Chapter 1- First Day of School

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Hey guys, new story. This is boyxboy so if you don't like this then don't read. It's gonna basically have everyone from the Land of Aaa in it but on earth. It's gonna be awesome.


(Marshall's POV)

Nothing is worse than the first day of school. The only good part was getting to mess with Gumball again. Gumball was basically the nerdiest kid in school, but he had this special charisma about him that made him likeable. He's been president of the student council every year and he has the best grades in the school. I remember one time in history he missed one question on a test and was so distraught he almost cried. I thought it was pretty bogus considering I had gotten a C and was totally fine with it, but I guess I can't judge since I'm not in his shoes.

I was also excited about getting to see Fionna. She's basically my best friend but since I don't like the term "Best Friend" (too girly) we just say we're friends. Fionna was really good friends with Gumball as well, meaning I had to deal with him. You see, me and Gumball are polar oppisites. He's all about good grades, setting good examples and helping others. I, on the other hand, could care less about any of those things.

As I neared the school I immediately recognized Fionna's blonde hair and curvy figure. I walked up to her and put my hands over her eyes. Anyone would probably think were dating but the idea of dating Fionna isn't very appealing, we're too good of friends.

"Marshall!" She said turning around to hug me. I hugged back and when she pulled away someone else appeared. A someone in a sweater vest.

"Hi Gumball!" Fionna said turning to hug him. He hugged her back and muttered a hello. He always acted all shy whenever I was near but I saw how he acted when I wasn't around and it defintely wasn't shy. I guess I intimidated him or something.

"Hey Gummy." I said with a smirk. He looked up at me for a split second then back down at his feet.

"Hi Marshmallow." He said in a barely audible tone. I smiled at his use of my embarassing nickname. When other people used it I got annoyed, when he did it was perfect. Fionna laughed and started talking to Gumball about his classes. He looked up at her and answered accordingly. I noticed multiple times he would look past her and look to me. I made faces everytime he did. Around the tenth time he looked back I crossed my eyes and puffed out my cheeks. He burst out lauging and Fionna turned around and smacked me.

"Hey!" I said rubbing my arm. For the tiny thing she was, she sure packed a punch.

"I was trying to have a conversation!" She said in a frustrated tone, but she had a smile on her face.

"Whatever." I said, flipping my hair out of my eyes. The bell rang and I let out a long groan. Gumball on the other hand had the biggest smile on his face.

"You are such a nerd." I said ruffling his hair. He glared at me and fixed his hair.

"At least I actually care about my future. You on the other hand would be lucky to even get a job at Mcdonald's." He said with confidence I didn't even know he had towards me.

"No way, I'm smart when it counts." I said.

"Whatever." He said rolling his eyes.

"Geez, why do you care so much? You practically hate me." I said.

"I...I don't hate you." He said back into his old shy ways again. I looked up at Fionna who was totally oblivious to this conversation. I looked back at Gumball who's cheeks were as red as a firetruck.

"Stop blushing so much, pansy." I said nudging his shoulder lightly.

"I'm not a pansy!" He said defensively. I gave him a "you're kidding right?" look. A smile played out on my lips.

"Whatever. Fionna doesn't think I'm a pansy."

"Yes I do!" Fionna said looking back at us and then forward again. I laughed and Gumball had a huge smile. We locked eyes for a second too long, Gumball quickly looked away and blushed.

"Bye." He muttered walking off to his locker. His was at the begining of the hall but me and Fionna's were at the back.

"I gotta tell you something later, Marshy." Fionna said with a huge smile. She sauntered off to her own locker while I went to mine.


It was finally lunch. I was walking towards the lunchroom when I felt a presence close beside me. I was expecting it to be Fionna but instead it was Gumball.

"Hey." I said. He looked up at me and smiled.

Damn, this boy wasn't even acting shy around me anymore. Oh no, am I becoming a softie? No not possible. Last time he saw me I didn't have these shark bites (A/N: It's a type of lip piercings for those who don't know).

We made it to the lunch room. I spotted Fionna and walked over to her, Gumball trailing behind. I sat down across from her and Gummy sat next to her.

"Hey, Fi." I said. She smiled at me. The lunchroom helpers dismissed us to go buy our lunch. Gumball shot up and walked quickly towards the line leaving me and Fionna alone.

"What did you need to tell me?" I asked her.

"Okay," she started. "This might sound crazy but I think Gumball likes you."

"What?" I don't think I heard her right.

"I think Gumball likes you."

"Are you saying I'm gay?"

"No I'm saying Gummy is. Unless you like him back." She had this creepy smile on her face.

"Marshall?" She asked dragging out the 'L'. I raised my eyebrow as if to ask "What?".

"Are" My eyes widened, I can't believe she asked that.

"Well, uh, gay? No. But I don't think gender really matters either."

"Would you date him?" Date Gummy? I don't know. I mean, he was kinda cute but I don't think he'd ever like me back.

I shrugged and noticed we were finally at the front of the line. I grabbed my lunch and bought it, walking back to my table. Gummy was sitting there talking to Cake. I sat down and earned a glare from Cake. She hated me with a burning passion but she was best friends with Fionna as well so she dealt with me. Fionna came back and sat down with her mountainous pile of food.

"Where were you this morning?" Fionna asked Cake. She said something about her alarm clock breaking but I wasn't really paying attention. Instead I was focusing on Gummy.

He really wasn't that bad looking. He was actually kind of cute. Even if he was a total dork.

Gumball noticed I was looking at him and started fidgeting. He kept looking at me and then back down again, a blush creeping on his cheeks. And it was adorable.

"I gotta use the restroom." He said jumping up. As soon as he was out of the lunchroom I got up and followed him. I saw his tiny self slip into the bathroom. When I walked in he was staring in the mirror.

"Hey." I said smoothly. He jumped when he saw it was me.

"What do you want?" He asked in a harsh tone. What did I want?

"Nothing, I just didn't wanna be left alone with Fionna and Cake." I said cringing at the crazy girl's name.

"Oh." He said quietly. He stood there looking at me, I could tell he wanted to say something but was having trouble putting it I'm words.

"Marshall," He paused and then continued. "Have you ever felt like you've lost touch with yourself? Like you don't know what you want anymore, you don't have any desire for anything. Have you?"

"I guess." I said. "Why?"

"That's how I feel."


"And I feel so goddamn confused." He said frustrated. He started to get this look in his eyes, like he wanted to cry.

"I don't even know what I want anymore. How fucked up is that? Shouldn't someone know what they want?" Suddenly I felt myself moving closer to him. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him.

It was just a hug but it felt like so much more. As soon as he hugged back I realized how much I liked him. As more than a friend.

But he's straight. So it'll only be a crush. A terrible, heart breaking, depressing crush.

"Marshmallow you're hurting me." He said in a pained voice. I let go and apologized.

"Let's go back." He said, looking into my eyes. I nodded and we both walked back to our seats. The rest of lunch I didn't take my eyes off of him.


Thank you for reading! Do y'all like it? Should I continue? 

My Marshmallow (Prince Gumball x Marshall Lee AU)Where stories live. Discover now