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As the clock struck 12:00 Taylor took a huge breath. She wasn't regretting a single thing, but after being in the spotlight for over 10 years her anxiety levels had gotten high. She walked to the closed doors she was going to go through in just minutes, grilling a beautiful multicolored bouquet of flowers as tight as she could. "You'll do great" Scott says, interrupting her from her thoughts. "Are you ready?" he asks. "Yeah, Dad. Thanks for everything" Taylor kisses Scott on the cheek. Suddenly, the song "Christmas Canon" starts playing and the doors swing open, Taylor glides down the isle. As soon as she is done walking down the isle she turns towards Adam. He has the biggest smile on his face as whispers to Taylor, "You Look Beautiful". Taylor begins to relax a little bit more, her anxiety level goes down. After they say their vows and exchange rings, the pastor says "You may now kiss the bride" to Adam and Adam wraps his arms around Taylor's  back and gives her the biggest kiss ever.  Once they finish kissing, they walk down the isle together holding hands until they're out of the church. "I can't believe we just did that" Taylor says. They hop in a limo and they start getting ready for the reception ceremony.

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