Chapter 8: A Night Adventure

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Chapter 8:

A Night Adventure

Due to the natural grace of any vampire, I suppose I should not have been surprised to find that I had landed on both feet from the three story drop. I tested each leg, marveling at the fact that nothing was broke. I heard a loud thud beside me and found that Luca had dropped down, too. He lad expression.

"I thought you had been a vampire for six months. Shouldn't you be used to the invincibility by now?" he asks with a soft laugh.

"Maybe I should be, but I'm not," I tell him.

"Come on, vampire. We have to get out of here," Luca says prodding me into a run.

"My name is Amaya," I protest at being referred to as 'vampire.' He chuckles but does not correct his mistake.

"Is that as fast as you can go, vampire?" Luca teases, picking up speed.

"It is when I have no clue where we are going," I answer, but do pick up my pace to match his.

"I can run much faster in wolf form. Want to see?" he brags.

"No," I reply instantly. He pouts at me and I roll my eyes. I use my vampire power of radar senses to check to see if we are being followed.

"Five wolves on our trail," I tell Luca.

He gives me an incredulous look, "How do you know that?" he asks as he veers to the right.

"Vampire senses are impeccable," I answer. "They are probably following our tracks, Wolfie."

He barks out a laugh at the nickname but does not comment on it, "You are probably right. Our footprints and smell would be dead giveaway."

I jump into the tree above me and outstretch my hand to Luca, who stands below me. He shrugs and takes my hand. "Does this solve both problems?" I ask.

"Almost," he answers, "they will still pick up our scent."

"Is there anything that could hide that?" I inquire.

"Nothing except water, but we don't have any streams around here," he explains.

"What do we do then?" I ask.

"We wait," he answers, getting comfortable in the limbs of the tall tree.

"Do you think they will look up?" I wonder aloud.

"No Weres stick to the ground. We are not very good at climbing," he explains. Then he slips his finger over his lips again to hush me. I roll my eyes but obey nevertheless. I tune into my vampire radar. The wolves will be right under us in 3... 2... 1.

Five sets of paws pound against the ground below us as the wolves charge right past us, not deterred off course by the lack of tracks or scent. Luca scurries to the ground, using the limbs to help him down. I follow suit, but simply drop to the ground like when we jumped out the window. Once Luca hits the ground, he starts running once again, this time back in the same direction we came from.

"Where are we going?" I ask in a whisper.

"The town?" he suggests. "It is kinda big so it is hard to find two people in the middle of large crowds there."

"No crowds at this time of night," I point out.

"Right. Well there is a couple of clubs. I have a fake ID," he says.

"That might work," I agree. We continue running and after a few more minutes I return to my vampire radar. That's when I realize we are going in a circle just barely inside the woods around the perimeter of the house. "Umm, Luca, are we lost?" I ask hesitantly.

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