Chapter Nine

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~The same day~
After we ate breakfast we walked a couple of blocks to the board walk.
We got there and me and Hunter were walking behind everyone holding hands.
Now that I think about it, holding hands is so wierd like why do you do it when your in love, because best friends do it to, so are people in love with there best friends?
Ok anyways, the board walk was like an outdoor mall. It was cool. we walked into the Nike store and we all got some stuff.
I got a couple pairs of sweatpants, a hoodie, Nike pros and matching sports bras, and Nike sneakers.
We then walked to Hollister and I got some super cute tank tops and high waisted shorts.
Next was Abercrombie. I got yet again tank tops and high waisted shorts and regular shorts.
We saw American Eagle and Matt said
"YAAAASSSS!!! We need to go in there honey where else am I gonna get my fabulous underwear?!?!" And we all laughed. (If u know what that's from then I love you sm)
In American eagle I got some more tank tops, flowy crop tops, shorts, t shirts, and sandles.
~Magcon Meet and Greet~
(Not gonna do that thing where the girl see a fan kissing the boy like that happens in everybfanfiction. I'm original)
We all stood infront of the Magcon banner things to take pictures with fans.
Since I don't really do social media I didn't meet fans but I sat behind the banner and listened to the boys conversations while I scrolled through Instagram.
~Hunters POV~
I was meeting fans and some girl with a sign walked up to me.
It said
"I used to be Hunter rowlands biggest fan.....
BUT NOW IM AN AIR CONDITIONER!!!" I just had to put it on my snapchat story!!"
~Brielle's POV~
After the meet and greet j sat behind the stage and watched the boys just be stupid. They did push up contests, singing contests, then people who actually had sings sang them, and then people who didn't sang to random songs. It was so much fun!!

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