Chapter Five: It's on YouTube!

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Greenville, Tennessee...

The next day I arrive back at Sheila's house and she meets me at the door.  "Come in.  I've got something I know you'll want to see."  By the look on her face I know it's not good news.  Entering the kitchen we sit down at the table and she takes my hand.  "Kyle, try your best to stay calm." 

I knew it.  Whatever it is, it's bad. 

She opens her laptop and I take a look.  The video from last night has been posted on YouTube, and that's not all.  It's gone viral.

I close my eyes and slowly shake my head, "Oh, no... this all I need."

"You're not going to like this either." She points out who posted it.  It was Cassie...

As I'm thinking about last night... It hits me, "Cassie lives just down the street from you.  She saw the fire and knew I was at your house.  Remember, she was the one who called.  She wanted to make sure we knew about the fire.  She was hoping I would do something.  She set me up."

Sheila stares at me thinking about it and nods, "I think you're right." 

We turn our attention back to her laptop.  Her post reads, "Does she have a guardian angel or is this proof of Telekinesis?"

I lean back in the chair, "After all this time, she finally caught me..."

We exchange a glance...  I sit back up and start reading the comments. People were posting things from "Unbelievable..." to "What a miracle..." I read on down the page and people start commenting on the boy in the lower right corner. In different ways they state how when the girl begins to fall, the boy points his hand at her and she stops falling. As the boy's hand lowers, so does the girl. As I continue reading the comments people start to agree. I read several posts saying things like,  "That's real evidence of Telekinesis."

Looking at Sheila I can feel my pulse quicken, "Well, this is it."

She looks around the room as I begin to freak out and everything starts to shake... again. She grabs my chin and gently turns my head toward her, "Kyle, we'll get through this together.  You've got to calm down... listen to my voice..." After I take a few deep breaths, it works as usual. 

"What just happened?" We're both startled and a plate sitting on the table flies across the room and shatters against the wall...  We turn to see her Mother staring at us. 

I close my eyes... "Oh my God... She knows..."

Sheila's Mom's name is Mary.  She's been divorced for years and fortunately for me she's known my Mom Christine and I since before my Dad had died. But the shocked look on her face did scare me a little. Until yesterday only Sheila new my secret, well and Cassie... but now...  Sheila and I exchange a glance and she turns to her mother, "Mom, we need to talk." 

Mary looks at the shattered plate then back to us...  "Yes, I believe we do..."

She sits down at the kitchen table across from me... Her stare is very unnerving...  I turn to Sheila, "Well, go ahead," I point to the broken plate. "The cat's out of the bag now."

She turns to her Mother, "Try to keep an open mind and don't be afraid."  She starts the video and turns the laptop around...  Mary watches it three times before she looks up at me...

"How is this even possible?" she asks a little distressed.

Sheila walks over and puts her hand on her shoulder, "Mom, it's OK.  Kyle used his ability to save her. She would've probably died if he wasn't there."

THE HUNTED ONE  (A Story of Telekinesis) [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now