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Dean had never been so nervous in his life. He'd woken up at Sam's on the morning of his wedding and it finally felt real. He'd stuffed himself full of bacon and eggs to avoid any stomach rumbling during the ceremony and put his suit on. He wondered how Maria was doing, he desperately wanted to text her, it was the first time in nearly 4 years that they hadn't been together for more than 24 hours by choice. His conscience began telling him he was being a complete assbutt and to man up.

Sam entered the room in his own finery, and fist bumped his brother.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Pft, yeah." Dean scoffed, strutting past him. "Are we gonna go or what?"

15 minutes later they had arrived at the church, there were two large trucks outside and group of Hispanic looking women stood around talking. They parked the Impala and went to greet Maria's aunties.
"Morning ladies, I'm Maria's fiancé, Dean and this is my brother Sam." He held out a hand but it was ignored and the women swarmed around him pinching his cheeks and making various comments about his looks.

"He's blanco but he's pretty!" One exclaimed.
"Mhm, si, look at the cheekbones!" Another pointed them out. Sam made no move to help him but stood back and held back a laugh.
"Okay, okay it's real nice to meet ya'll. Shall we?" He indicated to the doors and the women spread out between the two trucks and began carrying towers of trays towards the church.

A few hours into the day, Sam was enjoying the sight of his brother floundering in a sea of Hispanic people with varying proficiencies in the English language. He'd befriended one of her cousins, Carlos, who was explaining who was who.
"Some of our family live in Mexico and some of them in the U.S., it's part of the reason Maria came here to study." He indicated to a gaggle of young women sitting in the benches, leaning over them to talk to each other. "Over there you've got the next generation of aunties. Don't talk to them because you won't get away until they leave." Sam nodded in acknowledgment.

"I wouldn't talk to the uncles either because they just repeat themselves angrily for hours." He waved a hand in the general direction of a group of older men sitting with concentrated expressions and punctuating whatever they were saying with hard hand movements. They all wore an assortment of gold rings and bracelets.
"Duly noted." Sam replied. Carlos craned his neck around the room, in search of something.
"The real fun starts when the hood cousins get here." He informed him.
"Hood cousins?"
"Yeah, your typical cholos and eses. Unluckily for your brother those are the guys Maria was closest to when she was younger so they're gonna be pretty hostile."

Sam couldn't wait to see this, Dean had a cursed talent for getting on the wrong side of scary people. As if on cue, the church doors flew open and what could only be described as a gang of formidable looking young men entered. Virtually all of them had some kind of tattoo, and a slim gold chain with a crucifix hanging from it. Carlos' description of them wasn't quite as fitting seeing as they were very well dressed. Sam glanced at Dean, who resembled a gazelle faced with a pack of lions.

The largest of all of them, with a cobra snaking up the left side of his head and four dots in square formation on his right cheek stepped forward.
"Where's the white boy?" His voice was deep and mildly accented. Sam watched apprehensively as Dean went forward to meet him.
"Dean Winchester." He held out a hand. The large men looked behind him at his cousins and they burst out laughing.
"That's Ángel, Maria's older brother." Carlos murmured to Sam.

Instead of accepting the handshake, the man squared up to Dean, only an inch or two taller. Sam wanted to look away, this wasn't going to end well.
"The hell you doing man?" Dean said, voice low and warning. There was one thing that got Sam's brother riled up immediately and it was a challenge.
"We don't want no gringo marrying Maria." Ángel growled.
"I don't think you got much of a say, sunshine." Dean smiled.

"Your brother got a death wish?" Carlos asked.
"I've asked myself that quite a few times." Sam muttered. The other guys moved in closer to Dean, but he kept his sickening smile in place, Sam would have admired his courage if it wasn't about to get him beaten up. Ángel grabbed him by the lapels of his suit jacket.
"You sure about that ese?" Dean gave him a toothy grin.
"One hundred percento." 'Oh my god, it's por ciento.' Sam thought as Maria's brother raised a fist.

The door that lead to the kitchen banged open and a woman whacking a rolling pin against her hand strode in.
"Ángel! Basta you stupid hijo de puta!" She shouted. The man in question let go of Dean immediately, she stomped over to the two men and slapped Ángel across the face. "Are ju okay, Dean?" It was the woman who'd been particularly enthusiastic about his cheekbones.
"I'm fine thank you, Alma." He smiled sweetly at the woman and she pinched his cheeks.

Sam couldn't believe his eyes, Dean was sucking up to the aunties for protection.
"Ángel, behave or ju don't get no cake later." She warned, waving a finger in his face and returning to the kitchen. The man looked positively mortified. He shoved past Dean and sat down, his entourage in tow. Sam went over to his brother.
"Are you allergic to making good decisions?" Dean shrugged.
"It worked didn't it?"

Tensions were running high as Maria and her six bridesmaids pulled up outside the church. She had neglected to tell Dean about her rather hostile brother Ángel and she had a horrible feeling she'd be getting married to a man with two black eyes. Her friends fussed over lifting her train so that it didn't get dirty and adjusting her veil as she stood outside the church entrance.

Her father came running from the right side of the building looking like an Italian mobster and took her arm.
"What do you think of Dean?" She asked nervously. The man adjusted his shirt and grinned, amused.
"He had an interesting meeting with your brother."
"Oh my God." She groaned. Music began drifting from the building and her cue to enter had been signalled.

The doors swung open and all eyes were on her, but hers went immediately to Dean, who thankfully didn't have any visible injuries. Refusing the temptation to run down the aisle to him, she walked in the most lady-like manner she could manage, clutching the bouquet of white flowers. When she reached the end, her father reluctantly handed her over and Dean smiled.

The ceremony went without a hitch, Dean's vows had been incredibly heart felt and there wasn't a woman in the room who wasn't dabbing her eyes. The priest asked if there was anyone who objected to the marriage and in the corner of her eye Maria could see Ángel about to stand.
"Don't even think about it, Ángel." She said loudly and the church erupted into ear-splitting laughter.

The priest had barely gotten the words 'you may kiss the bride' out of his mouth before Dean had whipped her veil back and crashed his lips against hers. A loud cheer rippled around the venue. Suddenly her feet were no longer touching the ground and she'd been swept up into Dean's arms and he was carrying her determinedly.
"It's time to eat, Mrs. Winchester-Ramirez."
"Finally." She grinned wildly at her husband and he kissed her again. She could never have dreamed such a perfect wedding if she tried.

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