Chapter 1

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Childhood is not from birth to a certain age. And at a certain age, the child is grown and puts away chilish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.

Sophie's POV

I can hear the sound of my heels scraping on the wooden deck as I walk, almost tripping over my own feet. Now don't get me wrong, I love a good heel, but these ones for some reason hurt...a lot. It might just be nerves, I don't know.

"Umm...You just have to break them in," Alice hesitates on her words as she holds my shoes in her hands. "I've been breaking them in. For three days," I tell her exasperatedly. I don't know why I am having such a hard time with these shoes. I use to be able to wear any type of heel. "Can I just go barefoot?" Her expression turns into an appalled look. Like she couldn't believe that I just asked her that. "No, absolutelt not," She tells me firmly, her arms crossed over her chest. Okay...I think I've had enough wedding planning. "I'm just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress, the shoes and all of this," I guesture to the benches and the amount of flowers she has for the wedding. "No, it's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect," She grins at me as I see Carlisle, Esme, Emmett and Rose carrying huge logs. "Where do you want them, boss?" Emmett asks Alice as they continue to walk, not knowing where to place them. "On either side of the isle," Alice hands me my shoes, going down the steps to help the others.

"What isle?"

"Does no one have vision?"

I take off the horrible and achey, yet stylish heels, slipping my white converse back on my feet as I catch Edward up ontop of the balcony, seeing him looking everything over with a calm face. "You," Alice pops up in front of me, breaking my gaze away from Edward. "Go home and get lots of beauty sleep. That's an order," She tells me firmly but with a smile still on her face. "Okay," I mumble, pulling her into a hug. She's like the sister I've never had. Oh, wait. I do have a sister, never mind. Alice is like the sister I've always wanted. I guess you can see that Bella and I still haven't made up.

Anyways, later that night I was in my room, packing up some things and putting them in boxes. I quietly make my way over towards my bed, my eyes catching the dream catcher that Jake got me that is still hanging up on my bed. Suddenly I feel a gust of wind that blows my hair around. I know it's Edward. I turn around to see my handsome fiance. I smile up at him, his hands grapsing my waist as he looks down at me. "I was just checking for cold feet," He mutters as I move to sit down on my bed. "Well, mine are toasty warm," I tell him, seeing a concerned yet concentrated look on his face. "It's not too late to change your mind," I give him a weird look, seeing his brows furrowed. "What? Now you're having second thoughts?" I question seeing him look away from me as the corners of his mouth twitch up a bit. "You are," I nod my head, folding my hands in my lap as I try to read his facial expression. "No, I've been waiting a century to marry you, Miss Swan," I can't help but laugh quietly at him, feeling my heart hammering in my chest. Yes, I am nervous...but I'm not having second thoughts. "But?" I ask, seeing him look away from me. "But?" I persist with my brows raised.

"I haven't told you everything about myself,"

"What? You're not a virgin?" I joke, trying to lighten his mood, which works as he lets out a husky laugh. He shakes his head letting out a deep breath as he slowly walks to the other side of my bed. "Look, you can't scare me away now," I tell him as I crawl over to the other side of my bed so that I am sitting in front of him. "Look, a fe years after Carlisle created me, I rebelled against him. I resented him for curbing my appetite. And so for a while, I went off on my own. I wanted to know how it felt to hunt. To taste human blood. All the men I killed, were monsters. And so was I," I look down at my hands then back up at him, seeing a regretful look on his face. "Edward, they were all murderers. You probably saved more lives than you took," I quietly say, looking him in his golden eyes. "Sophie, that's what I told myself. But they were all human beings. I looke dinto their eyes as they died and I saw who I was, and what I was capable of," I finally get why he's telling me this. When I become a newborn, I'll be ruthless, wanting to kill everything and anything in sight. "And what I'll be capable of. Why are you telling me this tonight? Did you really think this was gonna change my mind about you?" I look down at my fingers as I play with them, the nerves settling in even more now. "I just wondered if itt would change your mind about yourself, and who you wanna see when you look in the mirror a year from now," I get up off the bed, moving to stand in front of him. "I know I can do this. Let me tell you why," I pause as I look up at him, seeing nothing but love in his golden eyes. "Because you did," He scoffs quietly, "You should give yourself some credit for that. Now, hopefully in a year from now, I'm gonna look in the mirror and see someone like you. I mean, someone capable of courage and sacrifice and love," He silences me by placing his lips on mine, his lips moving in sync with mine as his hands move to my lower back. I pull away when I hear a faint whisling noise coming from outsisde. "What is that?" I look from the window back to Edward who has a faint smirk on his face. "Come on! Let's go!" I hear the familiar voice of Emmett shout from outside underneath my window. "I'm late for my bachelor party," Edward tells me just as I see Emmett sitting perched on my window. "Send him out, Sophie, or we're coming in after him," He grins at me before jumping back to the ground.

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