Chapter Sixteen

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A/N probally gonna post another one in like 5 minutes bc it's like 1am and I can't sleep bc I'm to hot😩
Hunter👅: HEY
Brielle Bitch😜✌🏻️: guess what
Aaron🐼: what??
Brielle Bitch😜✌🏻️: it's 4am!!!!
Aaron🐼: i know
Hunter👅: who's up???
Brielle Bitch😜✌🏻️: meeee🙋🏽🙋🏽
Hunter👅: I'm aware
Brielle Bitch😜✌🏻️: Hunter guess what!!
Hunter👅: what??
Brielle Bitch😜✌🏻️: I see u!!!!!
Hunter👅: I'm aware
Gilinsky👦🏼: hey friends
Brielle Bitch😜✌🏻️: dat nigga came outta no where man!
Johnson💨: dead😂
Hunter👅: ^so dos that one🙄
Brielle Bitch😜✌🏻️: anyone else up??
Brandon🐢: I am bc every 2 seconds one of y'all will screen
Hunter👅: Brielle
Brielle Bitch😜✌🏻️: well then stop ticking me
Hunter👅: touché
Jacob🍌: hey brielle✌🏻️
Brielle Bitch😜✌🏻️: bye Rolf👋🏻
Aaron🐼: savage
Hunter👅: oh snap!

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