She Shows Promise & Jealousy's a Bitch

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hey guys... it's Beth here. I don't own Harry Potter *I wish!* etc. etc. JK is a legend, as we all know. Anyway. Hi, I know I haven't updated in a while but I have been busy, sorry. Plus it's my birthday on Monday and I have a concert on wednesday (the vaccines) so yeah... here you go. This is quite a lighthearted chapter, but there's also some drama (with Ron) for you ... As for the people who want to know about Blaise; he'll feature soon (hopefully next chapter, if not the one after - it depends how long what I write is... (whether I split it into two chapters, if you get what I mean? I'm making no sense here so I'm gonna shut up...) So I have tons of ideas from now onwards, and I hope you're enjoying this Fic as much as I am writing it, but your support is always appreciated; Read/Vote/Comment/Fan ALL help me update sooner - motivation is key! - so yeah, please do that! :D love you all, you're all amazing, let me know what you think! :P xoxox

“Hermione,” Malfoy began, as he half-ran, half-walked down the corridor in an attempt to catch up with the brown haired witch who was zooming along in a desperate bid to reach Charms on time, “What do you say to meeting me after dinner tonight to practice flying?” He asked, a little out of breath as he finally fell into step beside the clever witch.

            “You mean Draco Malfoy wants to spent time with a Gryffindor,” she jibed, “voluntarily?”

            He laughed, “What can I say Granger – you just seem to not be able to get rid of me. But seriously, I want both of us to pass the assignment Professor Duxhominem gave us, and I don’t want to fall behind... so are you up for it?”

            “Sure,” she smiled, “I don’t want to fail, either! What time shall I meet you, and whereabouts?”

            Malfoy paused for a moment, in thought. “Well we don’t want it to get too late, so how about straight after dinner? That should give us an hour or so before it gets dark – as for where you’ll meet me... why not the entrance to the Great Hall – after all we all finish dinner roundabouts the same time.”

            Hermione nodded, “That sounds good... Only an hour, mind, I have other work I must complete.”

            Malfoy chuckled, “You’re such a nerd, Granger.”

            “Is that a bad thing?” Hermione retorted, pointedly, and Malfoy smiled wryly.

            “I guess not. It just makes arguing with you a hell of a lot harder,” he admitted, somewhat sheepishly. “Anyway, I’ll see you later, Granger.” He added, as they entered the charms classroom.

            “Yeah, see you later, Draco,” Hermione said, unaware of the fact she’d called him by his first name, and unaware of the smile this brought to the blonde haired boy’s face.

            Almost as soon as she sat down in Charms, Ron and Harry began babbling away at her, and she found herself taken aback by the amount of information the two boys were spewing at her.

            “Calm down!” She exclaimed, smiling fondly at the wizards in front of her, “One at a time. Harry, you go first,” She ordered, Harry shooting Ron a so-there look.

            “It was awful Hermione, I’m telling you! Luna’s afraid of crumpled horned thingamajiggies... Merlin knows they don’t even exist. HOW am I meant to help someone confront a fear of something imaginary? How, Hermione, how? It’s beyond me. And how’s Luna meant to drift out of the clouds for five bloody minutes, so she can help me conquer MY fear? It’s ridiculous!”

            “Ridiculous!” Ron exclaimed, and Harry and Hermione shot him confused look, which he ignored. “That’s the answer! Harry, you can just get Luna to practice on a Bogart – whatever it shows her has got to be better than what you can come up with! What does a crumpled thing-a-wotsit even look like anyway?

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