Chapter Three

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Date- May,11 2016
Time- 3:00 PM
Nicki's POV

Oooh baby
You mean the world ooooh and everything that I want for
Since I've been your girl
Oh my whole life has been much better than ever before
You got a tender sweet love, yes you do
That weakens me and takes over me whenever we touch

Baby that's just why I love you so much
Baby that's just why I can't get enough
Baby that's just why I love you so much
I love only you

I sung along with Monica- Why I love you so much

Straightening the last piece of Frizzy hair in my head, Then brushed trough it for the last time. I sighed plopping down on my Bed Now what do I wear?
Picking up my Ringing Phone.

" Yes Mother?"

"I heard You got the job. " she said sounding excited

" Yes I did I would've called but I fell asleep talking to bey"

"That's Okay, Kathy Told me Rihmeek love you already & you said Kids don't like you."

I walked inside my closet Putting My phone on the shelf not before putting it on speaker.

"Yeah, He's So sweet & Handsome I can tell we'll be good friends."

"Aren't You going over there today?"

"I'm getting ready now Then headed over there. "

I said Moving to the other side of the closet grabbing a Grey tank crop top & Dark washed jeans Then I paired that with a Really light weight Sweater because it was a little chilly Outside.

"Okay Well I'll let you go I was just checking up on you

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"Okay Well I'll let you go I was just checking up on you. " I heard her say through the speaker

"Okay Ma Bye love you"I practically yelled

"See you later Love you too"

"Hang up."
I heard the phone hang up so I got dressed & Headed to Robert's house.

Arriving at the house, I got out of the car kinda nervous I don't know what for but I am.
I rung the door bell Then seconds later I heard little foot steps I smiled knowing they were Rihmeek's Just then the door swung open Revealing Robert & Rihmeek.

"Hey Miss.Nicki" He came up to me with his arms up So I picked him up

"Hey Rihmeek" I stepped inside the door frame the turning back around to face Robert

"Hey" I said and waved

"Wassup Nicki, I am headed out to the shop so Today You'll be with Papi For like an hour."

"Yes Sir." I put Papi down

"Oh Yeah He Should be almost worn out he has been playing all day But he might be a little hungry. " I nodded

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