Chapter Thirty Five

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•Alexis's POV•
We arrived at the hospital and walked in. Me and Taylor went up to the front desk
"Brielle Caniff" Taylor said
"She's in room 205" the lady said and we both ran down the hall. All the other boys stayed behind to let me and Taylor have time with her.
We found her room and walked in.
Tears rolled down our checks. I looked at her laying there unconscious and more and more tears rolled down my face.
Taylor hugged me and we sat there.
About 20 minutes later all the other boys came in and cried as well.
About 10 minutes later the nurse came in and told us visiting hours were over so we all said goodbye even though she couldn't say good bye back.
We piled in the limo and I cried until I fell asleep.
•skip a week•
It's been over a week and Brielle still hasn't woken up.
If she doesn't wake up tomorrow there gonna pull the plug.
We were supposed to leave to go home last week the day after Magcon but we couldn't leave Brielle here so we're staying until she wakes up.
We're going to visit her today just Incase she wakes up.
We got to the hospital and we went to Brielle's room.
She was just laying there. Still Unconscious. We all just looked at her and we were silent as tears rolled down everyone's checks.
We sat there for hours and thot we would leave to get our minds off it.
•the next day•
We all woke up and met outside of the rooms. We walked down to the lobby and got into the limo.
If Brielle doesn't wake up today then there gonna pull the plug.
We pulled up to the hospital and walked inside to Brielle's room.
We walked in and everyone hugged her and said goodbye incase she doesn't make it. But I know she will.
About an hour went bye of us saying goodbye and crying when the doctor came in.
"Ok I'm sorry but we're gonna have to pull the plug."  She said
We all cried more as she pulled the plug letting Brielle die.
Right as she pulled the plug Brielle sat up quickly and took a deep breath.
Everyone was shocked and cried tears of joy as we all hugged her.
We went back to the hotel and we all sat in the room taking.
•Brielle's POV•
"I'm gonna go take a walk" I said and walked out.
I sat at the end of the hall just thinking.
A couple minutes later Hunter came walking down the hall.
"Hey" he said
"Hi" I said
"Please tell me this wasn't all because of me because that would make me feel worse than I did when I broke up with you" he said
"I love you" I said and cried
"I love you to Brielle" Hunter said
"So why did u break up with me?" I asked
"Because of all the hate and everything" he said
"Ok so you don't wanna get back together?" I asked
"No of course I do! I love you Brielle" Hunter said
"Ok. Maybe we should wait for now" I said
"Ok, sounds good" Hunter said and he walked back to the room.
•Alexis's POV•
Hunter walked back in the room.
"Is Brielle ok?" I asked
"Yea she's fine. She's sitting at the end of the hall if you wanna see her." Hunter said
"Ok" I said and got up and walked out.
•Brielles POV•
I saw Alexis walk out of the room and down the hall. She like the only person I wanna talk to right now.
"Hey" I said
"Hi" Alexis said and smiled "do you wanna go get Starbucks in the lobby with me?"
Alexis makes everything better.
"Sure!" I said and we went down to the lobby.
We got cotton candy frapachinos. We sat at a table in the lobby and drank them and jut talked about random things.

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