Part 17

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Together Forever? Part 17

Carson’s p.o.v

She hands me a glass of champagne and smiles warmly at me. I glance over at the seat next to her wondering why she has a purse. She hates purses.

“Where are we going?” I ask her as I sip the champagne

“Shhhh don’t ask questions. Just enjoy tonight” she says softly pecking my lips

I nod my head and the limo comes to a stop. The door opens and Mia puts a blindfold over my eyes. I then feel her pick me up lifting me out of the car and starts walking somewhere. She holds me bridal style and I feel the purses on my lap and I grab them with one hand so they don’t fall and wrap my other arm around her neck.

“Mia where are we?? And where the are you taking me???” I ask her extremely curious and excited 

“Shhhh you will see in a just a bit”

I feel her stop walking and carefully sets me down wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing the back of my neck.

“Don’t take off the blindfold yet baby” she says tightening her grip on my waist

“Are we in a elevator?” I ask

“Maybe” she says kissing along my shoulder

“Where are you taking me?” 

“You will see”

I feel the elevator come to a stop. She turns me around giving me a soft kiss then picks me back bridal style and starts walking again. I hear her heels click as she walks and it sounds like she’s walking up stairs along with the slight bounce. She turns around pushing open a door and I feel a cool breeze blow in the warm night. She sets me back down and removes the blindfold.

I look around and gasp when I see we are on top of a tall building with a candle lit table with a bottle on ice and two plates of food on the table. I walk over to the edge feeling the breeze as I look at all the lights. Mia stands next to me leaning on it.

“Top of the empire state building not a bad date huh?” she says shrugging and looking over the edge

“Empire state building Mia?? Really?????? How on earth did you pull this off??” I say completely shocked

“I dunno just made a few calls I guess” she replies shrugging again

“God I love you” I say hugging her tight

“I love you too Car” she says chuckling and hugging me back “Now lets eat I’m hungry”

I smile and she leads me to the table and pulls out the chair for me as I sit down then pushes me in. She sits down across from me and pour some wine into our glasses putting her purse in her lap. I look down at my plate and see its chicken parmesan my favorite. I glance at her plate and see she has chicken alfredo her favorite. I take the first bite of my meal and have an orgasm in my mouth. It tastes sooo good. Mia watches me with an amused look on her face. I blush and we both start eating just having a really great time. When we finish she takes my left hand ad plays with my fingers as we talk.

“So what’s the occasion? Did I forget our anniversary or something?” I ask

“No no nothing like that. Is it so wrong of me to show my girlfriend how much I care for her by giving her a special day?”

“No not at all. I’m glad you did its been a great day”

“I’m glad you think so”

She lets go of my hand and nervously looks down at her lap. Then stands up with her hands behind her back. She tilts her head towards the edge motioning for me to go over there. I walk over and she follows behind me. We look out over the city again. I glance over at her and see she still look nervous as hell but now skeptical.

“Carson I love you and I want to be with you the rest of my life. We have had our little problems but none of those things could tear us apart. You have my heart and I want you to keep it for as long as I live. You are my forever and always and I wouldn’t give you up for anything. You’ve never cheated on me, lied to me, or have ever done anything to intentionally break my heart. Out of all the things in my life you are the most important…” 

She pauses looking scared and just as nervous before taking a deep breath and pulling out a small black box from behind her back. She opens the box and I see the most beautiful ring glistening under the moonlight and flicker of the candles. I swear my heart had stopped and I’m completely shocked as I look into those nervous chocolate brown eyes.

“Carson what I’m trying to get at is will you marry me?”


Ohhhhh she popped the question!! Do you think it was a good idea?? Will she take it back? Will Carson even say yes??? Tell me your thoughts people!! So COMMENT

This is obviously very short seeing as i didnt get very much feedback at all on the last chapter so i give you a cliff hanger. You have no idea what will be happening later on hahaha i'm evil!!

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