Part 23

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Together Forever? Part 23

Mia's p.o.v

We all step off the plan and are for once are not swarmed by paparazzi. But we do see them in the distance trying to get a good shot. I reach down to take ahold of Carly's hand but I see her already clutched to Riley. I open my mouth to say something but Tori pulls on my arm telling me to keep my mouth shut. Sighing I just nod and lean into her since I'm a bit tired. We make our way to baggage claim then we get to drop off Carly and Riley at Carson's parents house, then Tori at her new house, and me home to my baby.

 I'm glad everything is ok between Tori and I because I told her that the kiss was out of excitement, I told Carson too and she was a little mad but says its not like it meant anything more. She understood because her and Bailey would sometimes do the same, although not with tongue. She acted a bit weird about it though, she just said she's glad me and Tori were getting along ok.

I wonder if things have just been weird since I've been  gone, its been about a month. I just hope that changes since I didn't tell her I was coming back today as a surprise. I can't wait to see her and hold her, I've missed her so much. Not to mention that I'm going to wreck that chick when I get home.

After we drop off Carly and Riley I start driving to Tori's. She takes my hand and I give it a gentle squeeze. I wonder what it would have been like if I had chosen Tori over Carson. I know I would be happy and definitely pleased sexually, and I know she would treat me right. I guess that choice won't be coming again, I mean I chose Carson already and I'm going to marry her. I know I will always have feelings for Tori but I can't act on them the way I really want to. Sighing I just kiss the back of Tori's hand as I pull up to her house.

When I finish helping her inside I give her my address along with where Riley's new address. She walks me to the door and hugs me tightly.

"Call me if you need anything Tori" I say and kiss her cheek

"Same goes for me. I hope Carson is happy to see you, I know I would be." she says with a weak smile

"I do care about you so much Tori, don't ever doubt that for a second" I say holding her close and kissing her forehead

"I know Mia...just think about what I said, you know my door is always open for you" she buries her face in my neck and I feel her slide a key in my pocket

I let her go and walk to the car forcing myself not to look back. I get in the car and bang my head against the steering wheel wishing I couldn't hurt her anymore. Rubbing my face I start to head home.

I decided to stop at the store before I went home and bought Carson flowers. When I get home I carefully sneak my stuff into the garage instead of going through the front door first thing. When I get everything in I go back in front and open the door as quietly as I can. I walk in and hear the shower on. Perfect, the first thing I get to see is my beautiful naked fiancé. I set the flowers down on the couch and walk towards the bedroom door.

I wait for the water to stop and her to go into the room before I open the door. I don't pay attention to anything but her when I walk in the room and scoop her up into my arms and spin her around. I see the complete shock on her face when I set her down. I guess she's speechless, looks like I got her good.

"I missed you so much" I say caressing her cheek

Pulling her close I kiss her deeply and pull at her towel pressing her to the wall. She begins to kiss me back and moans into my mouth. I run my hands down her perfect body, and begin to massage her breast with one hand while I slide the other between her legs and feel her sweet juices already running down her legs. I ignore everything else in the entire world and just focus on making her feel good.

"Mia wait-" She starts to say but I cut her off with a kiss

" Baby shhh please just let me have this before anything else I missed you so much"

I begin to kiss her again and slowly begin to rub between her legs. She bites my bottom lip suppressing the moan. God I how I missed this feeling. I gently pinch her nipple and slide a finger deep inside her. She moans loudly into my mouth as I push a second finger into her tight pussy. I move my fingers as fast and hard as I can. She wraps one leg around my waist to help hold herself up as I push into her as deeply as possible. I feel for her g-spot and hit it hard and fast, she begins to tighten around my fingers and screams put as she cums all over my hand.

I kiss her deeply and leave my fingers inside her until she calms down. I slowly take them out and lick off some of her cum. It tastes as good as ever. I bring my fingers to her lips and like always she licks them clean. I kiss her again and press my forehead to hers closing my eyes.

"I love you so much Carson and I can't wait to marry you and-" I begin to say but I'm cut off by a completely different voice. Neither mine or Carson's.

"Huh..what's going on?.." I hear a confused sleepy voice ask behind me

Turning around I see a half naked Bailey laying in my bed, in my spot. I clench my fists as she finishes rubbing her eyes and finally looks at me. Her jaw drops and her eyes just about pop out of her head in complete shock. My blood boils with anger that Carson cheated on me, with Bailey of all people. Turning towards Carson I see she had picked up her towel and looks at me trying to say something but nothing will come out.

"Mia I-I swear I can explain-" Carson begins to say but I cut her off slamming my hand into the wall right next to her head

"Shut the fuck up Carson I don't want to hear shit come out of your mouth!" I scream in her face

Her face goes pale with fear and the room is silent aside from my ragged breathing out of my anger. I grab her left hand and pull the engagement ring off her finger then grab her right hand pulling off the promise ring I gave her when we were first dating. I pull of my rings as well and show them to her in my palm.

"Look very closely at these rings Carson, because this is the last time you will ever see them." I say practically spitting the words in her face

I squeeze the rings in my hand feeling them cut into it but i cant feel the pain form it. All i feel is the pain from a broken heart and complete anger. I turn around leaving the room but I feel Carson grab my arm. I rip my arm from her grip and look at her in complete and utter disgust.

" Don't you ever fucking touch me again, have fun with Bailey and you can sure as hell bet I'll be doing the same but with someone better" I say letting every word drip with venom and hatred

I look into those blue eyes one last time then leave letting the tears fall as I walk to the door. I lay my key on the table next the the door and stare at it for a second remembering the first time I held it in my hand with such joy that Carson and I would be living together. Now it means nothing to me.

I walk out and slam the door behind me. I walk to my car standing there a moment before I open the door. I look around and see Bailey's car parked across the street, I walk over to it and punch out the window and watch the glass shatter and fall into the car.  Some of the glass splattered with my blood but at this point I could care less.

 I turn back around and get into my car looking one more time back at the house. I see Carson standing in the doorway in shorts and a t-shirt looking as she stopped in mid-motion of running out the door. I look at her one last time, the girl who stole my heart over a decade ago. Tears stream down her face like mine as she stares at me. I turn my head away and start my car driving away.

My vision blurs with tears as I drive and I just squeeze the rings in my hand harder. I have no idea where I'm going until I see I'm sitting in front of Tori's house. I get out of the car and ring the doorbell. She opens the door with a smile at quickly fades when she sees me crying. She pulls my into her and holds me tightly softly shushing me.

"She was cheating on me Tori...she cheated on me with Bailey.....I'm sorry I didn't know where else to go.." I say sobbing and crying into her neck

She gently pulls me inside and sits me on the couch, I sit there unmoving as I continue to cry. Gut wrenching sobs escape my lips. She wipes away my tears with her thumbs and puts her hand on mine. She looks confused for a second the looks down at my hand and sees the pieces of glass stuck in it along with the blood dripping onto the floor. She gasps and covers her mouth.

"Oh my dear god..Mia what did you do?..." she ask with her voice trailing off

She quickly gets up and runs into the other room and comes back with a medical kit and towels. She carefully takes my hand and uses tweezers to remove the glass. She gently opens my hand and sucks in a breath as she pulls the rings out of my hand. After wiping the blood off my hand as softly as possible she wraps it up and kisses it.

She silently pulls me up off the couch and leads me to what I guess is the bedroom. She lays down in bed with me and pulls the covers over us. Pulling me into her chest I snuggle into her and feel the pain in my chest ease and finally stop feeling so numb. My hand starts to throb with pain but I ignore it and just listen to her heart beat.

" Just sleep Mia, I promise I'm not going anywhere. I'm never going to leave you.." Tori softly whispers to me and kisses the top of my head

I close my eyes and feel her hold me tighter. I put my arm over her waist and settle into her comfortably. A few tears slide down my cheeks as I drift to sleep..

Tori's p.o.v

I wake up to feel someone kissing me, from the electricity there's no doubt it's Mia. Confused as to what's happening I shrug it off and kiss her back. I run my hands down her back as she slides her tongue into my mouth and massages mine with her own. She gently pulls away and I open my eyes, not to see the broken girl that was crying in my arms but the Mia that has the determination and drive in her. I look in her eyes and see a new motivation behind them. Not to mention she looks fantastic, no tear  marks, no red puffy eyes she looks as happy as ever.

"Excuse me but who are you and where is the girl who was crying in my arms earlier?" I ask with a smile and slight confusion

"She left and won't be coming back" she says and begins gently kissing my neck

"What about Carson? What are you going to do?" I say with a shaky voice trying to suppress my moan

"Fuck Carson"

Before I have a chance to say anything else her lips are on mine again and I melt into her. The kiss gets more heated and she takes full control over me. She quickly pulls off my shirt and bra she looks down at me with hunger and lust. Pinning my arms above my head with one hand she uses the other to roam my exposed flesh while kissing me. I moan into her mouth when I feel her hand move to my breasts. She slowly begins massaging them and pulling on my nipples until they're completely hard.

She slowly runs her hands down my sides while she kisses down my neck and to my chest. I gasp when I feel her hot tongue touch my nipple. She begins to suck on it while unbuttoning my shorts. She does the same to the other while pulling them off. I pull her up and crash my lips into hers. I need to feel her body against mine. I begin to undress her and we're both left in thongs and I have never seen anything so perfect in my entire life.

I sit up and pull her into me. She straddles me and presses herself into me as we kiss. I feel her hard nipples rubbing against mine as she slowly moves against me. I move my hands to grip her ass. I lay her back on the bed and look down at her. I watch her chest rise and fall rapidly as she tries to catch her breath. My eyes move lower and follow my hands to her abs. I feel them flex beneath my finger tips as her body tenses up from my touch.

I slowly slide them back up and grab her boobs, squeezing them as I kiss her hungrily. She moans loudly in my mouth when I twist her nipples and gently pull. I suck on them while slowly sliding down her thong, being sure to gently scratch her thighs with my nails as I go down. I look up at her while I slowly kiss down her abs feeling them tense up again. Then  lick back up and see her biting her lip.

She flips us over and she's straddling my chest. I feel her warm center pressed against my breast and her juices dripping down onto me. I look up at her and watch as she pushes her hair out of her face. I run my hands down her thighs making her shiver. She reaches back and pulls off my thong  and slides down so she's straddling my waist. I look down at my chest and see a small pool of her juices. Smirking at me she licks it up while looking me in the eye. One of the sexiest things I've ever witnessed.

I flip us back over and I straddle her moving so my pussy is right on top of hers. She holds my waist as I slowly start grinding on her. I grab her breasts and squeeze them as I grind faster and press myself harder into her. She grips my waist and moves her hips in sync with mine. I move a hand to her stomach to better support myself and feel her stomach tightening as her breathing picks up and her moans become louder. I feel myself about to cum and I know she's close. I think we both hold it as long as we can then cum together screaming each others names in ecstasy.

I collapse on top of  her breathing heavily and feel her chest rise and fall just as fast as mine. She pulls my face up and softy kisses me. I sit back up and she puts a hand behind her head with her other rubbing my thigh while she smirks up at me.


"I just like this position" Mia says with a shrug

"Oh really?"

"Really really"

She leans up and pecks my lips. I push her back down and move between her legs and begin to lick her clean. I can taste my cum mixed with hers and it tastes so good. She softly moans while I make sure I got every drop. She pushes me back and does the same to me and my god is she amazing with that to tongue of hers. She moves back up and kisses me deeply.

"Mia why did we do this?" I ask when she gets settled next to me

"Because I wanted to and didn't want to fight it anymore" she says turning onto her side to face me

"What does this mean for us"

"I'm not exactly sure. I don't think I should be in a relationship right now but we could just sorta be casual about it"

"So like friends with benefits?" I ask

"Well if you want to I suppose you could put it that way. Unless you don't like that idea we can just go back to the way things were"

"I can't say I hate the sound of being your friend with benifits"

"We will give us a shot eventually, just not now. I'm not ready for that, I mean hey I just got cheated on so not a great time" she says with a chuckle

"I can't wait for that time" I say with a smile

"I do really care about you and I just don't want to get so involved right now" she says running her finger down my chest

"I get it Mia I really do"

"I know Tor, and I'm glad you do" she says with a smile and pecks my lips

" We should probably change your bandage" I say holding up her bad hand

"That's a good idea cause it hurts like a bitch"

"You're such a dork"

"I know, but hey can we shower first?"


I smile and pull her up off the bed. We take a nice shower with some sex but we had to get out before the water got too cold. We get out and I carefully wrap her hand back up and I make us lunch and she tells me about what happened. I can't believe Carson would do that to her, that's just terrible.

"I'm gonna head over to Devan's since she's been blowing my phone up ever since I got back" she says getting up and stretching

"Oh.." I say looking down slightly disappointed

"Hey, hey, hey" she puts her hand under my chin and makes me look up at her "I'll be back babe" she says with a smile and softly kisses me

"Promise?" I ask

"I promise beautiful"

"You can stay here if you'd like, until you find a place of your own"

"That sounds great" she kisses me again and heads for the door "I'll be back in a bit"

With that I watch her disappear out the door and I can say I don't think I've ever been so happy in my entire life...

Mia's p.o.v

When I had gotten to Devan and Maddy's place I was immediately attacked by the both of them. It took them a couple of minutes to realize Carson wasn't with me and my hurt hand. We sit down and I explain what happened. Devan was pissed as hell to say the least and Maddy was speechless.

" I can't believe Carson would do that..." Maddy says shaking her head "..are you ok Mia?"

"Ya I'm fine, great actually" I say with a smile

"You don't have to lie to us Mia its ok to be upset" Maddy says putting her hand on mine

"I'm serious. I mean ya I was upset but I'm not going to let it bring me down, I picked myself up and I'm gonna do me for awhile"

"See that's a good way to look at things" Devan says patting my back

"I need you to do me a favor" I say

"And what's that?" Devan asks

"Could you go over there and get my stuff, I mean I'll go with you but I need help"

"Oh ya it's not a problem, do you want to stay here?" Maddy asks

"I'm staying with Tori actually, just until I find my own place"

"Tori?" Devan asks skeptically

"Yes, Tori. She's been a great help and I don't see why not. Please guys she really is great, just give her a chance"

"If you say so Mia" Maddy says

Devan's p.o.v

When we get there Bailey's car isn't there so if anything only Carson  is there unless she went with Bailey. I can't believe she would cheat on Mia like that. Mia gets out of her car and leans against it watching us as we ring the doorbell. Carson opens the door and looks like complete shit to be totally honest.

"Don't say a fucking word Carson. We don't want to hear anything, we just came to help Mia with her stuff." Maddy says putting up her hand and walking inside.

Mia comes to the door and doesn't even look at Carson when she walks up. Hurt completely covers Carson's face.

"Here Dev this is one of the bags from my trip. It's not completely full. There's a few of my bags in the hallway closet. The blue ones and I'll grab Carly's things." she says handing me a bag "I already got the ones out of the garage" with that she walks inside brushing past Carson

Carson looks at me helplessly pleading me with her eyes to listen to her as tears stream down her face. Sighing I shake my head and walk past her and go into the bedroom where Maddy has already gotten started. I hear her mumbling and cursing under her breath.

When we get everything that's Mia's out of the room we walk out and see Carson crying into Mia's chest begging her not to go and to hear her out. Mia's face is just completely blank, I don't know what she did to herself but she seems unnerved by it. Carson takes Mia's hurt hand and kisses it and begs her to stay. We leave them alone for a minute to go put things in the car.

When we come back in Mia has Carson pinned to the wall, kissing her deeply then pulls away taking a step back.

"I loved you Carson, I loved you so much. But this..I can't do this anymore. You've screwed up before when we first dating and I took you back. I always took you back but now I don't even want to hear it. I'm done my love....I'm done.." Mia finishes and embraces Carson one last time kissing her forehead and walking out

"Maddy please talk to her for me please..." Carson says moving towards Maddy

Maddy slaps Carson with everything in her and Carson stumbles back holding her cheek.

"Mia would never dare hit you but I can. After everything you've already put her through you did this Carson. I can't believe you did this and I don't want to hear any excuse that you have to give. You've hurt her enough Carson." Maddy says and walks out

Carson falls to her knees on the floor sobbing and saying over and over "..but I love her so much....". Sighing I walk over to her and kneel beside her. I open one of the bags I have and dig through the clothes Mia had taken with her on her trip that she hasn't washed and find her favorite sweatshirt. I take it out and lay it in front of her.

"I'm sorry Carson.." I say patting her back and walking out

Carly's p.o.v

I lay in bed next to Riley and feel her take ahold of my hand. I turn my head and smile at her. She smiles back and kisses my cheek making me blush.

"You're adorable when you blush" Riley says kissing my cheek again

"Shush" I say blushing an even deeper shade of red


"Yes Riley?"

"Can I kiss you?" she asks sitting up and looking at me

My jaw drops in shock as I blush red as a cherry. All I can do is simply nod my head and smile. Nervously I sit up and bite my  lip. Oh my god my first kiss...what if I do it wrong! What if I'm not good at it and she stops liking me??



"Don't over think it" Riley says with a smile

I simply nod my head as she caresses my cheek. She slowly  leans in and I lean in too. When are faces are close she presses her forehead to mine.

"Just close your eyes Car" she says gently rubbing my cheek with her thumb

I close my eyes and feel her hot breath on my lips. I feel her press her soft lips to mine. It feels so good, like little tingles on my lips and I see fireworks in my head. It's a soft short kiss and she pulls away. I open my eyes and smile brightly and see her grinning like a fool.

"That was my first kiss" I say blushing

"Did you like it?" she asks nervously

"I loved it Ri" I say putting my hand on hers

"Wanna know something?" she says


"That was my first kiss too" she says blushing and looking down

 I smile broadly and hug her tight then peck her lips and giggle at myself. Burying my face in her neck I pull her down with me.

"I think it's nice we were each other's first kiss" I say smiling

She merely nods and smiles. Leaning up I peck her lips again and hide my blush. I like kissing her it makes me feel good. I yawn and lay my head on her chest.

"Ready to go to sleep?" she asks smiling


She leans over turning off the lamp and pulls a blanket over us. I snuggle up to her and we fall asleep...

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