Reception/ Big Surpise

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On their way to the reception/ the place Taylor and Adam are getting their wedding pictures done, Taylors stomach starts aching. Maybe I'm still nervous from the wedding, this is probably normal. Taylor starts thinking. Adam sees Taylors mind wandering and wraps his large hands around her tiny fingers and starts rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb. "What are you thinking about, babe?" Adam asks Taylor. "Just thinking about the wedding" Taylor says smiling.  Suddenly, Taylor jumps, as if she is having an flashback. Now Adam is really getting worried. "Are you sure you're okay?" Adam says. "Yeah, I'm fine. Can we stop by the nearest gas station so I can get some ibuprofen? " Taylor asks the driver. Once the driver pulls into the parking lot, Taylor hikes up the white silky satin hem of her dress and steps out, forgetting she's still in her wedding dress. She looks around for paparazzi, quickly grabs a box, pays and leaves, the bag underneath her poofy skirt. Once at the reception, the DJ plays "This is What You Came For", Adams song about Taylor and many other beautiful songs. Taylor and Adam are having a lot of fun interacting with family and friends. Taylor goes to the bathroom with the box hidden under her skirt again. She pulls the contraption out of the box, her hands shaking and pees on the little stick, just like the box advises you to. While she waits the 3-7 minutes it will take for the results to come in, she texts her bridesmaid, Selena to come in the bathroom. After Selena sees the stick in the little cup, she's shocked, but surprised. She hugs Taylor and goes back to the stick. Taylor is sitting on the toilet seat and Selena is by the sink, cup in hand waiting for results. As the results show up, Sel pulls the stick out of the cup and starts gasping. She turns to Taylor "The stick is...."

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