Chapter Three

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(Tyjah Smith as, Quinn Lord)

Once we all made it back to our room we all sat on the bottom beds. No one said anything, probably processing it all.

"What did he mean, people usually don't wake up at the time." Alex said looking at the rest of us.

"I feel like they gassed us." Tyjah said.

"It makes scene." I stated agreeing with Tyjah, " I mean if they did they'd know when we would wake up and some how they did have to being us here without waking us up." 

"Okay, but how. I mean we were all in our rooms." Amory asked.

"Well I was in a room alone." I said. Everyone then suddenly stared at me looking like they were thinking. "What?" I said.

"I was too." Answered Tyjah, then Amory and Alex said they had been too. 

"You don't think they put us in the rooms and were, I don't know say had a way of putting the gas in just the room that only had one person in it?" Amory asked.

"I mean It would make sense. Gas is different, to much can kill someone depending on the person, their height and weight. Too much and kill someone, to little won't work for that long of a period and will wear off sooner. So they had us all lone in our rooms to be able to change the different amounts." Tyjah explained.

"Isn't that really risky, because if they mess up then we would die?" I asked.

"Well yeah, but with a little math and a little bit of info on us, lets say the information we put on the application to go here, they could do it and not really kill anyone. You know unless they messed up the math or amount but I'm sure they triple check it or something." Tyjah concluded. 

"They drugged us." Amory said. The rest of us replying with a "Yeah.."

We were all silent for a while still wrapping our heads around what was happening.

"Okay, you know what, let's use this time. We still don't know where we are. We probably don't know anyone except each other, and we are stuck here in the room for a while." She said.

"And?" I asked not knowing where she was going with this.

"Let's get to know each other. I only know you guys, and we just met. I have to trust people I don't know. I don't like that Idea." She said.

"Okay then. Why don't you go first." I said, curious as to who she actually was.

"Okay, well... You know my name and age, So.... I wanted to work in agriculture, but I've studied almost everything I could. I live in Oakland Hotel with my mom and dad. I had a little brother but he died at birth. My favorite color is blue-grey. My mom works in cleaning and my father is an engineer." She said taking a breath. "Your turn." She said looking at me with a smirk.

"Well. I live with my mom and my little sister in Lincoln Hotel, My dad... um is dea-gone," I started, I didn't like talking about my dad. I loved him so much and sometimes I forget he's even gone. "My mom is a scientist and my little sister is nine but wants to follow in our mothers foot steps. I've wanted to be soldier, but like Amory," I said smiling at her, "I've studies anything I could. My favorite color is grey, and My favorite food is food." I finished up, everyone laughing a little at my last comment.

Alex decided to go next, "I wanted to be an Engineer. I live in a house in Pine Oak with my dad, who is a farmer. My mom died and I had an older brother but after he went to 'The Testing' we never saw him again so we assumed he died. I've studied most things too. My favorite color is green."

"Green?" I said laughing at him

"Yeah. What's wrong with green." He said sounding offended.

"Nothing." I replied rolling my eyes.

"Okay, you know what Green is a great color, It's plants color which gives us food, it's bright and it calms me." He said grudgingly. 

"Okay, Okay no need to get offended." I said raising my hands in 'defeat'. The whole time we where talking Tyjah and Amory were laughing. For a while after, Alex look annoyed.

"I too, Like all food," Tyjah started smirking at me, "I actually didn't know what I wanted to be other than I didn't want to clean. So instead I studied everything and hoped the tests would tell me where to go and work. I live with my mom and dad, and I have an older sister. My mom is in the government working under the council. My dad is in Electrical, and my sister is in business and we live in a house in River wood. I don't have a favorite color, I like them all." Tyjah explained to us.

"Wow so your mom's pretty high up right?" Alex asked Tyjah.

"Not really. I mean she works with the council, yes, but she just files papers and such. Desk work." He said shrugging.

"See now we are practically old friends," she said smiling looking at all of us but smiling at me more, which made me feel a little self-cautious. I just smiled at her and looked at her pretty face. This was nice, I could do this all day, I thought.

The peace not lasting long, when we heard doors opening and people walking outside. We knew it was time to go to the assembly.

Keeping together in our small group we made our way to where ever the assembly was, following the crowd of people only barely able to see the people dressed in full black that looked like they were directing the traffic.

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