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That was it! There were rumors last year that a professional dancer would be one of our teachers this year! And that's it... I need to see him dancing, I'll talk to my mother for her to take me, I need!

- Guys, did you know that have a teacher here who is a choreographer and professional dancer? - Said Tahani

- Yes! - I said, Sean and Gabe in chorus - He is our art teacher! He will teach today at the Millenium Complex, at six o'clock!

- For he does not get to my feet, that I'm sure. - Said Sean

I spoke right to my mother, and she said she would take me. I did what I had to do, brushed my teeth, took a shower, put on a black shirt with the name "I Have Nothing To Wear", a black legging, tied a red plaid jacket around my waist, and put a black tennis from Adidas. I combed my hair and put it in a high ponytail. I took a backpack that I always take to training, I put a towel, my phone, my headset, a water bottle and took it. I looked in the mirror, looking at my clothes and said to myself:

- Perfect.

- Kaycee! Are you ready?! - My mom screamed

- Yes! I'm on my way!

I went down the stairs, following my mother to the garage. She opened it with a control, entered the car and started it when I was going, she said:

- Daughter, wait, go lock the door while I take the car from the garage.

I stated my head, I grabbed the keys of her hand and locked the door, as she had ordered. I walked to the car, entered the same in the front seat and she closed the garage with the control and put in a door-things that always had inside the cars. I grabbed my cell phone and the headset, put it on random and the playlist choosed the song "Work From Home" it nailed it!

When my mother parked the car, got out and she caught it, of course. We walked into the studio, which was huge by the way, we saw a lot of adults sitting in various banks, which had a sign of "waiting room 1", where parents/guardians were there to wait for someone. we saw a sign with the times. My eyes ran to find Matt Steffanina - ADV (Advanced) Free Lesson: 6:00 PM - Room 3. I gave little hops, I was so excited!

- Mother, you stay here, you can let me go alone.

- Oh, ok.

Walking down the aisle, I saw a boy back with a black cap, walking with a gray sweatshirt, harem pants and black shoes: It was Gabe. I ran after him and took off his cap and put the same. At the same moment he looked back and smiled when he saw me.

- Kaycee! Hey! Give me my cap!

- No! Let freshness. Your hair is better than mine. - I said and we both laughed and found the room 3.

We entered the room, which was full and I saw all my friends! Tahani, Asia, Tati, Ken, Josh, Sean, Tahani, Bailey, Marielle and Will. They saw us and pointed at us, we walked up to them and Kenneth said:

- Hey couple! - I laughed and Gabe glared at him. - Calm bro! - He said and we all laughed.

- Good night guys! - Matt entered, followed by a woman and everyone shouted in chorus:

- Ayoooo!

All they rose, and he said:

- Well, for those who don't know me, my name is Matt Steffanina... - the woman beside him interrupted: - No, you're Brad Pitt! - She said, and everyone laughed

- Anyway, I'm not only a choreographer and dancer, but I am a teacher of arts, I realize that some of my students have also come... Thank you! Show what you know tonight. Beginners will present, say the name of you and age, you will do freestyle in groups of double. The lesson is this: Teach the choreography for you, then you dance without me, with the help of my wife Dana - he said pointing to the woman next to him - I spend the choreography 4 more times, sharing many of you in the group, to fit all in place, and then watch the ones that did well and select groups for shooting, for posting on youtube, my site and others. So come on!

Was first lecture, he talked a little about hip hop, which is talked about the dance and stuff. So lengthened us, he taught us the choreography, which was music Work From Home! I took most of the steps and the time has come for beginners presented in pairs. Tahani presented with Tati, Will with Sean, Josh with Marielle, Ken with Bailey and Gabe with me, as always.

They were awesome! Until our turn came, I was excited and a little bit nervous.

- So the couple Gabe and Kaycee, may come to present! - He said and shouted, and saw Ken laugh.

- So, well, thank you for you have choosen us both as pair because we are a pair. Anyway, my name is Kaycee Rice and I have 15 years.

- Well, I am also grateful! My name is Gabe De Guzman and I also have 15 years.

- Perfect, you guys can start. - Matt said and put the sound to play

The man who shot put the camera, and I let the music roll. I danced with passion, inspiration, and of course, lots of entertainment. All I was feeling, expressed in dance. I looked at Gabe in the mirror, and he was rocking as ever. He was perfect. He looked at me in the reflection of the mirror and I looked at him, and that was the cue: we should give a mortal. We did it and everyone cheered and shouted.

When the song ended all continued applauding, and went to our seats.

- That night was amazing! You, my students, beginners have to come in the next class, to rehearse and recorded it because this class will not give time. I will choose the groups, and I say to you in the next class! Oh, my students at school, come here. He said and went to him and Dana, and she said:

- Congratulations! You were awesome!

- Thank you! - Said all along

- Well, I wanted to say that, as you are amazing, if you want to be the top students, like, always attend classes, you will be free! - He said and everyone looked at each other smiling, sure I would continue. As soon as he said that, a tall and red-haired girl went to Matt.

- Sorry to bother you Matt, but why they do not have to pay anything? I'm an amazing dancer too! 

- Excuse me? I know them from school, they are students, my friends too. Since I met them - that was today - I quite liked them. But if you want to leave, fine. It will be a preppy unless this studio. - When he said that we all looked at each other, and she left dissatisfied:

- WOOOOW! Thug life - We all said in chorus.

I said bye to Matt, Dana, and my friends. Gabe would go with bus, then I offered a ride for him, he said he did not want to be offered to my mother.

- Oh, what's Gabe! Drop it. My mother already knows you, and... - I was interrupted by the tall girl and redhead.

- Excuse me - she said, taking my place - What school are you? - she said referring to Gabe, and seemed well offered to speak it. - Sorry, it is that you are very handsome. Why we don't kiss each other one day? - Gabe looked at me, wanting to laugh.

- He is from the school "He already Has A Girlfriend and That's Me" - said and laced our fingers. She made a disgusting face and left. When we lose sight, we both fell in laughter and finally went to the waiting room.

- Hi boys! How was your class?

- It was great mom! I'll tell you in the car. Oh, and could you give a ride to Gabe? - Gabe said and looked at me wide-eyed and blushing.

- Of course!


Guys, when I get inspired, I can't stop to writing! hope you like it, and there's a finally a villain! A special reader asked me to put it, and I found it a great idea. Hope u guys like it.

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