Injuries, Pain, and Healing

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Hey! I am back from college! Freshman year is over, and I have a new chapter for you guys!!! I hope you enjoy! :)


«·''·.(*·.¸('·.¸*XIV. Injuries, Pain, and Healing *¸.·')¸.·*).·''·»

There comes a time in life where we fall in lust, in like, and finally in love. We traditionally start off skeptical and inch closer and closer to the ending result. We start off in lust; the feeling of wanting, the feeling of greed forms a dark cloud over us. It never truly subsides, but it does become bearable. If you actually get to know the person and things start to click, you start to like them. The lust simmers beneath the surface. As you continue to learn more about one another and your relationship – whether it be romantic or platonic – progresses, you fall in love. Everything changes. Everything is more vivid, and the world is brighter and more beautiful. However, life is not without its obstacle. Things happen; people fall out of love, infidelity occurs, and pain is definite. However, it is how you recover from it, how you forgive others that really matters.

Waking up to my mom standing over me with worry in a hospital bed is not my idea of fun. The blurry memory of me losing control of my Ferrari sprang to mind very quickly. I quickly snap out of it when my mother starts yelling. Guilt welled up inside of me, and I just let her talk. My eyes settled on Thai across the room. She looked uncomfortable as she looked away from my mom and I. My mom's eyes followed mine, and she excused herself from the room to go get me some food once she saw Thai still standing on the other side of the room.

My mom bypasses Thai and heads to the cafeteria. The room grows quiet, and she stares at me. Tears cloud her vision, and pretty soon she starts laughing and crying at the same time. It kind of fucked me up to see two of the most important females in my life upset; at that moment I felt like a complete dick. I call her over to me. She admits that she blames herself for my accident. Fuck that.

"Were you driving my car?" I shake my head reluctantly.



"But nothing chispita," I had to make sure that my girl knew that none of this was her fault; once I was sure that she had let that thought go, at least for the time being, I let the conversation drop. My mom soon comes up with some trays of food for all three of us. Thai tries to wave her off and tell her it's not necessary, but my mom insists. I inhale the two pieces of chicken and some plain macaroni and cheese. I see Thai picking bits and pieces of her food. I couldn't blame her because the food was pretty lifeless and limp.

However, when I look at her more closely I see that she has loss some weight. I don't like it. Just knowing that I was probably the cause of the weight loss, and it wasn't specifically for her own benefit gets to me. I quickly ask my mom to go get us some real food. Thai looks grateful and hands her some money; my mom does her best to give it back to her, but my girl refuses to let her give it back to her. I knew my mom wouldn't use it and would probably give her more than she asked for. The cycle continues over the weekend. Thai does go home for a short while the next day and comes back in some gray sweats, a top knot, a black tank, some black and white converses, and some silver studs. Her book bag rests on one side of her body. 

I'd seen her in a quite a few styles, but this one was my favorite by far. Her brown skin gleamed in the extreme lighting. She looked even smaller in this outfit, but I couldn't care less. It's the fact that she just seems so carefree in this moment. She didn't bother picking out any clothes; she was comfortable enough to just throw some sweats on and come see me, and it was sexy.

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