Chapter Two: A Fight at School

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Over the next couple of years I tried to be normal, at least in public.  I went on a few dates, but never let anyone get close because of what I could do, or rather what I was afraid I might accidentally do. 

Sheila had told Cassie some kind of story about the pencil. I don't think she ever bought it because what few classes we had together she either managed to sit next to me, or would be watching me every time I turned around.   I have to say it was a little unnerving, but so far I did manage to hide my ability. Sheila was the only one who I could trust.

After school on most days we would go over to her house or mine and look up everything we could find on Telekinesis.  We watched a lot of YouTube videos of people claiming to be able to move objects with their mind.  Most were obviously fake, although there were a few that looked real.

I remember one day in particular after watching some videos we decided to try an experiment.  Sheila sat a DVD on her desk and took a step back.

"Just relax and think about it moving," She says. After a couple minutes of staring at it nothing happens.

"Okay, try it again. This time in your mind picture it lifting up; like the videos."

I try again several times and still nothing happens.  I know I can do this. So what's wrong?  Turning away I begin to get frustrated and Sheila notices.

"Kyle, we'll figure it out. Try not to get upset." Just as she stands I suddenly turn and throw out my hand.  The whole desk jumps up a couple inches and drops back down.

It startles her and she stops in her tracks.  I'm still upset, but I did make something happen. I close my eyes and focus on the disk. As I open my eyes I feel the hair on my arms stand.

Holding out my hand and stare at the disk.  This time the DVD begins to wobble, and spin.  Using my thoughts, I lift my hand and the disk levitates upward.  It hovers about head high; just spinning in the air.  As my frustration eases the DVD falls onto Sheila's desk. 

She rushes over and lands in my arms. "I knew you could do it!"

As she gives me a hug we both laugh. "Alright, I did it.  But what was different?"

"I don't know, but let's figure it out," she replies as we sit down on her bed.

"Nothing really happened until you started to get upset," she says. "Remember the desk when you threw your hand out at it?"


"And remember the first time it happened?"

I laugh.  "How could I forget."

She shakes her head and stands up. "You don't understand.  The first time you were trying to protect me from the baseball." She points at the desk. "And then when you got upset this happened. Don't you see?  Emotions... That has to be the key."  As I'm considering everything we've talked about Sheila looks down and laughs.

"What's so funny?"  She holds the DVD up to show me.  I shake my head as we begin laughing. It has 'Carrie' written on it.

May 13th, 2015

Today is our last day of school.  I had always thought of myself as somewhat of an outcast compared to everyone else.  I wasn't popular, athletic, or made good grades for that matter, though I am graduating. 

As I'm walking down the hall headed toward the cafeteria I turn a corner and bump into Brad Wilson.  He's been my nemesis since elementary school.  We've had more than our fair share of fights and usually it ends up with me lying on the ground looking up at him. 

He shoves me up against the wall, pinning me there. Gritting his teeth he looks me in the eye. "Hey, watch it Kyle!"  Then, he punches me in the stomach and I fall to the floor. 

As I'm lying against the wall gasping for air, I look up at him. I want to get up and punch him in the teeth, but I can't.  As he stands in front of me laughing, my anger grows.

Without thinking I throw my hand toward Brad sending him flying down the hall.  He lands on his back several feet away knocking him unconscious. 

Oh God... I've killed him.

I get up, still catching my breath and stagger over to him.  Checking him I find he's breathing. Thank GodHe moans and starts to move a little.  It's time to go.  Grabbing my backpack I begin to run.  Just before turning the corner I look back and don't see anyone. 

Man, I got away with it; this time.

Rushing inside the gym I close the door. There isn't anyone here, so I decide it's a good place to calm down. Climbing the steps I sit down against the wall close to the corner of the bleachers.

After taking off my backpack I look down at my hands. They look like anyone else's hands, but mine have hidden power behind them.

I could've really hurt Brad.  I've kept my cool the last two years and now this happens. Before I received this ability we would've had a fight and I would have probably lost as usual.  But now I'm going to have to watch what I do.  What if someone had seen us?  What would've happened to me if they did?

I start to get nervous and my backpack sitting beside me begins to levitate.  I notice it, close my eyes and it drops to the bleachers with a thud.

When I open my eyes three girls are walking through the gym, and one of them, is Cassie. 

Great, my stalker.

She stops walking and stares at me. "Did you guys see that?"

The two other girls look at me and laugh.  "That's just Kyle. Why are you so obsessed with him?" The blond asks.

The other laughs. "I think you've got a crush on him."

"No I don't!  But I've seen him do some strange things.  There's something really weird about him guys."

They pull her on through the gym as she continues to protest. When they're out of sight I take a few deep breaths, get up and run for home.

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