Part 7

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Together Forever? Part 7

Carson’s p.o.v

Well we are on our way to the new house Mia’s parents bought. Apparently they had bought it before they left on vacation ad didn’t tell her about it. Devan and Madalynn are following behind us. The worst part is Mia was already mad enough before but now she’s livid. Her hands are gripping the steering wheel so tight her knuckles are turning white. I put my hand on her thigh slowly rubbing it to calm her down. We went ahead and wore the same dresses form last night, not feeling like going out to get new ones.

“It’s going to be ok Mia, I’m going to be right there next to you the entire time” I say trying to comfort her

“I’m just really nervous Car. I haven’t seen them in years and all of the sudden they want to have dinner with me? It doesn’t make sense. I just don’t want anything bad to happen that might effect our relationship. I just have a really bad feeling about this” she replies frowning

“Nothing they say or do will ever change how I feel about you”

“Promise?” she asks glancing over to me with so many emotions swirling around in her eyes

“I promise love”

I see her visibly relax a bit as we get closer to the house. She takes a hand off the wheel and takes mine in hers gently squeezing it.  We finally pull into the driveway and Mia tenses up again as we stare out the house or should I say mansion in front of us.

“I love you” I tell her hoping it might help

“I love you too Car” 

I lean over and give her a quick kiss. We both take our time getting out of the car preparing ourselves for what‘s to come.  As we get out Devan and Madalynn get out of their car too. None of us say anything as we walk up to the front door. Taking a deep breath Mia rings the doorbell. A few seconds pass and the big door swings open revealing a young woman dressed in a maid’s outfit. She looks around our age its hard to tell, but she is pretty to say the least. She scans us over, her eyes landing on me.

“Oh Ms. Mia your parents are waiting in the den. Come in I will take you to them” the young woman says turning her attention towards Mia

“Please just call me Mia I am nothing like my parents and wont have you address me in such a way” 

“Yes Mia” the woman replies

“Just talk to me how you would talk to any other person please”

“Alright well I’m Casey” The woman says sticking our her hand

“I’m Mia, this is Carson, Devan and Madalynn” she says taking Casey’s hand and introducing us

Again she stares at me then turns her attention to Mia again.

“Well your parents are waiting for you in the other room”

Sighing Mia starts to follow Casey deeper into the house. The further we go the more tense Mia gets. I go to her side and gently hold onto her arm slightly leaning into her. Casey stops just in front of an opening to another room.

“Well they are right in there dinner should be done soon” Casey says her eyes landing on me once again

“Thank you Casey” Mia says a little hostilely

Casey walks away leaving us standing there waiting for Mia to make the first move. Sighing as I let go of her she walks into the room. There we all see her Mom and Dad talking to some other people. I’m assuming they are all part of Mia’s family. 

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