Chapter 10

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This chapter is dedicated to all my lovely readers

Hope u like it



Manik and nandini reached aryamaan place and nandini was amused to see a big mansion in front of her because aryamaan is the alpha of Omega pack and a best friend of manan

These 3 were best frnds from school although they were from different packs but they became best frnds in a very short span. All was happy between them but 1 day changed their life and it was the day when nandini's parents were killed.

manik rang the bell of his house and a lady opened the door and smiled seeing manik there and she hugged him

lady: how are u manik beta?

M: i am fine aunty

lady: who is she??

she asked pointing towards nandini and that was the time nandini came out from her thoughts and she hugged the lady very tightly and the lady was initially shocked and then nandini broke the hug

N: i am so happy to see u aunty

lady: do i know u beta??

N: aunty its me nandini

the lady was shocked in her place and she hugged nandini too tight and then she spoke

ladty: oh god nandu u here i dint expect yaar and u have grown up yaar i missed u so much

N: even i missed u too aunty

M: i am here only

manik spoke in between to gain their attention and the lady pulled his cheeks and then spoke

Lady: where did u meet her??

M: actually aunty she is my mate

lady: what??

N: yeah

Lady: i am so happy so finally the heart got the person it loves

both were confused at this but before they ask anything they both heard a scream


they turned and found aryaman standing there and he rushed towards manik and hugged him and then he broke the hug and then he turned towards nandini and aryaman felt that he knew her somewhere but not able to identify her

Ar: who is she bro??

manik just smiled at him

M: u introduce urself

he said to nandini and then she turned towards aryaman

N: did u miss me aru??

it dint take a second for aryaman to guess it was nandini because it was the name only nandini can call him and no other person has the right to call him with taht name and he immediately hugged nandini and she too hugged him back and they both had tears in their eyes as they both were close to eachother but they were out of hug when some one pulled them away and it was none other than manik oops now possessive nandini mate.

aryaman looked at him questioningly because it was not the first time they higged and manik never reacted in this way

Ar: what happened yaar??

before manik could answer aryaman observed that manik eyes changed their color and he understoood on a second that nandini is his mate as he was also alpha he can understand very well

Ar: i am so ahppy that my best friends are mates yipeeeeee

he literally jumped in his place like a kid and hugged both of them together and then they broke thge hug

Ar: say me about ur story??

M: all this later and now we came for an important work so lets finalise it

aryaman sensed there is something and then he as a good friend nodded his head and they three went to study room in aryaman house.

Ar: tell me what is the matter??

he asked as soon as they all settled in the study room

M: arya say the whole thing that happened on that day???

aryaman understood about what day he was talking by seeing nandini and he took a deep breath and then started to narrate the story sorry reality that evryone dont know


nandini and her parents were coming from their house and they are going to meet manik and aryaman at the near park. they stopped near the park and then nandini saw a ice cream vendor there and then she alone went to get ice cream and at the same time manik and aryaman arrived there and they both went and were talking to them and they all turned towards nandini and she smiled at them and she looked back to the vendor and took her ice cream and was about to go back to them but she saw a little girl crying near place to her and she just signalled manik to that girl and she went there to which just manik nodded as she will be in his eye sight only.

they all were talking when suddenly some people attacked them and then just in seconds they ran away from nandini and as manik and aryaman were kids they were hiding behind the tree and nandini parents were in fight with them and the fight was getting intense second by second and manik suddenly remembered of nandu and ran towards her with aryaman following him and then manik saw nandini with the same girl and he was about to go there but he stopped when he felt a collapsing sound behind him and he turned back to see nandini father on the floor with a SILVER knife near his heart.

when manik was running towards nandini one of the attacker saw nandini and threw a knife at her but nandini father saw this and he ran towards manik with his wolf speed and then the knife hit him correctly at his heart.

a werewolf may be a strongest person in the world but he is the most weakest person in front of silver and when silver comes in contact with their body they feel like their body is burning and then when the silver came in contact with the wolf body near his heart then it will be the last breath of the werewolf.

manik turned towards nandu father and rushed towards him

"uncle what happened"

manik asked him but there was no raction from him because he was already dead and then manik saw that his hand was near his heart

"so uncle u are feeling pain near ur heart because of this na wait i will remove this and u can recover"

manik thought it was a normal knife and being a alpha son he knew that normal dint effect it and he took the knife from his heart and at the same time nandini saw him and misunderstood that manik killed her father and she ran away from there to her house and to say to abhi and his parents about this.

flashback ends

Ar: after that day we dint see u

as soon as aryaman completed the story nandini was badly in tears and then manik came and side hugged her and she cried in his arms and then she remembered about her mother

N: what happened to mom????

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