Carpe Diem, Quam Minimum Credula Postero

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                 Hey guys... Beth here (obviously, you probably know that by now :P) anyway. Here’s a new chapter – one which I hope explores the new found friendship *and possibly something more* between Hermione and Draco. I have to admit the place where this chapter is set is one of my favourite places that JK Rowling ever created – I just hope I do it justice! This chapter is more serious than banter-full, I apologise, but it can't all be fun fun fun; there has to be some background to the story. I've been working on ideas for Blaise, who'll feature in the story sometime soon... he's going to be a friend to Draco, yet at the same time maybe their competitive Slytherin natures will get the better of them - and they'll end up competing for something, or rather someone. Ten points to Gryffindor if you can guess who ;) ... The Chapter Title is from a Latin Poem and means “Seize the Day, putting as little trust as possible in the future” – which I’m sure you’ll come to realise is relevant to the chapter... as always, please read/vote/comment etc! Every little helps! :P I apologise for any errors [I couldn't be bothered to edit ... it's 11.58PM here, and I just wanted to update before I have school tomorrow! :P] bear with me! :L xoxox

                              The duo landed neatly in a fireplace of a rather bare looking room – the walls were scattered with a few certificates, framed in dusty and age-battered frames, and a desk with a plush leather chair faced opposite them, but that was all – and Malfoy didn’t waste any time.
                “Where are we, Granger?” He asked curiously, “I have to admit, I was thinking something more along the lines of a cemetery,” he chuckled, “But I’m certainly intrigued.”
                Stepping out of the grate and brushing some soot off her neatly ironed robes, Hermione answered, “We’re at St Mungo’s. I have a few ideas for conquering your fear – and this is phase one in the process – c’mon, the head healer is scheduled to meet us here shortly. We’ll only have to wait a bit.”
                Malfoy regarded Hermione curiously – he was at a loss as to why she had brought him to a hospital of all places; a place which just so happened to be where they both wanted to work when the time for a job came around. Not saying anything, a comfortable silence growing between the two of them, he leant against a wall.
                The duo didn’t have to wait long before a middle aged woman, with a black bob not dissimilar to the hairstyle of Professor Snape, although a lot more clean and healthy looking, and a quite broad, tubby figure welcomed them warmly.
                “Hermione! It’s so lovely to see you ... how’re you?” The woman exclaimed enthusiastically.
                Hermione struggled to answer, having been encased in a bone crushing hug, “Esther! I’m great thanks – yourself?”
                “Fabulous! Absolutely marvellous,” the witch exclaimed, finally releasing Hermione. “Of course Muriel is keeping me up all the time but it’s worth every minute of it,” she said with a grin.
                The healer finally seemed to notice the presence of somebody else in the room, and she regarded Draco Malfoy with a somewhat curious look, “I’m so sorry,” she began, and Malfoy shook his head, dismissing her ignorance of his presence. “I’m Esther Balms; head Healer here at St Mungo’s. You must be Mister Malfoy, I do believe?”
                “That would be me, Ma’am,” Malfoy agreed stiff with politeness – which dissipated after the black haired witch embraced him the same as she had Hermione. His expression was one of shock that initially Hermione found it hard not to laugh at – it wasn’t often that the blonde haired Slytherin was caught off guard!
                “No need for the formalities, Draco,” the witch grinned, “We’re all friends, are we not?”
                “Yes,” he mumbled, and then more resolutely, “Yes we are.”
                Hermione smiled at the two people stood in front of her. Certainly if she’d been asked a year ago what she thought she’d be doing barely a week into the new school term, being in St Mungo’s with Ron’s family friend, and Draco Malfoy would have never have crossed her mind – it was somewhat surreal; she felt as though she was in a dream.

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