Chapter 2

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FINALLY! it was time to go home. Today has been a long first day but it was good I made a bunch of new friends like the really cute boy Keaton and Hailey and a couple other new friends. I  thought today was actually a pretty good first day.

"Kayla! hey! wait up!" I turn around and find Keaton running up to me.

"Hey Keaton what's up?"

"Hey how was your first day of school?" he says with a big smile on his face.

"Um actually today was a really good first day. Thanks for asking" I say with a smile on my face.

"That's good and you're welcome" He says smiling back at me.

"So what are your plans for the day Keaton?" I ask.

"Go to band practice and chill with my bros and friends" He says.

"Oh nice your in a band?" I say surprised.

"Yep I am you should come watch us play sometime" He says with a big smile on his face.

"Okay that sounds like a plan" I say smiling back at him.

"Okay well I got to get going. I'll text you later?"

"Yeah okay I'll talk to you later bye Keaton" I say with a smile. 

"Kayla!" I turn to see who called my name again and I see my one of my new friends I made today.

"Hey Hailey whats up?"

"Hey what are you doing today?" She says.

"Um probably nothing why?"

"I was wondering if you would want to hang out.  Cause I don't want to go home"

"Yeah that sounds like fun." I say with a smile.

"Okay cool" she says with a smile. We get in my car and we pull out of the school parking lot and start to drive to my house.

"So did you see any cute boys that you like today?" Hailey ask.

"Ummmmmmmm yeah...."

"Ohhhhhh who?!?!" She asks with excitement in her voice.

"Ummmmm do you know Keaton?"

"OMG! YOU LIKE KEATON?!?!" I feel my cheeks start to get warm and I know I'm blushing but I cant help it just hearing his name makes me smile. 

"Pshhhh no....." I try to hide my cheeks with my hair so she couldn't see but I failed.

"OMG! you do like him!"

"How could I like him? I just met him don't know anything about him. I just think he is really cute"

"Well still I know you like him"

"Okay if you say so Hailey"

"OMG you guys would be a cute couple!" She said out of no where.


"cause its true you guys would make such a really cute couple" I couldn't help but smile at her saying that....Would we be a cute couple? Wait what am I doing? He could never like a girl like me could he? Gahhhh Kayla stop it! He probably has a girlfriend. I know nothing will happen between me and Keaton.....


We finally arrive at my house and we get out of the car and Hailey looks at my house and her jaw drops open.

"Omg your house is..."

"Yeah I know its really beautiful huh?"

"yeah!" She says still shocked

"Yeah I know come on lets go inside and drop our stuff off in my room then we can find something to do"

"Okay sounds like a plan!" We run upstairs and drop off our bags in my room and as soon as we walk into my room Hailey freaks out.

"Dude your room is huge!" Hailey says

"Yeah I know its really nice having a big room so then you don't feel isolated in a small tiny room"

"Yeah that true. I wish I had a room as big as yours" Haikey says sounding a little bit jealous.

"Yeah I know. But anyways are you hungry?"

"yeah I am!" She says sounding like she hasn't ate something in a million years.

"ok lets go get something from downstairs" I say with a laugh. We walk downstairs to raid my kitchen we look around my kitchen to find something and I found some leftover cake from my dads birthday party we had yesterday before we moved.

"Hey do you want some birthday cake and milk?" I asked Hailey

"haha sure sounds yummy" I cut a little piece of cake for me and Hailey and I poor us a glass of milk. We sit at the kitchen table and start to eat our little after school snack.

"So what do you want to do after this?" I ask Hailey

"Hmmm I don't know what can we do?" Her eyes wonder around as she looks around the house for things to do. Her eyes then wander to the back door into the back yard and she sees the pool.

"CAN WE GO SWIMMING?!?" She ask really excitedly.

"Haha sure why not I'm sure I have a bathing suit that you can borrow of mine" I say with a smile. We get done eating and then we run upstairs to my room to find my bathing suits in my messy room. We went threw a few boxes and I finally found them. I picked out my favorite hot pink bikini and gave Hailey a lite baby blue bikini. We go and get them on then I grab a pair of shades for me and hand Hailey a pair and we run down stairs and out to the pool.

A/N Hey guys! so i would really like it if you guys would vote and comment and tell me what you guys think about my story please (: and i know that right now the story isn't that good yet but trust me there is going tobe a lot of action and drama and romance coming up soon(: just hold on and keep reading and i promise it will be better soon. so vote and comment! please and thank you(:


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