Aяgυмєηтѕ, Sкιятѕ, αη∂ Oℓ∂ Fяιєη∂ѕ

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Hey guys, it's spring break and I found that I had some extra time on my hands. Why not use it to write? See...my best friend was supposed to help me write this chapter but he had writers block and after the first paragraph (not including the quote) and left the rest up to me to write, lol. I will bite him later, hehe but until then enjoy, comment and vote! All mistakes are my fault, sorry!


«·''·.(*·.¸('·.¸* VIII. Arguments, Skirts, and Old Friends*¸.·')¸.·*).·''·»

The one you swore you'd never fall for, you end up falling for. The unpopular one, the overweight one, the nerdy one or the supposedly "unattractive" one. You're pride gets in the way and you find yourself denying accusations at every turn. It's a cowardice move but you do it anyway. However, it's pretty amusing It's turns out to be quite amusing to watch you lose your mind when you finally figure out that you realize that others like this person and you can lose them if you're not careful because if your treating them like crap, someone will treat them like royalty, while you're making them upset, someone is doing the best to make them smile, and while you're too scared to admit your feelings and thinking about whether or not to claim them, somebody out there is willing to. It starts to eat you up inside when you realize that you can lose them and you realize that your just parasitic at this point and get tired of trying to deny what they already have, you.


Having nowhere particularly in mind, I saunter, rather lazily I might add, around the bustling boulevards and streets that enclose me. I hadn't slept at all the previous night. Dark crescents arch around my eyes and my hair is a wild, unkempt mess; although, despite how rough I look, I don't particularly care. I had kept myself barricaded in my room for most of the day yesterday, aggravated at my parents.

My mind travels to my best friend of two years, Thai James. That's the only reason I decided to move here again, my parents let me decide this time since we all have a knack for traveling so I chose to come back and hopefully graduate from my old school. I still remember the day I met her...

"Alright class, time to do your speech on yourselves. Thai your up first."

She walks up with her flashcards nervously but when she gets up there, all her fear melts away.

"Hi my name is Thai James; I am currently 13 years of age since I have a late birthday and I plan to be in the medical field. I love to read, watch horror movies and write. if I could do anything, I would go and watch a drive-in movie before they all go extinct and I would love to go on a nature walk.

As she continues her level of intelligence shows and I feel the urge to compliment her so I do when she come back to take her seat by me.

"You did a great job...I noticed you're pretty shy." I say bluntly.

"Yeah, thanks..."

"Josheb, my name is Josheb."

"Hey Josheb, as you probably already know...I'm Thai."

We've been cool since that day; she learned that my racial origins consisted of me being half Asian and half Australian. For some reason, she has a weird fascination with people of different races but you have to love her.



After the date, I find myself in my room discussing the date with Victor.

"How'd it go man?" He starts and I inwardly groan.

"It was pretty cool." I shrug nonchalantly.

"Don't tell me you f***** it up bro."

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