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Harry panicked. He cried, he did scream and he just stared at the note with a "No!" It was as if he landed in a nightmare. Only once in his life he had really fallen for another person and now that person was gone. He shouted and banged his fist hard into the wall. He made a hole but he didn't care. Nothing mattered if Niall wasn't there. Harry couldn't breathe without the Irishman, he couldn't think clearly. He needed him so much that life wasn't worth living without him.

Harry got up the mobile phone. He called Niall but he came to the voice message. The first five times he said nothing, but then he realized that Niall might want to hear his voice?

"Please Niall call me. We need to talk. You can't just leave me. Please!"

A few seconds later he had to call just to hear Nialls voice.

"Hey, you've come to Niall Horan. I can't answer right now, but leave a message after the beep."

Harry lay on the floor in the bedroom. He looked over all rose petals and he still hadn't put on clothes. He was crying and he was shaking all over. Again he heard Nialls voice. And again and again. Until Harry realized that perhaps he should accept that Niall didn't want to talk right now. He threw away the cell phone. It landed against the wall and it broke into three pieces. Harry didn't care. He looked up at the ceiling and he could hear birds twittering outside the window. He wished he had a weapon. Then he killed them all just to get some quiet time.

Harry learned quickly that a bottle of wine from 1965 was as good as a wine from 1996. He laughed at himself. He had paid cash for the old bottle and still it tasted no different to any other. He threw away the bottles and he realized that he couldn't stand up. He was drunk. He felt his head throbbed and he laughed again.

"Niall See what you've done!" he blurted out, and he laughed. Niall had left him and now Harry sat and drank wine. Talking about that it was comical?


Niall sat in front of Liam and they were quiet. Liam looked long time at him before he said anything.

"I understand that there has been happen a lot between you." he responded nicely. "But you have to call to Harry and talk to him. I'm sure he's worried because he don't no longer responds when I call."

Niall looked down at his hands and he nodded a little bit.

"I was just scared." he whispered hoarsely. "I think it's a big step, but Harry..."

Liam smiled a little bit.

"Yes, he's such a guy, who doesn't think before he acts." Liam leaned against the desk. "Do relax for a couple of days. Read through the script I sent you and think about what you want to do. It's still up to you to decide your future. If you want to make another movie, then I'm here. It's up to you. "

Niall looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes, I want to be an actor. I haven't stopped to doubt that part."

Liam smiled calmly.

"Good! Go home and read."

Niall nodded. He hesitated before he stood up.

"If Harry calls, tell him I'm not angry, I just need to think."

Liam nodded.

"I promise!" he replied quickly. "And I'll tell him that he should think."


Niall went through the manuscript only to occupy himself. He tried to forget about Harry, but it did not work. It ended up with that he sat and daydreamed. He was thinking back on everything that had happened and what perhaps shouldn't have happened. Harry was so different. He helped himself in life and he didn't understand that sometimes it went wrong, even for him. That was what was the biggest problem. Niall had followed and he hadn't complained, but when it was about serious things, Niall didn't want to do it on Harry's way.

Late one night Niall took up the guitar. He sat down on the couch and he tried to remember what he once had played for himself. Somehow, he went on instead to trying to find a new song. Slowly a text pop up in his head and he picked up a pen and paper. He sat long and just played the chords that he felt fit together, then he tried to get on a text to the chords. The only thing he could think about was Harry, as a headline, he wrote: "I Want To Write You A Song"

It took Niall three days and then he could almost make the song finished. He looked down at the text, and he felt that this was Niall, this was written from his own heart. Niall smiled and he sang what he had gotten together.

"I wanna write you a song, One as beautiful as you are sweet, With just a hint of pain, For The Feeling That I get When You Are Gone, I wanna write you a song ..."

Niall smiled and he saw Harry in front of him.

"I wanna lend you my coat, the One that's as soft as your cheek, So When The world is cold, You'll have a hiding place you can go, I wanna lend you my coat..."

Niall had tears in his eyes. Yes, he missed Harry. He couldn't hide the truth, but he was too embarrassed to call him. Nevertheless, he wanted only to hear Harry's voice, but the problem was that Nialls phone lay with Harry. Niall had forgotten it there and it was a problem.

Just for the sake of it, Niall wrote the last part in the song in tears.

"I wanna write you a song, One to make your heart remember me, So any time I'm Gone, You can listen to my voice and sing along, I wanna write you a song"

He closed his eyes, and he let the tears flow down his cheeks. Yes, he loved Harry more than he knew about it, and now he had ruined everything.

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