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she felt a hand on her shoulder and she turned back to see the person and saw the person whom she dont want to see at least not now

N: what are u doing here????? and listen manik i dont want to talk to u now

yes the person who came there was manik and he was the last person and first person (may be) she wants to talk now

Manik without saying a word just came and sat beside her and spoke seeing the waterfall in front of him

M: nandu i need a break from these all and i want to talk to u like old times

N: it was not possible manik

M: y??

N: because the nandini who was ur best friend died when u killed my parents

M: do u seriously think i can kill them

N: yes manik because i saw it with my eyes

M: ur eyes may be wrong na

N: not in ur case manik

M: nandini listen............

before he could continue nandini stood from her place and started to leave but stopped on her place when she heard manik

M: nandu u know it was my fav place when i used to be with u and when u went away leaving me alone here i used to come here and remember the moments i shred with u and this was the thing which kept me alone when i am alone in this cruel world.

nandini was shocked that he missed her and she was happy that her best friend missed her but she covered it fastly and spoke

N: manik u dont need to pretend in front of me

that was it for manik he was actually a short tempered and being a were wolf and more importantly alpha his anger will rise in a second and he stood and came near nandini in a blink and held her arms and spoke harshly while his eyes were spitting fire

M: i am not pretending and i cared for u will care for u and will be caring for u

N: started another drama and manik do u think that i will believe these all and really if u care na then u will not kill my parents

manik left nandini in a second and nandini immediately left fro there using her wolf power and manik fell on the ground.

M: how should i say to u nandini that i dint do it and the person who did it was close to me and i cant disclose the name i need to protect that person but in that process i lost u nandini i lost u

he was sad that nandini was not in a position to listen to him and he was also sad that he was bound in such a situation that he cant do anything and he was ashamed of himself because as he was there only and dint protect her parents.

after some time manik composed himslef and went towards his house and he went to the party in his house i.e. his sister birthday function and the party went well and then the most unex[pected thing happened to him.

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