Chapte 7

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And chapter 7 is up! Hope you like it! Vote, comment, fan, and most of all enjoy!!

Chapter 7

Thalia’s POV

“You have reached you destination,” Jake’s car’s GPS told us in its mechanical voice. After riding for an hour I was ready to leave Jake’s company. First off it was just awkward considering he used to torment me at school every day, but now since he needed my help he was attempting to be nice, which he was failing horribly on his part. I had actually told him this about half way through the car ride which in turn made him shut up. For that I was grateful. But then we had moved into the awkward silence stage that was well… awkward. All in all the car ride hadn’t been fun.

“I can’t believe we are actually doing this. What if this guy actually earned his money through hard work and not a wish? What if he isn’t even a bender?” I fretted.

“Really now you are going to chicken out on me? You couldn’t have said these things earlier? You’re the one that seemed so sure about this!” Jake demanded in an exasperated tone.

“Well I’m sorry reality just hit me,” I snapped at him. He rolled his eyes and pulled to a stop in front of the gate. We had stopped in front of Connor Candon’s house, the house of the richest man in the world. We were here to find answers, hopefully we would get them.

The house was a huge sprawling mansion type. The home had a southern rustic look about it with brown stone walls and a large wooden stained wooden door. The windows had dark stained shutters and logs the size of large tree trunks as columns. The whole place was surrounded by a large white stone wall that had security cameras along the edge and the gate was swirling iron that had his initial in the middle of it. The grounds were impeccable. Every blade of grass cut, every bush trimmed, and the marble rearing horse fountain scrubbed until is shined, which seemed slightly out of place. Large trees blocked off most of the line of sight to the house but you could just see a large pool off to the distance.

Jake leaned out the window up to the speaker. “Um, this is Jake Archer and with me I have Thalia Peters. We need to speak to Mr. Candon please.”

Then he sat waiting for an answering. “That was your plan? You really think they are going to let a couple of teenagers waltz in and speak with him?” I asked scathingly. Jake just shrugged in response.

“Do you have an appointment,” a voice finally called through the intercom.

“No, but it’s important, we must be allowed to speak to him,” Jake replied.

“I’m sorry, you must have an appointment to speak to him,” the voice said again.

Jake growled already losing his temper.  “Listen, you don’t understand, a life depends on this, I need to know about the mermaid cove!” Jake yelled and I knew better to try and calm him down, lest his anger be turned on me. But, I knew we would not be let in, especially if it sounded like Jake was talking crazy.

The voice on the intercom took longer to reply this time and with exaggerated slowness it finally replied.

“Sir, you must have an appointment to speak with Mr. Candon he is a busy man and doesn’t accept walk-ins. Now please back away from the gates and call later for an appointment.”

“Jake,” I said, “Let’s just listen to her. We can come back later.”

Jake shook his head. “No, no, we came this far, we are not turning around. I need his help. Maia, needs his help. Get out of the car, Thaila, if they aren’t going to let us in, then we are getting in by force.”

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