Three. A First Date

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(A/N - So I decided that I would give you all chapter 3.  I decided early on that this story needed another plot line besides just Niall doing the x-factor and meeting his idol Harry Styles.  This chapter will introduce another character.  I wasn't able to write as much on this story this weekend as I hoped....but I have it opened now and am currently adding to it.  Maybe I'll post chapter 4 by Wednesday.  Let me know what you think and please don't kill me for this chapter............hahaha)


It has been two weeks since my audition and I am still reeling from the excitement.  I leave for boot camp on the 9th of July.  I am very nervous about it and I really hope that I make it to judges’ houses.  That would be the next step before making it to the live shows.  That is the goal after all and I will try my absolute best to make it happen.

I am walking back to my house after an afternoon spent with my friends at the park playing footie.  Of course they are all excited that I made it through my auditions and were joking that I would forget them when I am big and famous.  They are completely wrong of course.  How could anyone forget where they came from and the people who mean the most?

I have my ipod playing and my earbuds in my ear, singing along with whatever song is playing while I walk and dribble the football.  I am looking down, about to do a kick up with the ball and I obviously wasn’t watching where I was going.

“Damn” I hear directly after my body collides with another.  I yank my earbuds out and look at the guy on the ground.

“I am so sorry.” I say and hold out my hand to help him up.  He looks up at me and accepts my waiting hand.  He stands and brushes the dirt off of his clothing and looks me in the eyes and smiles.  He is really cute.  I return the smile.

“It’s no big deal.  I’m fine.”  He says.  “I’m James, by the way. But people call me Jamie”

“Oh.  James is my middle name.  My first name’s Niall” I reply and shake his hand.  God I must have sounded like an idiot….’james is my middle name, my first name’s niall’ I mock myself in my head.

“Nice to meet you Niall James.” He says with a smile.

Jamie and I end up talking on the sidewalk for about an hour.  I may have developed a little crush on the cute guy that I made fall to the ground.  I found out that he is visiting his family in Mullingar but will be returning home to London in three weeks.

I told him that I will be in London for a few days at the beginning of July.  I told him about X-Factor and he seemed genuinely happy for me.  We made tentative plans to meet up when I am there.  Since he was going to be in town for the next three weeks, we exchanged numbers and planned on hanging out some.  He hugged me goodbye; a hug which lingered a little longer than a normal friendly hug would.  Was he crushing on me like I was him?  I guess time would tell.  We said goodbye and I made my way back home for dinner.

“Did you get the package that I set on your bed, dear?” mum asked as we were sitting eating dinner.

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