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The reception ends and Taylor and Adam go to the Bahamas for their honeymoon. They were gone for 2 months relaxing and spending alone time together. Selena waits anxiously for them to get back. What if she figures out I lied to her? Selena ponders. They've been gone for 2 months. Oh gosh. Selena keeps worrying. Selena gets a text, which scares her out of her thoughts. Hey Sel! I'm back! Coming over in 10 minutes, can't wait to tell you about the trip! Selena starts getting ready for Taylor to come over. She decided to tell her today. What if she already knows? I'll let her tell me and if she doesn't, I'll tell her. Selena thinks, making a decision. The door bell rings and Taylor comes inside. "Hey babe! It's so nice to see you!" Taylor hugs Selena. "So nice to see you Taylor!" They sit down. For an hour, they talk about Taylors trip and how much fun she had with Adam. Selena seems distracted, and Taylor notices. "Hey Sel, what's wrong? You seem distant" Taylor sounds worried. "There's something I haven't told you Taylor. Since your wedding night." Selena says, looking down. "You are actually pregnant. I didn't tell you because you were going to be extremely nervous on your wedding night and I didn't want that. I'm so sorry." Selena says, her voice cracking as if she was about to cry. "How could you do that to me Selena? You waited 2 whole months to tell me I'm having a baby? Do you realize how stupid they was?" Taylor stands up, crying. "I was drinking when I was in the Bahamas, on my honeymoon do you not understand how bad that is for a baby? What is wrong with you?" Taylor walks out and slams the door behind her. She stands up against the door crying. On the inside of the suite, Selena is crying as well. " I'm such a bad friend" Selena stutters, crying. Taylor leaves and drives home to tell Adam.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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