Chapter 5

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Sanji's POV 

"S-sanji-kun?" Nami called when I was about to leave her yard. I walked back to her and gave her a reassuring look to urge her to continue. A tear rolled down her cheek as she suddenly threw her arms around my neck and I flinched.  

"Sanji, I..." I wiped her tears and looked at her straight in the eyes. "I'm happy..." she smiled.


Zoro's POV 

I continued to stroke Robin's hair as she cried on my chest. Tch, that Law bastard, making my Robin cry. I don't know what happened between them but I don't want him making her shed tears. After a few silent minutes, she finally stopped and rested her head on the crook of my neck.

"Mind telling me what happened? Do I need to kick anyone's ass?" I asked and put my arms around her thin waist.  She shook her head and I can feel her smiling.

"Thanks for everything Zoro, really. You don't have to beat anyone up, we both know I'm completely capable of doing that alone. It's just that I was shocked, rather surprised by what he said," 

We both sat down and she placed her long legs on top of my lap. "It's gonna be a long story, please massage my feet, they're pretty sore." I happily did what I was told and she continued. "This is what happened..."

After she told me everything, I couldn't think of anything more heartbreaking than that. On my side, of course. Is it the fact that she still sought my comfort when she had problems? The fact that I'm really losing her? Or that other fact, that I still loved her, after everything that has happened and after all these years? 


Nami's POV

I gazed at my reflection in the mirror once more. I look... stunning. Well, usually I already am, but this time is different. I'm really glowing. I smiled at how my gown complemented my hour glass figure. My gown was simple yet elegant. And the color sure matches my hair. These silver sparkling stilettos and the gold accessories bring out the color of my eyes. My hair was tied in a half-ponytail and curled at the ends. I had light make up on, as if I need that to look pretty.

"Nami-san, we have to go. What's taking you so long?" Robin asked as she entered the room. "Excited for this big day?"

I snorted at what she said. Excited? More like nervous.


Zoro's POV

What's taking that witch so long? I understand that this is a pretty grand event we're going to, and maybe pretty special for her but she's gonna miss it if she takes ages to prepare. Tch. Now Robin and I are gonna be late. We need to get to the church already. Nami should've just rented a car for herself. Should I go get them? Oh never mind they're here.

"What took you so long?" I asked as Nami sat on the backseat and Robin sat beside me in the front. "Excited?" 

"For the second time, no. That's what Robin just  asked me too!" Nami sighed and rolled her eyes. "You guys are so meant for each other, why don't you both get married too?" 

I instantly tore my eyes away from the mirror Nami and I were looking at each other from because I felt my cheeks get hot. I glanced at Robin who was busy on her phone. I sighed. Good.

"Shut up, witch." I muttered.

"Try not to get us lost!" Nami said, sickeningly kindly.

 "We're running late already." My Robin said calmly, still looking at her phone.

 "Good luck, Zoro!" Nami and Robin said in unison as I started the car's engine and sighed loudly.

"Yes, madams." I stepped on the accelerator and we were on our way to the church, where the wedding will be held.

A/N: FINALLY! We didnt have wifi for a week and I was dying to update this. And here it is!! Guess who's wedding this is? ;) 

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