Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Meek POV
June 24 | 4 days Later

One more Chapter! Then the sequel will be up ! 😜😏


"She'll be up soon, but we're going to get out of here. We coming back tomorrow. You staying here?" Carol asked

"Yeah, I'm staying here with her tonight."
She nodded as her and Nicki brothers got up

"Be safe Meek." She hugged me

"I will, you stay safe ma," I told her and they walked out

"Fuck, these blankets ain't doing shit." I mumbled
I answered my Ringing phone.

"Yeah pap?" I answred his face time call

"Mommy's up?" He asked with lots of hope

"No, mommy's still resting man. I'll love if she wake up though." I turned the camera to her so he could see her

"Awhn, she pweety still." He smiled

"Duh nigga, my girl ain't gonna never be ugly punk." I mug him in the camera

"You wanna fight pops? Cause I mean I can get gma to drive me up Thea." He said making me laugh

"You a fool man," I laughed at him
His challenging brow was still raised

"I'll knock yo Lil ass out."I told him

For some reason I heard Nicki saying "you not touching my baby," I looked over my shoulder smiling at her knowing she still can hear us


I checked the time. I was hungry..I haven't been eating lately. It came to me now

"I'll be back nic," I kissed her forehead before walked out the cold hospital room

Mama Carol POV

"Are you the mother of Onika?" The doctor that work with Nicki stopped me

"Yes, I am."

"Go ahead to the car." I told the boys and they walked off

"Okay, well...."

If this doctor say something crazy.....
I sighed waiting for him to continue

"We're able to keep the baby in until full term and then do a C-section."

My eyes were now big! My heart beat was faster than ever.

"I'm having an Grand baby?" I asked happy but shocked

"Yes ma'am you are. But if she don't wake up in time we're going to have to give her a c-section." He explained

Nicki POV

Opening my eyes, I heard lots of talking. I instantly recognized the voices. I heard my baby's Voice. He was repeating the same thing over and over. He was telling me an story. Listening closer he was talking about the time we went star gazing.

"Wake up Mommy," I heard his little voice say

"I'm up baby," I replied with a giggle

I bright light flashed in my face causing me to squint my eyes at the unexpected brightness.

I saw a tall man appear.. it was Meek! Oh I've missed him so much.

I slowly blanked but He stood there not blanking at all. Wait, do he see me? Why isn't he talking to me? Why isn't he smiling at me.

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