one missing.


Luckily, I wasn't late for class. It was science time and I sat beside my partner, Trafalgar Law. Robin's sweetheart, Robin's dream guy, Robin's Prince Charming etc. He's more like a stable boy though, nothing compared to my princess, Robin. I can't really say my princess, but come on we're in my mind, let me have at least an illusion. Besides, imagining those two together just makes me sick.

"Zoro-ya, can you help me?" The guy beside me suddenly asked. I shrugged.


"I like Robin," My head instantly turned to him in a threatening way but he continued otherwise. "Can you help me pursue her?" 

At that, I felt my heart tear. I wasn't enthusiastic about Law being in Robin's fantasies, what more if they're in each other's?! I really thought this bastard wasn't into girls, I guess I was wrong. He could've liked someone else, it could be that Monet girl, they're pretty close, why Robin of all people? My Robin. But I think she'll be happier if they do get to be together. 

It's not as if I'm enough, right?  Besides, if he breaks her heart I'll be there for her... 

So, should I help this idiot?

No. "Sure, I'll help-" I was interrupted by the speaker. Tough luck Trafalgar.

"Good morning students, the prom will be in 3 days, do you have a date already?"

 Oh right, prom. Almost of the guys in our class groaned and the girls giggled. Tch idiots

"If you do I don't want you guys getting sweet in the hallways. I'm talkin' to you, Vinsmoke Sanji, Nami will say yes, don't cha worry." I actually laughed at that, a special mention for a special idiot. 

"And Roronoa Zoro, make a move or someone's gonna get her." My face fell when I heard that. Okay I take that special idiot thing back. And Mr. Shanks on the speaker, believe me, I'm trying

"Okay, moving on. I wanted to announce that it'll be okay to go without a partner, changed the rules 'cause only a few will go if I stick with the other. I guess that's it. Have a nice day everyone. And Luffy, for eating everything in the cafeteria, you're gonna have to deal with your grandfather when you get home." After that, we heard a faint 'No' in the hallway, probably Luffy.

"Oi, Roronoa, I'm planning on asking Robin for the prom. Do you think she'll accept it?" Law asked. Wait... That was my  idea! Tch, plan ruining shit.

"Dunno, I'll ask." I said gloomily and put my head down. This damn bastard.


"NICO ROBIN! Will you go to the prom with me?" Law 'promposed'. 

I was standing behind Law, for some reason, watching everything unfold. I looked at Robin and met her smiling eyes. She turned back at Law and nodded. Then they hugged.

"Thank you." Robin looked over to me and mouthed over Law's shoulder. I gave her a nod and flashed her a warm smile. I turned around and took one last glance. Robin was looked so happy and excited, and I'm glad I was able to help her have that. 

I started walking away, thinking about how  ironic it is that this beginning of her happiness meant so much while my world started falling apart.


I was standing beside the food table as everyone, except for Luffy and I, danced on that romantic song. From afar, I was watching Robin while she enjoyed Law's company.

"I told you so." Shanks told me as he passed by and snapped at Luffy for eating the whole buffet. I sighed, they're just partners for the prom, what could be worse than that?

When the song ended and the buffet was refilled with more goods, a lot stayed on the dance floor, some back at the tables. I saw Law and Robin approaching the drinks table, where I am standing.

"Are you enjoying the night?" Law asked her.

"I wouldn't trade it for anything else." Robin flashed him that sweet smile of hers.

"R-Robin, I've g-got s-something to a-ask you." The guy suddenly and idiotically stuttered and Robin held his cheek, looking him straight in the eyes. Woah, hello? Can't they see me here?

"Breathe, Tra-guy-kun." Robin chuckled.

"Will you go out with me?" Law asked and Robin had a shocked look on her face. "I know it's too fast but, I think I love you. When I first saw you, it's like we instantly-"

"Clicked." They said in unison. Wow, talk about meant to be.

Robin threw her arms around Law and then met my gaze, finally. She smiled at me and mouthed another thank you before responding to Law with a 'yes' and an 'I love you too.' 

I couldn't do anything but watch as my princess went with her stable boy. Now, my world was officially shattered. 

Instead of punching Law in the face or tearing off his limbs, I gave Robin another warm smile. Even though I was already in so much pain, I just couldn't get myself to give her a fake smile, that's all. 

And here comes the cliché line, when she's happy, I'm happy. 

Besides, this might just be infatuations since they 'fell' for each other too quickly. Or they could also be really meant for each other. 

They're not sure of this. Heck, they haven't even thought this through, right?

A/N: Why did I Zoro have to go through that? 😭 *sighs* I hope you liked it! I'll be posting an update soon.

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