Chapter 3

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Your child could be the next Dark One. Blue's words echoed in my mind, they were knives poking at my skin, worrying me every day. After a long day at work, I returned home to the house Killian had picked out for us when we were in Camelot, "Operation Light Swan," Henry had called it. Bit of a temporarily short lived (Killian and I temporarily being Dark Ones and all). Now we were back from hell (literally), everything was back to normal, except for one thing; I'm pregnant. Again.

"Emma?" Killian called as he heard me close the front door.

"Yea, I'm in here," I replied, setting my car keys in my pocket.

Killian came down the hallway with a big grin on his face.

"Hey beautiful," I chuckled.

"Do you remember the first time you said that to me?"

"I admired you're beauty while lying in a mud puddle, all bloody and bruised up,"

"You acted like you'd cracked every bone in you're body,"

"And every one of those bones was healed when you paid me a visit at the hospital," said Killian as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"And how did I do that?"

"You're voice," I smiled.

We walked into the kitchen together, Killian made me hot cocoa with cinnamon as I told him about my day.

"So what's this about a rough chat with Blue?" I stared at my cup, sighed, and then looked up at him.

"She told something that's been hanging in my mind like an earring too heavy,"

"What exactly did she say Swan?"

"She said out child as a potential for light and dark magic,"

"Is that bad?"

"I then paid Belle a visit in the library, and was surprised to find a book on all kinds of magic. We found thins prophecy, and the only one to stop it, would be Merlin," Killian looked down at his cup.

"Merlin's gone love,"

"I know, and because of that, Belle was afraid to tell me, but I asked her anyways. It's called the Ritual of Darkened Light, it was performed by Nimue a long time ago, and it comes with this prophecy; In order for the ritual to be complete, the child would have to become the most powerful Dark One this world has ever freaking seen. When Gold killed you and channeled himself to the dagger, apparently even in death, Dark Ones have power. Nimue knew that once all the darkness was put into Gold, it would flow right through him and into her. When we were in the Underworld, despite the fact that he did help us, it was fake power. Everything he did, was mostly a glamour. Naturally, our kid is prophesized to become the next Savior, but Nimue wants to stop that. Once our child is dark, you, me, everyone in Storybrooke, will be destroyed. Gone, forever,"

"And you believe that book's every word?"

"It'll be as if all fairytales, everything, including the Curse, never happened,"

"Bloody hell," was all that came out of Killian's mouth.

"What do we need to do?"

"I think we should find Blue and talk to her. Now that I'm not as angry as I was, I'd like some answers," Killian nodded once.

"Let's go,"

10 minutes later

Killian and I walked into Granny's. Blue was nowhere to be seen.

"Blue? Are you here? We need to talk, now," Blue peered from the corner that led to the bathroom,

"Emma, you've returned,"

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