Face Mapping

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I find this interesting, even though I don't really use this, it makes sense.

It's an old Chinese method that a lot of clinics are using. Apparently.

Want to learn more about this, go to: - http://www

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Want to learn more about this, go to: - http://www.annmariegianni.com/face-mapping/

For a more simple version:

Zone 1 & 2: CAUSES: Digestive problems, small intestine issues, liver issues, high levels of stress, irregular sleep cycle, poor diets and even reactions to hair products

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Zone 1 & 2: CAUSES: Digestive problems, small intestine issues, liver issues, high levels of stress, irregular sleep cycle, poor diets and even reactions to hair products.

RECOMMENDED: Eat less processed or junk food, reduce fat in your diet, get at least seven hours of sleep, drink plenty of water to flush out toxins, watch your diet to see if any foods spark breakouts, check if certain facial or hair products are irritating skin, avoid sugary drinks and foods.

Zone 3: CAUSES: Liver, poor circulation, gallbladder problems or diets too high in fat, processed foods or alcohol

RECOMMENDED: 30 minutes light exercise daily and get 7-9 hours of sleep so your liver can rest, water intake is essential, watching your diet (Reduce alcohol intake, greasy food, dairy) and hygiene practices.

Zone 4 & 5: CAUSE: KIDNEY. Anything around the eyes (including dark circles) point to dehydration.

RECOMMENDED: Step up water intake!

Zone 6: CAUSES: Heart, poor diet, constipation, bloating, gastrointestinal imbalance, indigestion or poor blood circulation

RECOMMENDED: Check blood pressure, Vitamin B levels. Zone is full of dilated pores, check that makeup is not past its expiry date or is skin-clogging, less seasoned foods, eat a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, get more fresh air.

Zone 7 & 8: CAUSE: Kidneys = Cut down on (AERATED: a liquid made effervescent by being charged with carbon dioxide or some other gas) drinks, coffee and alcohol as it causes dehydration.

RECOMMENDED: Drink more water, avoid excess caffeine and salt.

Zone 9 & 10: CAUSES: RIGHT CHEEK; overeating, stomach problems, dirty cell phones, dirty pillow cases or dirty makeup brushes...LEFT CHEEK; Respiratory system, lungs, liver issues, stress.

RECOMMENDED: Frequently change pillowcases, wipe screens of cell phones, keep the skin clean every day, especially if your environment is a polluted one, don't let your body overheat, decrease sugar intake, more fresh air.

Zone 11 & 12: CAUSES: Stress/hormonal changes. 

RECOMMENDED: get adequate sleep, drinking enough water, eating leafy veggies, keep skin clean.

Zone 13: CAUSES: Stomach, too frequent hands to skin contact.

RECOMMENDED: More fibre intake, reduce the toxin overload, drink herbal teas to help with digestion.

Zone 14: CAUSES: Illness — Breakouts shows body is fighting bacteria to avoid illness.

RECOMMENDED: Relax, take a yoga class, take a nap, take time to breathe deeply, drink water.

"This is not included in the map but I know some of you have it on the mouth, lip area so I'm going to include a number 15."

15. Mouth Lip Area: CAUSES: constipation, an excess of spicy or fried foods and a reaction to a certain toothpaste.

RECOMMENDED: Increase intake of fiber, fruits and vegetables can help skin here.

Basically, what we eat and how our body functions is connected to our breakouts.

My definition for the day.

"Beauty is knowing myself inside and out." -melodycckr

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